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Everything posted by fnav77

  1. In Amsterdam, I believe it is an automatic hand off, you contact departure passing 2000 feet. Tower won't hand you off, it is part of the SID instructions and ATC assumes you change frequency yourself. A few other places worldwide are using this same principle. At some airports, tower will instruct you to contact departure as part of the take off clearance. Finally, in most places, tower will clear you for takeoff and at an appropriate time once you are airborne, will instruct you to contact departure. So, as you can see, there are 3 possible scenarios.
  2. Claustrophobic, it can be....Also, as you can see on the photo with the two ladies, you can't really sit comfortably in the bunk, and to walk up and down the central aisle, you kind of need to duck. When you sleep, it is fine, otherwise, I would rather sit in a premium seat in the cabin. Pilots are not always at the front....
  3. Alpha Floor and MaVe, thank you very much guys, I appreciate it. See you soon for a new video and maybe for a stream.
  4. Thanks for these, it feels familiar, ha ha...!
  5. Welcome back mantan, I was a little bit in the same boat, away from Flight Simulator for a few years due to work and other life events. Enjoying it again now...
  6. Hello, Here is the latest FSX video addition to the channel.... A short 777 landing tutorial. Enjoy!
  7. As far as I know, it is normal, they decided to split it in two parts. I have two parts too.
  8. fnav77

    NAT track priority

    The track "slot" time (there is actually no such thing) is based on the flight plan, but it is a very dynamic thing and things do change... you are certainly not given priority because you are on a NAT route. Once you are on the way, within a certain time frame, you ask for your oceanic clearance and they try to slot you in as requested in the flight plan generally.
  9. I am sure you can set views and assign them to keyboard or joystick buttons, but I don't think there would be a transition between the views. You would just see the views one after the other, with no transition. I guess that is why there are software like ezdok.... I stand to be corrected.
  10. It is strange because at top of descent, if the MCP altitude is reset to a lower altitude, then the aircraft should start descending. If you get a caution with the speedbrakes, it means your speedbrakes are extended with a significant amount of thrust on (about 55%).
  11. Thanks, it helped me getting rid of the constant ATIS message.
  12. I installed 365.19 and it works OK for me. Not really an improvement, but no problems so far....
  13. Ah, the joys of theoretical exams.... one thing to remember: RTFQ
  14. I was going to update to 365.10, now 365.19 has been released. Any thoughts/feedback? Thanks
  15. You change squawk code sometimes when entering a new area where the ATC system is different and there is no link with the previous sector. Sometimes, also, there can be a duplicate code.... Changing squawk code is a quite frequent occurence.
  16. Hello, Please have a look at the latest video. Enjoy!
  17. Hey guys, If you have a certain quantity of fuel in the centre tank, then the centre tank pumps definitely need to be on on the ground before take off. On the 777 for example, if you have more than about 4800 kgs, then the centre tank pumps need to be on. If you don't turn them on, you will get an EICAS message "fuel in center". Same thing for the 737NG. If you have more than about 800 kgs, then you will get a "config" alert message on the tanks display. Fuel in the centre tank needs to go first, above all when you have a large quantity of it. If you only have a little bit of fuel in the centre tanks, then the pumps stay off until 10000 feet on the NG or whenever the "fuel in center" eicas message appears on the 777, for example. I "assume" the same principle applies to a lot of other transport aircraft.
  18. Hello, I have not had the opportunity to post my latest videos, so here we are with a little delay.... Enjoy! <youtube> <youtube>
  19. ATC would give you an intercept heading to "intercept" the localiser, you don't intercept the localiser on your own. With that final turn, usually comes the ILS approach clearance. A good intercept is 30 degrees, so if the runway track is 360, then ATC would give you a heading of 330 or 030 (depending on where you are, of course). When given clearance to intercept the localiser, you then arm the autopilot LOC mode....
  20. Yes, most of the time, you should try to get on airways.
  21. Boeing is a plane, Airbus a flying machine.....ha ha.... I am out.
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