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Everything posted by Pastaiolo

  1. Not sure i got it right. The issue for the early leave is that you cannot moderate it anymore? I am sure PMDG team can still frequent this forum, follow the rules and not upset Avsim moderators ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. That entirely depends on the fps you were getting in the same configuration, without weather, at the same time of the day, in the same place with the same aircraft, same plugins, same texture replacements, same shaders etc etc etc. If you can provide with certainty such a thing, then we can believe there was an improvement. Otherwise it is a placebo like Ben said ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Out of curiosity, what do you think is the reason they are looking for american pilots only?
  4. I think it's perfectly fine what they are doing now. They release new features for the Hornet pretty much weekely. And even in Early Access The F18 gives me all the fun i can get. It's not the missing features which will make me truly enjoy the Hornet. Is it for you? Which feature which is missing you consider it mandatory for you to have fun with it? For the F16 the best guess from them is that they hope to release it before 2019 ends.
  5. The other thing which can happen is the windows turning grey, and that's because windows have not been heated ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. "X-Plane 11.32 is available as a opt-in public beta for Laminar and Steam users. If you are seeing the sim randomly crash more frequently than before the X-Plane 11.30 series, please try this beta. NOAA dropped non-HTTPS access to weather data today, causing Real Weather to fail; this is fixed in this beta build. The NOAA issue should not affect any weather add-ons, nor will the fix. Most of the crashes weโ€™ve seen have been the GPU driver failing to get us memory. We donโ€™t know if 11.32 will help, but we have tried a change to how we work with the driver that is more like 11.26 and more conservative, that we are hoping will be more stable." x-Vision is also already compatible with it
  7. I think it's no different than Ultraweather, which still require you to select texture sets for clouds sky etc. Right now i am using x-vision for the graphical side of things, and by using the presets people created i don't have to go down the tweaking lane on each individual value.
  8. Glad you fixed it. The other thing you can do is just delete the Backup folder inside xVision, the next time you'll run the program it will do all the backups once again
  9. Yeah, i think you should give a try. Unless you are one who doesn't use any lua tweaks at all, including free weather packages as FSE or even Ultraweather (because they all modify those things in a way or the other). And since X-Vision is based on presets, you don't have to get lost in all the values because it's really easy to deactivate single effects. If you haven't already, i suggest you to read the official manual page because it has some cool before/after screenshots which can help you determine the capabilities of this addon: http://x-vision.pro/tweaks_descr.html
  10. I like it. The price is not high, so even if in the future it will stop working well, it would be okay. For now it does things nicely, and XP without it is really different. Plus this is a good way of doing it without having to get lost in luas and the tons of free packages around.
  11. Besides, now there is a Use Experimental flight model in the options, remember? So anyone with that flagged can have the flight dynamics broken by Austin, everybody else doesn't ๐Ÿ˜›
  12. It's a bug fixing release https://developer.x-plane.com/2019/01/x-plane-11-31-release-candidate-1-bug-squashing/
  13. Tomorrow at 19:00 CET there will be a live streaming. There is actually one now too (just for testing)
  14. What you talk about has nothing to do with XP weather, and i think you didn't understand what a noise generated cloud is and how it is different from 2d crispy REX clouds or any other type of cloud addon we have seen since Flight Sim 1998 i think. If you want to compare it, you need to compare it to clouds created with the same technique, which means TrueSky in FSW, clouds in Il-2 Sturmovik, Unigine, Outerra and so on. You can't compare apples with oranges. Two video examples of what i meant, the difference compared to what the Flight Sim series and XP too until now showed us is evident i think. Here you can even find a thesis someone did exacly on this things: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1223894/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  15. Are you guys getting the right livery also? Because i seem to be getting the right aircraft type, but with a generic livery on each of them.
  16. It's not supposed to do that. ADS-B coverage on the ground is very limited. This is not an ATC program, this one displays real planes in their phases of flight. Read the offical website, there are lots of explaination on it https://twinfan.gitbook.io/livetraffic/introduction/limitations
  17. Thanks for the info. I tried it too and well, it does what it says it does. The only thing i am confused about is whenever the 3d models of planes are also supposed to have the right airline skin or not. Because some did, others did not.
  18. You are right, that is the other unique feature out there. I apologize because my English terminology is limited so sometimes i might find it hard to express certain thoughts without using the usual words. However volumetric clouds for me means the noise generated approach. And that is definitely not in SkyMaxx pro, who uses 2d textures and billboards for the clouds. What do you mean with Skymaxx Pro having volumetric clouds? That clouds can appear volumetric by having layers of textures and billboards? When looking at the clouds on Skymaxx Pro and x-Enviro 1.10, what differences do you see and what do you think made them so? ps: i also think that historical weather is something they should look into. Mostly for those who like to fly in their own country but in this period of the year have really bad weather. Personally i would pick somewhere else to fly, but i can understand them wanting to do it anyway.
  19. I think this thread has a purpose, it's a discussion on an addon just like any other on this same forum. And Nils have been nice enough to post some screens too when people asked him for some ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. First, i just want to clarify i agree with all the points raised above by the other users. And we can agree here about Active Sky as well, i used in FSX and i was very satisfied with it. However the difference in the clouds must be remembered. Active Sky (and REX to this extent too) use 2d clouds with crisp textures. That's what they have always done and there is no indication of them changing idea (for now, who knows in the future). x-Enviro 1.10 uses noise generated clouds. The technique is different, and so are the clouds which are NOT 2d textures and billboards, but actual volumetric objects. This i think is the only real and important feature x-Enviro is bringing and no one else is. The only similar approach have been used on FSW with TrueSky and in the new Il2-Sturmovik series. Everybody else is using 2d textures and billboards for the weather
  21. How can it be better when it's two different kind of helicopters, Zul? ๐Ÿ˜„
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