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Everything posted by irrics

  1. I wonder how often updates will be a thing. The Seattle viaduct situation comes to mind. That fixed in latest content we’ve seen?
  2. We could make wine with the amount of sour grapes tears cried for third party developers. This is a business. End of story. Those that adapt and get with the current environment will thrive as many many customers, new and old, will be there to support that.
  3. It will come, worry not. It is a must have for many of us (not all) (Btw: If you don’t care about/for VR, please feel free to just close this page and move on)
  4. Absolutely YES please! These graphics are just begging for low altitude scenery exploration by chopper
  5. I think PC will release in June/July of 2020 and the XB version along with new XB hardware around a year from now.
  6. More like XP16 based on how they tend to make progress.
  7. "Looks Great but.." (narrator): There is no but
  8. No need for it to replace P3D for you. You can continue to enjoy that. Cheers
  9. Not impressed. I'm sticking with FSX ’nuff said (joke of the week)
  10. Yeah. VR just ruins the 2D experience for me. It literally makes me want to be in VR or nothing for flight simulation
  11. I think we can infer that some developers likely think MSFS is going to totally take over and be the vast majority of their sales, to the point that some may see fit to go exclusively all in on MSFS.
  12. The flight is not over until you’re parked! ...It’s also over if you crash adjacent to the runway after touchdown due to the horrific ground handling model lol
  13. Well we know it wasn’t the ground handling model
  14. I appreciate what they do but I mostly agree with your sentiment here. So often over the years I would look at all the screenshots and videos and be in awe, and then I would buy the add on and install it and it just never quite looked as good as it did in their shots for some reason.
  15. Totally agree...nothing makes you move quite like someone else kicking your behind..
  16. Who knows. I’m not worried about that far out. I’m excited about the near future and what’s being developed and shown right before our eyes! Super exciting times right now. This has been the unexpected treat of the year!
  17. Wouldn't these hypothetical developers already be on those other platforms right now? Those other FS platforms aren't likely to thrive even more in the wake of this MSFS news and ultimate release to market (in fact, just holding serve may be a challenge on its own) Sure - diversify if one cares to, but diversifying across platforms with very little in the way of sales is ultimately a dilution on your time and resources that may not even pay for itself, let alone be a money maker.
  18. I may have to notify family and friends that they "won't hear from me for a while" whenever this finally releases..
  19. This will be the first of many.. The big dog is BACK with what looks to be the coup de grâce of Flight Sims and the smart money will get onboard, whole hog, as soon as possible.
  20. My money is on “better”. Let’s not forget that Asobo was at least in part chosen by MS here because of their phenomenal proprietary engine
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