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Waldo Pepper

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Everything posted by Waldo Pepper

  1. Steve,  if you take requests I'd pay you to recreate this one


  2. https://www.neofly.net/ https://flightsim.to/file/2984/neofly https://flightsim.to/file/14814/cessna-152-banner-tow https://flightsim.to/file/10364/neofly-3d-objects
  3. Biggest impact for me, imo, is "We Love VFR Region 2". I live in an area that's flat as a pancake. Puffin has added all the obstructions that were missing. All the smoke stacks, radio towers, nuclear plant cooling towers, power plant and factory towers, etc. They all have obstruction lights, and the smoke/condensation effect varies depending on the ambient air conditions. Since the area is so flat, those features are visible for 50+ miles and as landmarks they redefine the area.
  4. I just launch NeoFly, and look for a mission in the direction I want to fly. I like having something to do, and NeoFly satisfies that. I like the search and rescue, firefighting, banner towing, etc.
  5. I love his 4 seasons pack. I just purchased his "PROJECT: ISLANDS, SUNKEN BOATS, WATERMASK, PG TREES - MSFS" I love the business model of this project. Your purchase entitles you to have one small area of the sim enhanced by Bijan. You get to benefit from your selection, and everyone else's too. It's brilliant, imo. I didn't know what to pick, so I told him to spice up Cape May, New Jersey, USA. So far Bijan seems to be working his way through requests in a relatively responsive manner. https://secure.simmarket.com/bijan-habashi-project-islands-sunken-boats-huts-pg-trees-msfs.phtml
  6. Might as well fly the HPG Airbus H135 down the Vegas strip, https://flightsim.to/file/8970/airbus-h135-helicopter-project (Freeware) I'm happy with the progress of their payware H145 project, https://www.hypeperformancegroup.com/products/xxxx The H145 luxury variant has deployable floats, which I think is cool. Here are a few shots of the Mil version,
  7. Some suggestions, https://flightsim.to/file/16674/we-love-vfr-region-2 https://flightsim.to/file/2605/we-love-vfr-region-1 https://flightsim.to/file/10816/world-navaids https://flightsim.to/file/14840/project-litfts-europe https://flightsim.to/file/9529/global-ai-ship-traffic-msfs-v1 https://flightsim.to/file/21430/global-ai-ship-traffic-great-lakes https://flightsim.to/file/2246/msfs-c152-community https://flightsim.to/file/3484/enhanced-ground-vehicles
  8. I welcome the GOTY Porter. I appreciate complex systems, but personally I find Mil-Viz MSFS products visually unappealing.
  9. Steve always has great info. He tends to be extremely thorough.
  10. Forgot to mention, my local Microcenter is dropping the 12900k on Nov 4th. $669.00 They didn't have any motherboards listed.
  11. One thing I find interesting is the difference between the 10900k and 12900k. The Ryzen 9 5900x is 12 cores / 24 threads. 5950x is 16c/32t. 10900k (Comet Lake) is 10 cores and 20 threads. Alder lake is 16 cores / 24 threads, BUT, 8 of it's cores are "performance cores" and 8 of it's cores are "efficiency cores". So basically, the 12900k is still a gas guzzler when you floor it, but, it should draw substantially less when you're just surfing the web or consuming media. It's no secret that Intel has been having trouble getting down to 7nm for a while now, while AMD has been there for almost 2 years now. My current 10900k was purchased right at the start of the pandemic, in preparation for msfs. I never used to even consider such things as power consumption, but I'm more conscious of our environment now. And besides, inefficiency doesn't make sense to my brain anymore. A 12900k would be fun to play with, but I haven't built a AMD system in a year and half now. I really like AMD's direction over the last 2 generations or so. 🎶Should I stay or should I go now......🎶
  12. My Strix 3090 is the bottleneck with a 10900k @ 5ghz all cores @4k ultra (all sliders but render scaling full right, render scaling set to 100). A month or two ago I put the system on a battery backup ups, it draws 830watts at full load in MSFS (fps lock set to 60fps). The Strix is supposed to draw 480watts max, and the 10900k draws around 335 watts. Alder Lake is supposed to draw 330watts @ 5.2ghz. Doesn't surprise me, as Alder Lake is 10 nanometer, 10900k is 14 nm, while Ryzen 9 has been 7 nm. My electric bill suggests that I should be conscious of performance per watt. But, overclocking and building my own systems has always been a hobby for me, so I'm always tempted. Ryzen 9 really had the efficiency advantage last round, so part of me really wants to wait for AMD to respond to Alder Lake. It would probably be around 6 months or so to wait, so better DDR5 sticks might be around then too. Being GPU bottlenecked suggests that a CPU upgrade wouldn't be a huge benefit while in flight, but the loading times should be a nice improvement. I don't think any of us are fans of sim loading times. If I do jump, I'll just sell the old cpu/mb/ddr4 to a friend or flying buddy. So that offsets some of the costs for a hobbyist.
  13. Gimme an old Mini Cooper, or a 65 mustang, a race care with bias ply tires and drum brakes.
  14. Forgot to say, crop dusters are some nice little aircraft. Every year I watch an old Ag Cat spray a huge levee to kill the mosquito larvae. I work around 200 feet off the ground, so when I watch them crop dust I'm looking down on them the entire time expect for when they chandelle at the end of each spraying run. It's awesome to watch them, power and grace. But still maneuverable. Now I need crop dusting missions for NeoFly.
  15. /When you're so ugly, that you're beautiful. The Ag Cat, the Antonov AN-2, etc. I don't know what it is, in flight sims I like the ugly ducklings and in race sims I like the "word not allowed cars". 🎶 "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view Get an ugly girl to marry you".....🎶
  16. ✈️ Open invitation to any Caravan STOL pilots who happen to have some free time on Friday nights! ✈️ You're more than welcome to join us for another Gunpilot flight. Mixed group from all over, I'm in the USA, Gunny is an Aussie. It would be cool to see some of the names from around here sharing the same piece of sky, imo. I'd enjoy it.
  17. Worth noting that there is a difference between "G-Sync" vs "G-Sync Compatible" displays. The LG CX OLED I use as a desktop monitor is a "G-Sync Compatible" display, and it has a G-sync range @4k res that ranges between 40hz and 120hz. Native "G-Sync" displays on the other hand, all have a hardware G-Sync module, and thus they can sync much lower ranges. From 1hz, to the monitor's max refresh rate. So the results may vary depending on your display, and the frame rate target you set in whatever game/sim you happen to be running at the time. As a graphics hoe, I'm happy with a smooth 30fps in a flight sim with all the eye candy I can enable. The 40hz lower limit of my display becomes a consideration under such circumstances.
  18. Nvidia used to offer both a single language version, and an international language version of their drivers. The international version includes numerous international language packs (including english), and the file size was always hundreds of MB larger. Now they seem to direct you to the international version whenever they get a chance. I can't seem to readily locate the single language versions any longer. The 831mb includes those international language packs, and installer is supposedly smart enough to only install the languages installed on your system. Still hate that I can't find the single language version anymore.
  19. I used to own the original MS FFB and the FFB2. Loved those sticks. I'll never be in the market for a yoke, but I've installed 2x 50 pound springs on each axis of my VKB Gunfighter for the same reason. Works very well with their 200mm extension. The moment anyone releases a high end FFB stick for around $1000usd, giver or take, I'm in. I really miss FFB. The Gunfighter has the accuracy of those old sticks, but no FFB.
  20. I install and maintain them with this, https://flightsim.to/file/15569/msfs-community-downloader EDIT: If you want the G3000 road data, you have to download it from WT and drop it in your community folder like always. Road data can be found here, https://www.workingtitle.aero/packages/g3000/ https://github.com/Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages/releases/download/g3000-v0.6.1/workingtitle-g3000-roaddata-v0.2.0.zip
  21. Simconnect is a component of Microsoft flight sims dating way back. There are 3 legacy version, and 1 MSFS version. The legacy versions represent FSX, FSX SP1, and FSX: Acceleration expansion pack. The MSFS default version is installed when you install the MSFS SDK from the in sim dev toolbar. Just to clarify, Simshaker does not require Opus. From the link in my OP in this thread.
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