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Everything posted by MaDDogz

  1. Looks interesting, although I have not time to test unfortunately, sorry. can you explain how this differs from FSEconomy? Thanks.
  2. 1) Have you just pulled the SSD from an old system and put it in a new system, and tried to run Fsx ? 2) or did you install the SSD to the new system, and re-install FSX? 1 wont work as registry entries will be missing. 2 is what you need to do to fix that. theres also the question of install location, keeping it out of c:\program files. and the admin thing...as regard to Fsx. Get friendly with right click run as admin, on everything, if you forget, pull out of the install and rerun with the right click method. That includes the very 1st time you run the initial installer for FSX, run it via right click run as admin. and any other installer you may use for aircraft, scenery, always install via right click run as admin. Even being admin, right click method still required.
  3. Yay! 😁 Glad your back up and running.
  4. Something similar to me happened the other day. My Ngx has 1 profile for all versions 6-900, and when selected in sim Linda will show the module name “PMDG NGX”. when I was useing the 700 WL the module name changed to PMDG 700 WL...I’ve never created that module, so I went to the aircraft files and deleted it, all well again. could this have happened to you too? you may have a module for the 200 and 300 and only the 200 module set up, hence things not doing as it should in the 300. you can copy the assignments over from the 200 to the 300 if you want a 300 module, don’t need to redo everything.
  5. I just put Fsx on win 10...month ago. you haven’t said what problems your having though? Delux installed ok no problem, but there are things you need to do to install acceleration. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?253089-quot-Product-Activation-Error-1-80004005-quot-What/page2 Hope it gets you going again, I know how it feels.
  6. Simmarket should have more respect to it’s customers......to even offer that product for sale for €15. It angers me that we are looked upon as “stupid enough “ to buy it ...when there is no doubt just as good looking models as freeware! plus it’s grounded so can’t fly anyway....😜 if you are someone that bought it, please excuse, I’m not calling you stupid, but you are fuelling this type of overpriced behaviour in the community.
  7. Fr. Bill If he was to use a Lvar tracer, and an Lvar was sent when the switch was flicked, could that not then be used to send the shift L command?
  8. you should send him the files..., with big red 'YOUR PATHETIC' down each side of the fuse, over and under the wings, and an airline callsign : DIMP1...
  9. just having a read through...as you do..not that im having these probs as i dont use ai yet...but: If you test today at the same time, nothing happens , all good, great. But if you have a bad Ai plane...that only gets used on a tuesday, you wont see a crash untill next tuesday...if you follow..(that particular airline may not fly there more than once a week...) ....just an observation from reading the thread....i have no experience with the programs.
  10. I’m running a 9700k 3.6ghz. 12 mb cach. Overclocked to 4.9 on all cores, useing Corsair H115i pro top mounted in a cooler master h500 mesh case, max temp under load is 76c.
  11. What’s your opinion of gsx L2?....I don’t know if word not aloud is a good word or a bad word lol...
  12. What directory is p3d installed in? ...not to patronise but have you checked your user account settings for full admin rights?
  13. Doesn’t work for me.... Its running in task manager but can’t access it, left click does nothing...win 10.
  14. Oh, locked behind a sign in wall....can’t even see the problems before even considering purchase...who wudda thought 🤫🤫....never mind...looks like real bad software anyway cant stand this practice, no open forum...clearly something to hide behind the non public iron curtain.
  15. MaDDogz


    No worries, just bought FSUIPC and where back! 😁
  16. MaDDogz


    Quick question..is it absolutely 100% necessary to have FSUIPC -registered payed version- to work? Currently doing the whole reinstall marathon on a new system...I have all my modules in place in Linda, it recognises my aircraft, when I press a button it shows in Linda, and what control I’ve assigned to it, but nothing happens in sim...did the previous older version require registered fsuipc also? many thanks Luke
  17. Fixed for me too, in 2019, thanks for sharing this!
  18. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555 Not sure why the newer version isn’t working but here a link for the 2010 version.
  19. I just seen that thread, lol...it’s like 18 years old and still going 😂 announcementy....lol
  20. Thanks guys. 32” it is decided. whats your opinion on other manufactures in this size range.?
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