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Everything posted by hanhamreds

  1. Sounds like that link is broken, when you deselect in the tool is the link disappearing in your community folder? try copying the gtn750 mod to another folder, then delete the old link in the tool and you should be able to link the new location.
  2. Loving this FPS thread, it’s a long time since we had one 😀 if your system can handle it and frame times do not suffer then more than 30fps will look and feel better - up to a point. I’m running vsync 20 most of the time, and 48fps looks great - occasionally though I’ll change to 72 or vsync 60, just depends on the flight, how I feel etc
  3. Vsync 30 in game is not 30hz,it’s half refresh rate - so 60fps on your C1.
  4. Dear oh dear, another add on praying on a developing SIM. save your money for something else, give Asobo time to improve areas like roads, trees, sunken boats lawn height in posh neighbourhoods etc
  5. 21 available so far, 3 are free on flightsim.to, 18 for paid up members - 24 euros.
  6. Just checked it out as a paid up member, 24 euros for 18 airports - you can’t beat that👍
  7. In the future RT Shadows low to ultra RT reflections low to ultra DLSS and fidelityFX particle effects low to ultra VRAM allocation size like COD - not 100% sure on this though ultra ultra mode Vegetation low to ultra, adjusts tree and foliage variance gamma saturation more adjustability and user friendly rewording for vsync in game. film grain, sepia and b&w modes for those classic flights
  8. Looks promising, I’ll wait though until the Photogrammetry issue is sorted 👍
  9. I have the steam edition and start using a shortcut or through the steam client - I don’t get the safe mode prompt unless recovering from a crash. so using a SC has absolutely nothing to do with safe mode appearing. To the OP, for furture reference you can create SC’s within the steam client interface 👍
  10. no Asobo have absolutely done the right thing here and given the EU a choice of which action to take, the fact it doesn't time out is a none issue imo.
  11. Certain areas can cause issues for people, for example I cannot spawn in the air south of Miami, the progress bar stalls about halfway when loading the flight. Very strange
  12. Sure is, the old engine was never ready for VR. Unfortunately Asobo got bullied into implementing it by the vocal few, and they in turn got their fingers burnt - ha! Let me know what frames you now get in VR before I waste my money 😂
  13. Skipping to end of thread. I have steam version I didn’t bother disabling the several 100GBs of Add one I have, as frankly I firmly believe this is folly so long as you have no duplicates. Example a third party airport and a WU contains a handcrafted same airport - I would disable the add on using linker tool. delete and renew rolling cache - this does seem to resolve many problems. Regarding steam version, step 2 should be within the Steam client imo - I don’t understand why step 1 and 2 is separated like this. I can understand why the world update is in the Marketplace though.
  14. It’s installed fella don’t you worry👍
  15. Disappointed to hear of the delays, but health and family are more important - Waiting is no issue.
  16. World update 6 is a scenery update with a few tweaks to the game engine, SU5 was a massive rewrite of the legacy code (and there’s still some to do), so you cannot compare the two. regarding FPS, there is absolutely nothing wrong in chasing frames now this early in the development. The more headroom gained here the better, when you take into account how the game will evolve over time… better weather engine, water effect changes, particle effects etc etc. The more frames the better - to a point, but keep those frame times stable👌
  17. ORBX LOWI has at least two big humps in it, as least mine did - have since deleted rolling cache but not re-tested.
  18. yep much better, @1440P ultra LODS 200 FPS locked to 48atm
  19. Answering my own question as I’ve just done a brief test - seems better, not butter smooth though.
  20. Any improvements with panning at Pilot plus EGGD?
  21. Stuff like this will appear as the SIM matures over the years, this is why IMO you need to invest wisely - don’t rush and waste your money 👍
  22. It’s not Bristol, it’s Brizzle - just saying👍 edit: that’s my contribution 🤝
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