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Everything posted by hanhamreds

  1. 2nd vote for P Gatcomb. He's very clear and concise in his teaching imo
  2. Not a massive difference - you could argue either is right and either is wrong.
  3. We can have fun guessing what they might produce for each region now 🤔
  4. 120 does make the cockpit look that little bit better imo. Instruments look crisp and it takes away some of the jaggies seen around the cockpit surround.
  5. Yes same as the other thread posted above. latest driver, render scale above 100 and using TAA will reproduce this on a 3090 and it seems at least 3080. Not sure if 3070s are affected too.
  6. I’ve read the MSFS forum thread - Early indications are pointing to a driver issue
  7. That’s exactly it - well thank the gods it’s not a VRAM issue, that was my first concern. cheers mate👍
  8. Before I start playing with config files etc has anyone experienced this. running 1440p ultra custom (one change no motion blur). If I change my render scale to anything above 100 I get the following issue. when panning left or right large pixelated squares break up the image, on a 32” monitor they are about 5mm square and are mostly over the top third of the image. I’m in the very early stages of faulting this, but thought I’d ask in case someone has experienced this which would then hopefully save me some time. ive used render scaling before with no issues. Temps are fine and I can limit FPS down to vsync 20 (48fps in my case) and I STILL get the issue. Scaling down to 95% also seems fine. thoughts team?
  9. you don't need a G-Sync monitor , Freesync is all you need. still if you want to know more there's plenty of articles out there, Hardware unboxed do some great stuff on Monitors
  10. I'm experimenting with locking frames for two reasons 1 - Temps, my PC is in the conservatory, so ambient temps can be high. 2 - Frame times, it seems to me that locking at in-game vsync 20 (1/3 frames, so 48fps on my 144hz screen) yields a more stable experience. sure at high altitudes 100+ fps is great, but its only going to come down when I fly into big hubs.
  11. [OFFICIAL] Community Fly-in Event: Flight to Asobo Studio - Community / Community Events - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  12. I’ve never noticed any pop-in with London City Pack
  13. Happy birthday indeed - here’s to the future 🍺
  14. Bought too and now looking to add upon Milford sound. I see NZA have some freeware products NZMK, NZRO and NZNR plus some liveries which on the face of it look great, so I’ll check those out before deciding on NZNS Nelson, which I can see is about £2.50 cheaper from NZA than Orbx central. edit and NZWS
  15. I’m interest in exploring NZ more now, so honest opinions, is orbx NZ mesh really worth the money?
  16. It's also worth noting that a consistent FPS rather than variable FPS is preferable in MSFS - and yes I've changed my tune somewhat on this. Need to keep those frame times in check 👍 which is why I'm tending to select vsync 20 atm.
  17. I use the in game vsync for this reason, although I'm still experimenting since I upgraded my CPU I tend to favour vsync 20 atm. This syncs the game at a 1/3 of my monitors refresh rate - and 48hz/fps happens to be the minimum (VRR) my screen will allow for freesync. This gives me a stable FPS for 90% of the time and keeps my GPU temps down - motion is smooth with no obvious difference when comparing to 60fps. Occasionally I will however run at vsync 30 (72fps) or vsync 60 - 144fps so essentially freesync - depending on where I'm flying.
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