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Everything posted by MaDDogz

  1. The discount is not on the A320 itself. Just on FS2crew for the Airbus.
  2. You could try. Setting a higher LOD radius in the config. But ultimately this a longtime problem. The slider to far right will set a LOD of 4.50000. In Fsx cfg. i changed mine to 7.50000 ( try different numbers for your system) it helped a bit but did not cure the problem completely. remember that once you change the LOD to a higher number, making any changes at all in Fsx sliders will make the LOD default back to 4.50000. how are you locking the FPS? In sim or external? does it make any difference if you run with unlimited FPS?
  3. ALT key followed by 1,2,3, ect will close the other windows and give you a larger map window...you can also click and drag the boxes to a size you want.
  4. OK, i was useing a switch on the TM Hotas throttle. I changed it to the batt switch on the switch panel, check that i was useing the correct Lvar, (Battery1Switch), i am : function A2A_Battery_on () ipc.writeLvar('Battery1Switch', 1) DspShow ("BATT", "ON", "Battery" ," on") end function A2A_Battery_off () ipc.writeLvar('Battery1Switch', 0) DspShow ("BATT", "OFF", "Battery" ," off") But when i switch the Batt off, the lights on the Saitek Switch Panel remain ON
  5. Thanks for your input. Certainly does help, mine doesn’t so I need to double check what’s going on my end. Will check tomorrow.
  6. Any outcome on this please?
  7. MaDDogz

    Aircraft ID

    Meier Motors has an impressive hangar!
  8. MaDDogz

    Aircraft ID

    Thanks for the info mallard, really hope they get it flying again!
  9. That sound like your useing different airac cycles. Yes LNM can use latest Airac. Even then I still find the odd problems as my sim nav data is not up to date...but everything else is My home in sim is Sion airport in the Swiss alps. The IGS 25 approach changed dramatically with new cycles, loosing the MOT VOR. But it’s still there and useable in the sim.
  10. You need to buy the base plate (black box) separate as I read it.😳🤔🤯 make your own out of wood and paint. Make it telescopic for height adjustment. i had the left/right problem with the warthog and yes you would struggle to use the buttons switches with right hand on throttle.(Thumb switches) but for price vs value I think it’s unbeatable, had it years and still 100% perfect. No spikes at all. Hall sensors used. Didn’t see that offered on that way overpriced joystick ? (my opinion). Had to adapt to the left hand throttle right seat for the big jets. I have a very mixed hanger so although not perfect for the big jets, it’s a very good all rounder. (I.E P51, left hand throttle)
  11. What connection is THTG? always thought it was DVID would that be a problem in itself? A lot of the new cards only have HDMI slots. Adapters are available though.
  12. Not exactly but look through these links : https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?300311-FS2004-Helicopter-hover-gauge#post_1986840 https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/17948/fsx-auto-hover-for-r22-jetranger-and-eh101/ Bottom of page: https://simviation.com/1/browse-FS+Gauges-106-7
  13. This may help: PoLabs is manufacturer of PC USB oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, signal generators, USB, Ethernet interfaces sensors servers, Mach4 USB and Ethernet interfaces. https://www.poscope.com/
  14. What version of Linda / FSUIPC are you useing? are you sure you installed the module correctly? When your sat in the cockpit, looking at Linda , is the 737NGX module activated? and ultimately, you’re connected to the sim? Seems strange your getting default actions appearing already pre mapped.
  15. To add, the gear lights work fine, as in they turn red with gear up, green with gear down, its just they stay illuminated after shutdown with the battery off.
  16. Yes is the Saitek panel
  17. Hi Andrew Yes, it all works as you explain. What i wanted to achieve is what i see on screen, when in cockpit. When i switch the master battery off, can the LED's on the switch panel also turn off? As it does in the VC master ON, Light ON, Switch panel lights ON Master OFF, Light OFF, Switch panel light ON
  18. Hi When i load the sim, and the gear handle on the switch panel is in the up position, LINDA will make the LED's flash to make the user aware - Good Stuff! So, somewhere there must be a file (?) that controls this....or rather, the LED's are able to be controlled, some way. All i'm trying to do is make them go OFF when i turn off the master battery switch ( A2A comanche 250 ) Can anyone advise how to? Many thanks
  19. Confirmed this fix my sound issue - Thanks ( i done it with everything running and didn't have to restart LINDA) Im going to record my own .wav sound files though, as short or long beep doesnt define to me whitch mode is selected...something like ''Mode 1'', ''Mode 2'' Thanks again
  20. No worries Pete 😎 had it myself. theres a thread on here if you haven’t seen it, about transferring your purchases from FSS to ‘somewhere’ as FSS is closing (?) just a heads up
  21. Hey Matt, G’Day mate where are all your other reprints gone from over the years? ozx is no longer...so many paints linked to there that are no longer available so I’m wondering if you uploaded them anywhere else?
  22. Well, going from 250 FPS to 22 and sometimes long loading times would suggest either anti virus scanning hdd, some background process going on or possibly hdd beginning to fail. have you investigated these possibilities?
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