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Everything posted by flieger28

  1. @Maxis I do it the same way with a slight difference. I also import the Flightplan in the worldmap . Because of that, when i enter the plane the flightplan is allready there. To avoid problems with the Simbrief import, i put a random Destination into the MCDU. This way the plan in the MCDU gets cleared exept for departure and arrival. After that done i do it like you described. This way has the Advantage that you also get the clearence to your cruise lvl from atc. Also the TOD allways is spot on. Works quite well. Also you have to modify the flight number on the Init page. I put in only numbers, no letters. So if m flight number is EZY1234, i put only 1234.this way i don't have double csllsigns with ATC.
  2. For me it is the same. It looks good but it's not an alternative because of the massive frame drop
  3. I looks good,but vjoy sits rather deep in the system and there is the possibility that u installing vjoy can cause problems
  4. Is there a specific day of the week when it is changed. Because then i would be able to change the task accordingly. Right now i start seasons every time i log on with my user. But if it's changed only once per week, that isn't necessary.
  5. It was stated many times that you have to leave the beta channel before 13th I think. Otherwise you are forced to leave the beta. And if you don't pay attention or have installed the sim in the default path, you end up with problems
  6. I pit the frequencys for the Star into the page before i Take Off. Because you have 2 vor 2 adf +ils you can also put the STAR in. But it maybe change later so it would be of course clever to wait Or did you mean what to put in?
  7. @captain420 did you read the throttle setup guide from FBW?
  8. Simple Traffic are liverys. Not only ground So with simple Traffic and Live Real Time enabeled it's the same like AIG and works Only difference is that AIG has own Models, where Simple Traffic uses the Stock ones
  9. I have a curved freesync Monitor. The gsync frequency range is 48-165 So whats the best setting to have 30 fps. Right now i have vsync in MSFS set to 30. And also limited the framerate in NCP to 30
  10. I habe a razer nari Headset which uses thx spatial audio. MSFS now Supports this. If i use it the sound is amazing. Bit there ia a downside. When using spatial Audio, the ATC Audio is on such a low level, that it isn't understandable at all. Maybe one of you have the same Headset and was able to solve the problem
  11. https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/autopilot-fbw/ There is a list af Events used also the custom Events If you search in the documentation for bravo, you get a perfect description how to set up Thrust and reverse
  12. You also have to do a specific setting for reverse to work https://docs.flybywiresim.com/fbw-a32nx/feature-guides/flyPad/throttle-calibration/
  13. My plan was to fly towards canada or the USA. But Navigraph and Simbrief had some kind of server problem the time i tried to make my departue, i changed plans and did some pattern work at Keflavik. The last of the 3 worked in fact without AP and ATHR 😉 The Patterns Worked quite well without help of the AP and ATHR
  14. The FBW Airbus has the ability to sync the MCDU Flightplan to MSFS, so even you choose only a departure, you can get a IFR clearance. This works well, at least on my side. Only downside is that you only get the initial climb altitude, and no further instructions to climb. So you have to ask ATC. The other way is to export the simbrief Flightplan to MSFS and import it in the Worldmap. This way you also get instructions to climb to your cruise altitude. I wonder if you can have sync on and also put the Flighplan in the worldmap. And what happens when i change the STAR in the MCDU. Will ATC notice and act accordingly. Because i noticed when all is set up right, the ingame atc is not that bad at all. It also pay attention to alt and speed constraints. Anyone who tried sync on and import Flightplan in Worldmap and afterwards changed STAR or Approach? Regards
  15. For me REX is a step back. The great plus of MSFS Live weather (when it is working) is, that it is dynamic. REX instead is more or less static and have the active sky like transitions, and for me at least, that kills the immersion. For the last 2 weeks for me Live Weather (Europe) was spot on. When i look at the Winds in the Simbrief Flightplan, than the actual data in the sim matches most of the time. The only part where Rex is superior in my point of view is in the rendering of the clouds. In MSFS it seems 70% of the Time cumulus. For the last 2 weeks the Live Weather of MSFS only didn't work during the outage during new year. Other then that it was okay for me. I could see a front with rain which was shown in Volanta 1:1 in the sim.
  16. I recently discovered that, if you create a flight plan in littlenavmap and import it in MSFS there is a problem if you change location on the airport. If you change from runway to gate, the complete route is lost. Only way to do this, for example to start could and dark, is to change the starting point via the drop down in the world map. By doing so, the route does not get deleted. isn‘t the pln format supposed to support the starting location? Even when I choose a gate as location, in msfs every flight starts on the active runway. but I guess that is an MSFS bug.
  17. I Guess with an app like spacedesk (free) or Duett Display it should work. I have the G1000 PFD on my iPad and it works just fine
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