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Everything posted by Raven9000

  1. Yeah, I don-t know why they keep "glitching" when mentioning versions, this makes it confusing for users... Even in the account/download page it says "1.2"... But I did see this: By Mathijs Kok in New Releases and Updates, Yesterday at 06:34 AM A new version of the Twin Otter has been uploaded. The only change is that it should now work 'out of the box' with P3d V3.x HISTORY 1.00
  2. Did you actually go see in their forums?? Thanks for the news OP!!
  3. Thanks for enlightening me on how to add a constructive post (or at least on how to get you post count up I guess..).
  4. Hehehe ok! Just the hosts file thing sounded suspicious because if what Kyle mentioned
  5. I didn't put any words in your mouth but your own. I guess you just go by what you hear and not your personal experience. Sorry I don't have anything else to add that's as constructive as your shrimp comment or as relevant to the OT as uk2000... To the OP, if you alrrady have them both, just try each out and comoare, any reason why you don't?
  6. Thanks! Need to wait until friday to buy more stuff, so that date works for me Whoah!! It's even less here! couple it with the 10% disocunt and coupon, nad it's just $43 for the Pro! I think I might have to get it today then....
  7. Sorry, but that's YOUR experience... I have had nothing but great support even to the point of them giving me a free aircraft when there were lroblems making a purchase on their website, and when the third party store I got one of their products from was not updating the product... Edit: also jumbo and shrimp *don't* go together? What is wrong with you?
  8. Funny how he stresses "original"...
  9. Also at fspilotshop, thouh I orefer PC aviator for their coupons and extra tuesday discounts...
  10. This has been posted already about 12 days ago... five or six threads from the top
  11. Not really sure what you're asking. There is no version "4". (Maybe I'm confused because you keep switching between single numbers and full numbers). I think they all have VAS issues if you overload them and din't if you keep it clean.
  12. Is that accurate? I know they have their AES product, but doesn't that work "free" on their own airports?
  13. Well being I don't see this developer's product being sold anywhere except their own website, I would say never?
  14. Aren't jetways supposed to work on any aiport if you have gsx?
  15. Maybe because it only happens in this very reduced user base app? Or does it happen on the latest games, etc, too?
  16. Besides the techincal details of that type of attack, I guess you're unfamiliar that most modern malware will not try to get into your PC but rather connect FROM your PC outwards, so NAT will do absolutely nothing (besides the fact that NAT is by no means a security feature whatsoever...) Wow, don't even know where to begin on this one... but in a very generic/broad explanation, there are SO many attacks and malware that an antivirus is completely oblivious to, not having a firewall is leaving your door wide open to them all...
  17. Yes, it is, and it's TERRIBLE advice... Best to do is like he mentioned set your sim path in the exclusions, since you know those are ok, and you're set to go...
  18. Sorry, you are wrong. You will not get anything: Q4 Why do I need to transfer my Orbx licenses from my FSS account? A4 You don’t have to, it’s completely up to you. However, all customers wanting to purchase new Orbx addons, and download updates for existing Orbx addons previously purchased from FSS will need to transfer their Orbx licenses from their FSS accounts to OrbxDirect.
  19. Thanks for the pointer, I really appreciate it but I'd rather not get into having to do anything "weird" to get it to work and have the product properly supported by the developer. Wish I would have gotten My Traffic 6 at release... it hasn't been on sale ever again
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