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About CB_Pilot

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    Win10, i7-6700K, 2 x NVIDIA GTX980 Ti (SLI), FSX:SE

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  1. Yes. I've got the same addons and they run well. Just make sure they are all patched up to latest versions. I moved to FSX:SE a while ago and I find it more robust on my somewhat old system. Very rarely crashes and if it does it's usually because I've enabled too much scenery. The only adddon I haven't been able to transport from Boxed to Steam is an old C130 transporter. Rupert
  2. I had a similar problem with my dual monitor setup: crashed when I clicked anywhere on secondary monitor. The fix which worked for me was to edit the fsx.cfg file by commenting out the Display.Device lines (eg //[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 730.0]) and letting fsx rebuild these settings when next launched. Once you're happy and everything is working again then you can delete the lines which you commented out. Hope this is helpful. Rupert
  3. Hi Bob I don't use DX10 Fixer but I recall that the Max Texture Load is reset by FSX if you change any of your FSX settings via the Settings pages. Perhaps you've changed another Aircraft, Weather, Scenery setting and that's why your cfg parameters have been reset? Hope this might help. Regards Rupert
  4. I'll be brief: steam for GA and glass for jets. Rupert
  5. There is a known problem with some ORBX LC installations after a recent FTX Central update. Perhaps there's nothing wrong with your settings? Lots of threads on this and ORBX forum worth checking out. This doesn't really help find a solution for you but I hope it helps insofar as it might not be anything which you've done to your system. Best regards Rupert
  6. I had the same problem and the ORBX forum told me that these words are part of the FSX tile coding attributes. I use FTX Global and a simple reinstall was all that was needed to fix it. Logically, if you're using a third party scenery add-on then you might want to think about reinstalling. Hope this helps. Rupert
  7. Well, it's reassuring to know that I haven't messed up my own sim - I think. The new automatic regions mode didn't display the correct scenery at all. Updated (reverted) tonight to FTX2 and old libraries - scenery a mess now. There's just tiles and tiles of repeating rubbish with no sense to it at all. I guess somethings gone wrong with the new setup. I'm content to be patient and await ORBX's responses when the forum and servers are back up: I'm sure they'll throw everything they have at resolving this for us. To be fair, its the first time ever for me that ORBX updates haven't gone well so I'm prepared to give them some time to sort it out for us. Here's hoping it wont be too long! Regards Rupert
  8. Hello Lee Ref post #29 - would you be able to provide more information on the disabled files please? I cant find the right thread on the FTX forum. Thanks Rupert
  9. GA Airfields are definitely worth having. They are of excellent quality and just increase the immersion level. If you do a lot of GA flying then you'll love them. Rupert
  10. selective quote

  11. Post #3 rightly suggested Edinburgh for its great location. Of course, just to the west is Glasgow too. Both UK2000 versions are just magnificent. If you want to do a bit of short haul or even GA flying then either Edinburgh or Glasgow will do just fine. Both take scheduled Q400 flights so you can be simming realistically. Whatever you buy - you won't be disappointed. UK2000 airports are superb and the customer service is top class. I also like Playsims Ultimate Alicante - nice part of Spain's Costa Blanca and you can fly almost anywhere from there, Rupert
  12. All is well - manually added scenery (eventually) and it is MAGNIFICENT. Seriously, if you have never flown Night Environment then I strongly suggest that you try it out. I don't think I've ever been so impressed with a scenery add-on before now. Night flying is now an absolute joy. Rupert
  13. May I ask for some help and guidance please with my newly purchased Night Environment British Isles v1.71 for FSX:SE? I installed NE, setup the default preset in Configuration Manager v1.2, launched FSX:SE and I'm not at all sure that I see NE effects appearing. I also run ORBX FTX Global, Vector, Land Class and the ORBX scenery packs for Scotland, Wales, etc. I've read some forum contributions which talk about NE insertion points in the scenery files but I can't see any entry for NE in my scenery files in either the FSX:SE configuration screen or in FTX Central 2 Tools. Is anyone able to advise what I'm doing wrong please? Or have I completely misunderstood how to set up NE? For information - the BGL files are all in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\aerosoft\Night Environment - British-Isles\Scenery but when I try to add the scenery manually in FSX:SE it tells me that no items match my search - and that's after following an AVSIM video on how to add manual scenery entries. Thanks in anticipation, Rupert
  14. Charles I moved to FSX:SE on Win7 and then upgraded to Win10. I've had no problems whatsoever and I am pleased with FSX:SE. I can vouch for QW146 Avro and RealAir Legacy V1 - both working without a hitch on FSX:SE / Win10 and no mods required to get them going. As with Post #5 - ORBX all seamless without any problem. I cant think why you wouldn't go to FSX:SE - I asked the same question of this forum a year ago and now wonder why I was even worried! Its been a good experience for me. Good luck with whatever you decide. Rupert
  15. Terry I know the message! I run a dual monitor setup: one for FSX:SE flight window and one for any undocked window which I want - ATC, GPS, MFD, PFD, etc. I got the same error message frequently until I noticed that my "Settings - Display" device specific options were set differently for "Filtering". When I configured both devices to have the same filtering settings I never got another crash. Hope that might help you resolve this or to investigate a bit more. Rupert
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