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Everything posted by MarcG

  1. I matched live weather just fine pre-SU7, used windy.com and the winds were matching, rain, clouds (albeit not all the types of course), thunderstorms & hurricanes all there as per real life. Whether or not it was "fully correct" at the airport didn't matter that much to me, I'm not one to need perfect matching conditions, as long as it was 'close enough' that was fine by me....but then METAR update came along and the rest is history! That's not too say it's the same as SU7 now, says they've obviously worked on it but IMO it's still not back to what it was like. Hopefully they'll get there but I don't have much confidence in the team, they do what M$ tell them to do.
  2. But it hasn't improved for other users, that's the point, this Sim isn't all about VATSim users remember 😉 Sure they've worked on it since SU7 but there's no denying they've made a complete mess of it, the evidence is clear.
  3. Yes there are but not anywhere near as good as they used to be pre-SU7 (counties threads on this subject alone), regarding the bubbles they've existed since SU7....which was released in November 2021, it's taking far far too long to improve from what they had before. Sure we didn't have METAR, but it worked well enough compared to real weather, again they did not integrate and test thoroughly enough before bringing out in game - that much is very clear
  4. Well for one there were thunderstorms, the weather was more dynamic with better cloud variations, there was no METAR "bubbles" nonsense and the main point was it was a rushed implementation without thorough forethought or testing.
  5. The VATSim crowd harvesting votes for METAR led us to this point in the first place, Asobo bent over without thoroughly testing the changes beforehand so hence we got a massive downgrade in SU7. So be careful what you wish for...
  6. That is in a nutshell what Asobo continually do wrong, two steps forward but always a least one step back. The weather took a major step back with SU7 and METAR integration, even now there's still issues and (IMO) it's still not as good as it was pre-SU7. Which is why opening up the API to dedicated development teams would be a great move, but as discussed here before there could be licensing issues with meteoblue perhaps.
  7. Seeing the Eye Of Africa from up high was very much a "wow" moment for me, quite a few others over the years but that one stands out.
  8. I've read the thread on the official forums about this white dot nonsense and the response from Seedy suggests it's another low priority item that won't get fixed for months/years, quite why they included this "feature" in an update that is supposedly just about AAU is anyone's guess....but then history shows us they do things very differently at Asobo!
  9. I find that terrible, what's the point of having the ability to tag people if you're not allowed to tag the very people you're trying to contact to alert to serious flaws with the Sim? Their mods attitude beggars belief at times, it's bad enough they have "go betweens" from the forums to the Devs which could be a reason a lot of the bugs and issues don't get through properly.
  10. It's for issues like this that the severe lack of communication becomes an issue, it's no good waiting for a marketing Q&A to get an extremely vague response with smiles, it needs direct chat with the developers in the official thread as a matter of urgency.
  11. Update out soon; https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02LRepJpsAH48BP4pvrtd6vHs5QquwjgVVwtdtyViJLBvsPN2e2UMtdL4GBGFjBhccl&id=100063721861547
  12. Along with the above; - SU7 bugs still persist with mouseover on toolbar Windows - horizon jumping bug since SU5 not fixed - still no single eye on mirror desktop - controller support still not up to par with other Sims (according to some that use them, I don't) - still no head pointer AFAIK - Plus tons of other issues/bugs as seen on the official forum
  13. Apologies for the 3 year old bounce(!) but did you ever get to the bottom of this? I've got a friend who bought MSFS last week, signed up to the forums 3 days ago but never got an activation e-mail and gets the loop message you got as well. He's tried logging in/out of Outlook/Xbox but same issue, a lack of activation e-mail and no way to click a link to resend one (complete farce!) thanks
  14. Precisely, it was a blatantly rushed implementation after initially not being included at all. Yes we can be very thankful we've got it (I too love it), but the fact remains it's not progressed anywhere near well enough - over a year to get World Scale when they had a VR team (should've been included from the start), the absolute fiasco of SU7 update, SU12s scaling issues/feature that went completely uncommunicated, regression bugs still not fixed....those are just some of the examples and that's where my personal frustration lies. They had a VR team, they disbanded it long ago and we've got nothing since. The recent Q&A was was just another rehash of exactly what they said over a year ago on another Q&A "oh yeah VR is important but we don't have a VR team anymore so it's low priority" so it's NOT important then is it #FacePalm Of course other areas are also severely lacking still; ATC, AI, other regression bugs they've not fixed. It's not all about VR I totally understand that, there's a clear strategy to market & sell to keep the MS bigwigs happy but that comes at the expense of players and it needs to change but I doubt it ever will. In essence I cannot see any fundamental improvements or fixes to old VR bugs within the next 2-3 years at least, Jorg/Martial will rinse & repeat in the future Q&As when prodded you watch!
  15. Had my first CTD in ages the other day, could've been anything but rolled back to 531.29 anyway just to be safe (DX11 not using 12)
  16. yes the mouseover a toolbar window still stops certain functions from working (for me and others), they fixed the main controls not working (eventually many weeks after the SU7 fiasco) but have not fully fixed it to how it was pre-SU7 - therefore, still a bug.
  17. 18 months on....still not fully fixed. Genuine question to Jorg should he ever visit here; Are you happy that your team have broken aspects of gameplay and still not fully fixed them? Are you happy that other VR regression bugs exist making the experience worse for the player than it was before certain updates? Why....why is there zero urgency to fix what you've broken?
  18. Clearly it's still (B), another extremely lacklustre response in the latest Q&A.
  19. 10-15% according to Jorg in the latest Q&A, it'll probably have to hit 50% before he opens his eyes to the issues his team have created and actually get them fixed alongside adding new features!
  20. MSFS itself is a constantly evolving title that will forever be a "work in progress", that alone requires Devs to constantly check & update their mods practically every single update that gets released. With many of those persistently waiting for new features so they can upgrade their mods, especially plane Devs. So in this case, if a plane gets released without certain features that are already available then that's the choice of the Devs. If they say they're going to further improve then that's fine, personally I'll just wait and see what they do as I have no issue with that. They could need money now to help them improve the product further, hence the "basic" release as it is now. Regardless, the ultimate decision is yours - buy now and deal with the lack of features and hope the Devs update in future, or don't buy and sit it out and wait and see - it's not hard 🙂
  21. my hopes were dashed months & months ago, but 1% of me was hoping for a full on answer tonight but all we got the same word not allowed we got last time they talked about VR in a Q&A which was in 2021.....their ignorance towards VR is obvious, that and I'm convinced they're simply not good enough to properly code for it and refuse to hire someone to do a job.
  22. the issue is is they're word not allowed of the bugs that they introduced in past updates, it's common practice in gaming software development to fix those straight away - it's now been well over a year/18months+ since and yet here we are again with a dreadful response and terribly poor attitude with the same old "keep them happy" Martial speech.
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