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Everything posted by hanhamreds

  1. I bought London landmarks when it came out, it alright and didn’t cost that much. I haven’t purchased a landmark pack since, IMO these come under the let’s make a quick buck products, and I’d rather save my money for Aircraft and the odd airport. imo the default scenery is good enough for most places. however - if it’s free then I’d take a look👍😉
  2. would like to see more reviews first, the one I saw last week pointed out poor textures on the landscape.
  3. I will add though I'm still a fan of Gary's work, and I hope it can improve both in quality and price - competition is good
  4. I have both versions and I live in Bristol - Pilot Plus is easily better - although they haven't modelled my £6.99 bacon sandwich from last Weds - so a point off there.
  5. Missed the first hr - has traffic been mentioned?
  6. Two links is better than one I say 👊😀
  7. Regarding being CPU but not seeing your CPU usage rise - that's essentially right as you are seeing a score for the overall CPU overhead - and not the single thread which will be pegged at 100% and limiting frames. With regards to fps, yours seem about right imo, one thing you could do is limit FPS to minimise frame time spikes - MSFS does suffer from this somewhat
  8. Imo AI traffic is run on legacy code, and the recent updates have broken it - I doubt Asobo are that interested in a fix, as I suspect the ultimate plan is a complete overhaul. whenever that might be.
  9. by and large I find the rendering to be excellent. However it could be improved - and will be as I understand it. the shimmering will hopefully be one of the things which DX12 can sort out. The other thing I don't like is how the clouds form and dissolve - mostly dissolve - imo its too fast.
  10. there is little traffic when compared to reality, I only ever see 2 or 3 regular flights for EGGD, and having just come through there in RL (6am flight) I can confirm that almost every flight on the arrival and departure boards has NEVER been in MSFS. And that is pretty poor when almost the entire days movements can been shown on two boards due to the Covid situation - imagine if we were at normal levels.
  11. Looks fab👍👌 https://pilotplus.io/announcing-biggin-hill-airport/
  12. Thread has turned a bit into AMD bashing. regarding the code - maybe some serious rubber ducking is needed 😉 MS - please buy Asobo some ducks👍
  13. Kaiii3, with regards to the SU changes which keep derailing your product - can you see anything with those changes which would indicate that Asobo are working on something themselves?
  14. Slow taxiing, poor animation for take offs and landings, from day 1 it just screamed ported FSX code to me. I’m hoping they did this just for a stopgap, and they are secretly working on a complete overhaul of the traffic engine. if that is the case it has to happen within the next 12months imo - anything less will be very disappointing frankly when world updates etc are being pumped out on a regular basis. Traffic is a core element that should be given priority surely,
  15. 😂 not going to get into a stupid argument here, the facts are there though. They never intended to implement VR when the Seattle event was broadcast - and the SIM was clearly not ready for it anyway. things have changed since and personally I would like to see how VR performs now. regarding assumptions - you seem to be making all of them.
  16. Yes same here, very happy with how the SIM performs, render scaling issue appears fixed, no CTD and I tentatively have started to reintroduced selected liveries - a common cause of CTD.
  17. had a very small (in terms of KB) update when loading, it wasn't this though - Steam edition
  18. this is puzzling as the render scale issues is more widespread than this - it happens during the day also for one thing.
  19. Looks very promising, the 3D printed controls are a brilliant idea too👍
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