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Everything posted by MaDDogz

  1. LNM gets the airport data from the sim.. So it’s more likely the airport itself that’s wrong than LNM.
  2. Please dont castrate me, but If i was Microsoft, and could see that add-ons can go over £100(!) for 1 plane(!) its easy to see how they would want to jump on this market. Now, those greedy developers -(i don't care how good it is, the prices are just plain greedy...end of. And bearing in mind, when we ask for a plane, we don't get it, we get what THEY took upon themselves to develop. So what if it took years,....why am i being punished for that via the price tag?)- want to moan n groan MS are trying to take food off there table because theres a possibility they'll get shut out. With that said, i still hope thats not the case...i hope 3rd parties are welcomed with open arms.....but as a business, and with the above 'moneys' in mind,...money talks.
  3. PM the email....this is a public forum, you may get spammed leaving it there.
  4. MaDDogz


    Top down F12 key.
  5. U gotta laugh at the you tubers making 20 min vids of a 1 min clip... 😄 splitting hairs that’s been split already...painful to watch.
  6. Save as IFR not VFR atc will tell you were to fly, but unlikely to be exact with your magenta line on you nav display. otherwise, save as VFR, contact tower for takeoff clearance, follow your flight plan and ATC will tell you who to contact along your way
  7. Dez, is oldprop dealing with this via email? has your other valid licensed payed for software, been reactivated yet?
  8. I bought my Saitek rudder pedals from his little shop in Brislington, still use them to this day. He was a very friendly helpful person. He showed me around a rig he had set up out back, and we discussed everything sim. Rest in peace Bob.
  9. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/555666-big-ballerman-mallorca-frankfurt-condor-767/?tab=comments#comment-4017110 SS767. QW757. P3D4.5. Not instructions but proves it can be done.
  10. Orbx are out at the moment..: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/173967-new-flight-sim-announced/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-1524692
  11. bit naughty to suspend other payed for software, don't you think?
  12. Yes very well simulated engine start...usually these things start very bad in a sim. ....welcome to Bristol, my home town! 😁
  13. Another way is to make your own .wav files recording silence, and rename them to the current sound files. Deleting them may cause CTD as the sim will call for missing files...but may not as it’s just sound files. Trial and error. or again, use an editor to adjust volume.
  14. This is the one you can select the cycle date http://onlineflightplanner.org/
  15. Sorry, ignore the above I seem to be getting mixed up with something else. just went to simbrief and there is only 2 to choose from.
  16. No, on simbrief there is a drop down menu to select what cycle you want to use by date. So you match it to the cycle date of the crj and it all matches. Then you don’t get the “not in database” error.
  17. On SimBrief you can select what Airac cycle you want to use by date. Match it to the crj. 3) I’ve never done that and I have no problems useing up to date cycles. Or older. 4) you lost me, use default act then?
  18. Would be real nice to have NATS, only thing I’m missing from LNM. i add them manually at the moment Wich isn’t too much hassle. can LNM tell me what runway to expect if I’m useing active sky?
  19. Merging aircraft is so 2010.. but 1 single google search will yield results. Even an avsim search!
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