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Everything posted by zmak

  1. OP has added new meaning to procrastinate ... 6 months now 😂
  2. I agree, having the latest hardware will give it a boost. However having a 8700k overclocked to 5.1 ghz on fsx se will give that a boost as well. I'm not anti P3D as I'm switching soon to 64 bit but not sure which way. However people saying they get a huge fps boost when switching with the SAME hardware doesn't really add up especially with so many struggling with stutters etc even with a 1080 I use fsx se with steves dx10 fixer which also switches over more of the load to the GPU
  3. Interesting. I googled PCLe P3D and not much there. End of the day 64 bit really only offers OOM advantage. Punters suggesting there is a huge fps bonus are dreaming a bit .
  4. Its hard to say without seeing your settings however if you keep all sliders sensible You should get a smooth experience and that's all the matters .
  5. Dads not gonna be happy when he finds you hacked into his Avsim account 😱
  6. simbrief especially now its sends the flight plan automatically to all your pre selected aircraft. No more searching for folders
  7. Yep the best combo for the money and buy far the best realism, FS force brings this stick to life
  8. You need a CPU with a "k": on the end of it or you wont be able to OC
  9. I have unanswered emails from years ago. Wouldn't go near them now
  10. If your mobo is maxed out of connections (to many drives) then external is fine. If you buy a seagate HDD (1TB) then you get the back up program for free. Very cheap I think around $60? In any case when your up and running you should be backing up regularly. I back up once every few weeks or straight after Ive bought a bunch of software
  11. If you need to reinstall again , buy a 1TB hard drive for back up only and then back up in stages as you install it all over again so that way if the last scenery causes problems you can recover back to 75% or whatever install and go again from there instead of doing the lot. A back up program compresses my 300g to 120g and takes all of 15-20 minutes. plus saved my butt countless times. best of luck!
  12. Is dynamic lighting working better because more resources due to no AS4?
  13. you dont need to. A kind poster on the xplane forums has provided links to the whole world Ortho.just click and download and have massive storage
  14. Have fsx se running like a dream with the DX10 fixer but I need 64 bit so enjoying myself building up scenery and other ad ons in x plane so when some of the issues are sorted I can switch over as the primary sim, Will still keep fsx though. If I started simming today I would go x plane and save a small fortune in add ons
  15. They can still follow the topic if they as you say "have a little interest" but most are grown men that are having a dummy spit. If it were me I would click the follow tab without making a scene. It ain't rocket science. For those that are totally not interested it's just a matter of not clogging the threads and moving on. Surely if they are flying pmdg jets they are smart enough to figure it all out.
  16. I don't understand why those who have no interest are posting on a topic they have no interest in. I could go to 10 threads a day and say I'm not interested in your scenery, plane, software etc but what's the point?
  17. Wouldn't surprise me if PMDG announced a new aircraft within a few days. I think they have toyed with emotions before. Anyhow let's wait and see how it goes with this new software. A you tube tutorial will clear up a lot of questions Zoran
  18. XP11 is a great sandbox to play in. If your creative you can build an amazing Sim completely for free but donations for the Devs appreciated of course. But why are you leaving FSX? If OOMS are not an issue then grab steves DX10 fixer and you get shadows and bloom and some nice eye candy bringing it closer to P3D visually I have both but am mesmerized with XP11, such fluid flight dynamics and ORBX have now released 2 airports so the future is looking bright...If only PMDG would commit with jets!
  19. This is really surprising. I dont own it but I guess it sends a message about the future of XP and PMDG. I really like X plane and the moment I took off in the demo I was hooked, It kind of feels like your floating and not on rails.. but I was expecting a big difference after come from 32 bit FSx SE after many years . I have quite a few hours in GA and XP feels a bit closer to the real thing but cant comment on P3D, never owned it.
  20. Amazing and free! I just downloaded the whole USA ortho project over several days. Would have cost me a fortune in FSX with Mega scenery earth
  21. Your break of 2 years is the key here. I take a break every 12 months or so and always excited to be back especially PMDG
  22. Xplane has amazing scenery for free but it does require a high level of user input so its a bit late now but either a regular back up or a second xplane being installed in vanilla version for testing is a must
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