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About OneWhoKnocks53

  • Birthday 12/29/1979

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    Scranton, PA

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    Airplane mechanic, Private pilot w/instrument rating.
    Trance Addict

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  1. Wow, another FreemeshX update! Just finished downloading the LOD12 USA beta. Thanks again for all the hard work!
  2. That's great news, thanks for the info!
  3. That's awesome, I could never get my "elders" to try gaming either, glad to see there are those that will try and have a little fun!
  4. The Falcon 50 does have older systems, however the 50EX had a Proline4 cockpit with 2 FMS's, optional third. In fact it was almost a dead ringer for a Falcon 2000 classic cockpit, with an extra engine. And it was in production up until 2006-2007 I believe. That's the one I'd want to see in P3D3!
  5. That's a great list. The ES CX is an incredible plane that I just rediscovered, dated but ageing well! On my rig the Flysimware Lear 35A fps is good (6700k 4.6, gtx1080, 32gb 3200 ddr4).
  6. I hope someone can clear this up, I still have an installer for na AI traffic, just wondering if it's been completely removed for good or not.
  7. Wow, I owned the V.1 of this years ago. Great to see it still holds its own in the systems and flight dynamic areas. Maybe I need to revisit!
  8. Good deal, how are you liking the B200? Sorry if it's off topic, but is it frame heavy for you?
  9. Correct, if I was upgrading I wouldn't have bothered, but it is a new build, zero compromise system.
  10. Vector is really good, and has an elevation correction tool that is extremely valuable. The NA OpenLC product requires vector as well. (totally amazing landclass product!). It does come with a large VAS hit relatively speaking too, so adjust settings accordingly to suit your system.
  11. Agreed, this is my combo and I couldn't be happier. I was able to achieve 4.6 easy on the 6700k, and there is a planned upgrade to the 7700k when available. The 1080gtx has provided a small gain over the 980ti in p3d, and a moderate gain in xp.
  12. When the p3d version comes out I'm trying 4k anyway. I can't go back to 1080.
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