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Everything posted by RudyB24

  1. @Nyxx I'm not a real world pilot, just a hobbyist interested in flight sims. An 'arm chair pilot', and eager to learn. In this video I think I did a side slip in FSX. Curious to know if I'm wrong and this was not a side slip at all? I did lose speed, from 100 to 80. I posted the video in the other thread where we extensively discussed the way planes seem to behave. That was before release, so all of it was assumptions based on what we saw in YouTube videos. Now real experimentation can be executed, which is nice. Not being a pilot myself does not mean I'm not able to judge, or at least to have an opinion, on the plane behavior is see. You don't need a driver's license to spot a drunk driver. I've been designing digital control systems for a living ... it's possible to spot if a system is behaving controlled or is reacting 'weird'. Some planes in MSF behave 'weird', in my observation and opinion, which may differ form others. It is telling that a majority of users have to tune their controls down to -40 or even -80 to make it feel 'flyable'. Unfortunately the exponential curve that results is also not what you want ... you want linear controls that go from one limit to the other to control the ailerons, elevator or rudder surface to go from one limit to the other. It's nice that Rob is looking into this to find out if there is a cause and if there are ways to 'tame' them until maybe Asobo tunes them differently.
  2. Could be an idea to post your findings in the 'Tips and Tricks' section at the top, makes it easier to find it back later.
  3. OK, another possible cause ruled out. I can't think of any other 'checklist' points. If throttle is at say 80%, mixture is OK and flaps are up, it should be possible to find a trim for level flight. If not ... something is wrong ... but what?
  4. Nice ... that answers my earlier question. Very interested to hear more. Can't experiment myself yet since I haven't got MFS yet, waiting for new HW.
  5. Did it solve the issue, or is something else causing it?
  6. @Flight_Bandit_ Usually an X52 is calibrated correctly after connecting it, but who knows maybe it's not. Maybe you could follow the steps depicted here to see if it helps: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-calibrate-your-joystick-yoke/129335
  7. Yeah, the developers have a lot to cope with right now. I hope they, and their managers, can remain calm and set their priorities right. I guess first priority now is to resolve the download and install issues ... these can really frustrate people. Then we have the frame rates and the stuttering. Then there's a lot of work on planes, control sensitivity, auto pilots ... and finally ... after a year or so ... EHEH. 🙂 I'll get the sim anyhow though.
  8. Lol. Catch22. Wasn't that a movie about pilots?
  9. Good review, thanks. Yes, the missing airports are a bummer for me too. My home town airport, EHEH, the second largest in the Netherlands, I heard is missing too because of it being blurred in Bing ... while it is in plain view in Google in a detail where I can count the tiles in the pavement. Let's hope the autopilot issues get resolved in an update, they're working on it.
  10. @cwburnett Nice flyin'. With these settings it all looks 'doable' although like to Robert, also to me it looks like the control inputs are quite minimal. But I understand you fly the the real thing ... you're in the best place to judge if this is the case or not. Completely off topic ... I notice a constant (micro)stuttering in the video. Frame rates seem to be OK but the scenery moves by in a stuttering way and when you rotate the camera to look out of the left window, that move is stuttery. Is this due to screen capture video running or is it similar when you don't video? If so ... something is very wrong here.
  11. Robert, if I understood right you have MSF running ... have you looked at rudder deflection with a rearview camera? Does it move linear from left to right, linear with pedal or joystick deflection?
  12. Can we all agree that by default a control input like a joystick axis, or a yoke axis, or a throttle, sends out a number via USB to the PC. This number usually ranges from 0-1023, but other ranges are possible, like 0-127 or 0-511. So ... full deflection of the rudder pedal to the left sends a 0 and full deflection to the right sends 1023. In the Windows control panel we have 'printers and devices' where we look for our controller and we calibrate it. We see the x,y cross move, or the bars for throttle and other axis. They need to be calibrated there first ... only then Windows knows what numbers to expect (0-127 or 0-1023) and translates this internally to the Windows default min and max values. Up to here, all linear. To stay with the rudder ... when we just calibrated the input in the Windows control panel, full deflection left right should result in a visual full deflection of the rudder, bot the pedals in the virtual cockpit, but more importantly ... the rudder on the back of the plane. If someone who has MSF running could use an outside camera to have a look at the rudder and how it moves with controller input from full left to right ... then we know. How (fast) the plane reacts to that deflection ... that depends on the flight model and the plane inertia. If it feels too twitchy our 'workaround' is to change the controller sensitivity ... but it is no more than that ... a workaround. And I am very curious if the sensitivity curve in MSF is lowered (which makes the shape sort of exponential) how the actual rudder deflection responds. Is it now also exponential, as in the beginning the movement is less than linear but further to the end it much more than linear? Or is it a timing, the rudder reacts slower to our inputs?
  13. I know ... it was a silly joke. For weeks I have read that if you buy a flight simulator, you should not set your expectations too high on the fidelity of the airplanes included, they are just 'default' planes and apparently we should not expect much of those. Now there are complaints about an add on that is supposed to have nice detailed buildings. Apparently they are not high fidelity ... hence my silly reflex 'we shouldn't expect too much'.
  14. Come on people ... you've all set your expectations too high ... these are default buildings... can't expect high fidelity. (Sorry ... couldn't help myself ... )
  15. Lol. @FlyBaby Who says I'm complaining? I'm wondering why with a new released flight simulator people keep telling me I should not expect airliners to have high fidelity? Well ... probably because they are right, and if so, that's a pity. It sounds too easy for Jorg to say 'we've made a base, others can add on that'. They have 200+ developers, they can have a mathematician, a control systems engineer and a pilot work out a high fidelity airliner.
  16. There we have it again. Why is it that people on beforehand start to sort of excuse the developers by saying 'it's not to be expected to simulate an airliner with high fidelity'. Why not? This is supposed to be the greatest flight sim release since 15 years. This is exactly what I would expect it to do, to simulate an airliner with high fidelity.
  17. OK, noted. Would be helpful if you could describe what it is that makes you feel this way?
  18. Go to your xbox live account. Log in if you're not yet. In your profile you have the option to change your gamer tag. Only once for free, subsequent changes have a fee.
  19. I felt quite a good vibe at Reddit. People over there often bring complaints with humor and funny memes ... I had a couple of good laughs when I had a look there yesterday evening. Like someone who said: "If I turn on airplane mode on my PC will the download go faster?". Or someone who had a look at his home town:
  20. It's nice to hear a positive feedback like this. The pictures look good. What I noticed is that the 30 FPS lock has no effect yet, with 99% GPU load the FPS are at 25, and they'll probably go down once inside the cockpit, but still not bad for a 4k monitor with that video card!
  21. @Shack95 To avoid misunderstanding, I haven't bought it yet, I'm first building a new rig and then I'll get it. From the looks of it it will be a great experience and ... I will set my expectations for the planes realistically. I'm duly warned. 🙂 What I tried to express is that over and over again I hear this phrase that only payware add-on planes will be up to certain standards. I like to think that when you buy something that has a price tag of over €100 you're entitled to have certain expectations ... but in flight sim land it apparently already seems an accepted norm to not expect too much of the 'default' planes.
  22. Well, exactly this is what I find so interesting: you guys keep trying to convince me, and others, that 'we shouldn't expect much'. After just having shelled out €120 we need to buy additional stuff first before we may expect 'decent' planes? Funny.
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