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Everything posted by hanhamreds

  1. It’s not Bristol, it’s Brizzle - just saying👍 edit: that’s my contribution 🤝
  2. Yep content manager. This is an old post. I’m now running the update with no issues.
  3. I so wish in years to come, when the SIM has matured a bit - you will be able to model a ship, pop it in the water and particle effects take care of wakes etc. No need to create artificial effects like this. LODs, this needs looking at with regards to sea traffic. Leaving EGGD yesterday and flying towards the river Severn just north of Clevedon I could not see any boats/ships in the water - until I was right on top of a sail boat which appeared out of nowhere - that’s not realistic all.
  4. It got pushed back because Mr Cruise is busy looking for his stolen BMW - impossible mission surely.
  5. Don’t really care about the DLC, but don’t like seeing movies cancelled - the xmas lineup was looking great. I see mission impossible has been put back as well. hope Disney don’t follow
  6. So I’ve just tried a 12min flight using the new drivers 471.96 @1440p 120 render scale and didn’t notice any issues. has anyone tested using this latest driver?
  7. Ok so I’ve just done a test flight and can confirm the stutters when panning - pretty bad really and not acceptable. I also noticed a major stutter when taking off from RW09. I’m running at a locked 48fps (vsync 20 in game) @1440p - I can hold this no problem unless I pan. Talking of 09, so far I’ve taken off from that runway every time using real world weather and time, with UK2000 it was almost always 27 - coincidence?
  8. Regarding premium aircraft, I couldn’t give a toss how much each aircraft works out, and frankly that’s irrelevant anyway. The fact is any product included in the SIM should work to a basic level - that includes the ability to fly straight and level, steer on the ground and have a good standard of functionality. Premium deluxe it’s called
  9. Excellent, maybe they have fixed the render scaling issue
  10. Correction you are right, 30 is a half, 72fps in my case 👍
  11. Strange, the 60 doesn’t mean 60fps though (unless you happen to have a 60hz monitor). 60 means up to full refresh rate of your screen - so in my case 144. 30 = 66% or two thirds 20= 33% or a third I have mine locked at 20, so 48fps. you haven’t made any changed in Nvidia control panel have you?
  12. Please please please can you include me🙏🏻 I want to help and provide feedback👍
  13. Pasties - you are about 150miles out there fella, maybe some empty cans of Thatcher's gold laying around though🙂
  14. Not for me, waiting until the sim supports heli’s before I part with my hard earned cash👍
  15. I’ve just edited my reply - regarding passengers boarding
  16. Texture quality is much better than UK2000 and it’s cheaper. Mendip transmitter is also modelled They have done a good job with internal modelling - although there are areas which haven’t been done - instead you have a wall sectioning off areas of the terminal. But this isn’t an issue for me, it’s all about the exterior imo. The only other thing (and I’m being picky) there is less South parking than uk2000. so I’ve double dipped - but it’s my home airport. edit : I would liked to have seen more life outside one of the gates - perhaps a line of passengers boarding and some bags going in the hold.
  17. Not bought Split yet, but seeing it advertised made me fly around there earlier, nice landscape and today there was some amazing thunderstorms in the area. would love to see this part of the world in PG 👌
  18. Making CTD issues a selling point - dear oh dear 😂
  19. I didn’t notice any stutters - apart from when panning. I’ll give it another test tomorrow and report back.
  20. Ok so I didn’t mention this yesterday as I assumed it was my system. I left the Sim running whilst parked at a gate in drone mode, when I came back I pressed one button and it froze on me. regarding frames, I would say it’s slightly better than UK2000 for me.
  21. I’m having stutters when panning but no popping, tbh I just assumed it’s the SIM, but I will delete my cache tomorrow and try again - I did like yourself have UK2000 installed before hand.
  22. Ok I've bought, installed and had a quick look before I head out for a ride over the Mendip hills - it looks proper Gert lush like 👌
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