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About mikeklimek

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  1. Strange question here, but does anyone know if AI traffic navigation lights, beacon lights, etc., are cpu "intensive" or controlled? The reason I ask is that when using FSHud, I notice several of the AI planes are not displaying those. Whereas other traffic solutions don't have that issue (for me). If the AI traffic lights are cpu bound, and FSHud is cpu heavy, then that might explain it, i.e., FSHud is using enough cpu that there isn't headroom left over for all AI traffic lights. Minor issue, I know, just curious is all.
  2. As long as the user disables the FSLTL separation control when using AI Flow and AI Ground, there are no ill effects, at least none that I've encountered. What I like about AI Flow and AI Ground is that one can designate arrival and departing runways for the airports, so if the game's ATC is controlling the AI planes, it'll instruct them to use the runways you've specified.
  3. This. If using FSLTL, using AI-Ground and AI-Flow are a must.
  4. Just a quick note of thanks for mentioning this---not as a slam of FSHUD, but rather the assurance that it's not unique to my system/configuration. Saved me some potential troubleshooting.
  5. I pretty much abandoned PSXT when RT started having its data problems several months ago. After Baltahasar's email I decided to try a one month standard license just to check it out again. FWIW, my home airport is KBNA, and now it appears to be back to the way it was prior to the RT issues. So, a good sign for me anyway---I'll continue to test.
  6. I really want to use and like this application, but I can't right now for the following reasons: 1) I like to have a realistic amount of traffic and when tweaking the settings for this, the fps takes a hit. 2) When FSHud injects FSLTL traffic, roughly only 1 in 5 ai planes have working nav/strobe lights. When using FSLTL by itself, there are no issues with ai nav/strobe lights. For me the latter is significant enough because while I enjoy being sequenced relative to other traffic, the immersion is broken if I can't see them while in flight. I'm guessing the latter is specific to my system as I haven't seen anyone else with this issue. Be that as it may, I'll continue to follow the development. It's a great time to be in this hobby with all the different atc options coming out.
  7. Long-time P2ATC user here, been testing FSHUD, and now BATC. FSHUD is decent, but for some reason when it injects the traffic, it's disabling most of the AI traffic's strobes and nav lights on my system (not sure what that's all about). Checking out BATC, I like it! So far no major issues and very smooth (as another said, gate to gate). Certainly no more or less "on rails" than P2ATC. Right now P2ATC has that extra touch of warning the user of nearby traffic, but I can see BATC catching up to that, especially once it starts injecting its own traffic. BATC, of course, has the awesome voices and UI. Even the basic voices sound great to me and I like having the option of using (or not using) premium voices. I think I'll stick with this and see how it goes.
  8. Noticed a bit of a quirk testing in the past few days. Seems that when injecting traffic using FSLTL, only about 1 in 10 aircraft are actually flashing their beacon lights, nav lights, etc. If I start up FSLTL without FSHud, all the aircraft are flashing their lights normally. Strange, as I'm not sure why that would make a difference.
  9. I been trying FSHud out the past few days with the latest betas and I've got to say, it's pretty impressive (I'm a long-time P2ATC user), what with it controlling AI traffic.
  10. Is there value in downloading the newest version if no interest in the GPU load feature?
  11. I downloaded and installed FSHud beta today, but thought I'd first test this concept with GA aircraft that had flightplans to see if it might recognize and control GA aircraft. To do this, I installed Corsten's GA Mod found here with his instructions: https://flightsim.to/file/51413/gamod-offline-version Once I fired MSFS up, I then set the sim traffic to "off", and when firing up FSHud I then checked the 'bgl' box only, just to test the GA traffic (the mod above disables the default traffic.bgl file and replaces it with its own files that contains only GA aircraft/plans). It takes a few minutes to load, but soon the sky had roughly a dozen or so GA traffic that also appeared in the FSHud app's 'Flight Timetable' section. Since those aircraft appeared in that section, that leads me to believe the app recognizes and controls them as well--hence, one can have GA traffic controlled by FSHud in addition to the user's airline traffic (which, in my case, I then added by also checking the 'FSLTL' box). Ultimately I won't know for sure until I'm actually flying (or taxiing and the ATC actually has me hold short for a GA aircraft--or they hold short for me---for example), but it might be worth checking out. I could be totally wrong, but it looks plausible to me so far since the app "sees" these planes and their flight plans.
  12. I've noticed the same, will try 20 as well.
  13. Does FS Hud inject and control GA traffic, using AIG files for example?
  14. Can't see the value in purchasing this until it's fully baked. Once it controls other traffic in addition to myself, then I'm very interested in trying it out.
  15. I've been on latest beta for awhile now, and when doing a flight from KDCA to KTEB yesterday, received the message from ATC that they "couldn't provide vectors at this time" when nearing the approach phase,. This was the first time I encountered this. I'll monitor going forward, but has anyone else experienced the same?
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