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Everything posted by marsman2020

  1. This whole voting scheme is stupid because any new items need to get enough votes to surpass items people have been voting on for three months to get onto the list. Since they aren't solving the current list, it ensures that it is less and less likely that we can get anything new onto the list.
  2. This and the fact that they let people badger them into VR instead of leaving it for later after the actual simulation was done... You need high framerates to avoid motion sickness in VR. Very few systems (if any!) are going to deliver 90fps to the 2 2160x2160 displays on a Reverb G2 to avoid simulation sickness. Spending any time on VR now is totally stupid. They've put all the VR Beta people under NDA though, and I'm sure they will send entire tower PCs with 3090s and make sure the YouTubers who review the "awesome VR experience" are doing so under controller conditions (GA aircraft only, smaller airports, for short durations to avoid motion sickness due to low FPS) to make sure that the reviews are good to drive up sales of the "simulator" and their partners VR headsets. Then when people complain about motion sickness on their actual computers + expensive new VR headsets they will just add a link to where to buy airsickness bags or a recommendation to only use VR for < a few minutes at a time to the UI and mark it as 'released' and 'fixed'.
  3. They broke a lot of SDK stuff in Update 5, so maybe they put all the new Marketplace updates on hold until they can get that sorted out.
  4. Garmin and AP fixed moved from Update 9 (~late December) to 'Feb 21` 😞 6 months of having basic avionics features totally broken after release. Night lighting fixed marked as 'released' even though they introduced a lot of new problems with night lighting. Metric units marked as 'released' enough though there are major issues with unit conversions related to the ALT bug and pressing the ALT HOLD AP key. Nothing else of note in this. Everything we voted on is either 'Backlog', 'Under Investigation', or some other non-statement. Lots of screenshots. MS Screenshot Simulator 2020. Not much of a roadmap. The only thing we seem to get with Update 6 is a 'partially fixed' on the lightning that was introduced several updates ago.
  5. Microsoft/Asobo have an approval and release process for updates to things on the Marketplace, which has taken weeks in some instances to push updates (airport scenery). Even if Carenado had an update ready today, they couldn't fix things as quickly as the free mod makers can because of the restrictive Marketplace process. This is a great argument for never buying anything from the MSFS Marketplace (because other channels have more freedom to the updates), which will kill the sim really quickly if everyone buys their 3DP stuff from other sources where Microsoft doesn't get a cut.
  6. It is taking weeks for MS/Asobo to push third party updates onto the Marketplace (as we have seen with some airport updates) By the time a fix is ready to get pushed, there might be a new update that breaks more things. It's a lose-lose at this point. MS/Asobo has to deal with this. I doubt they will, we pay for the nice meal and get whatever table scraps and half baked word not allowed they give us.
  7. M$ shouldn't have released the sim 6 to 9 months before it was done, and they should have thought ahead about how to avoid breaking 3rd party aircraft that were sold on the official Marketplace whenever they update the sim. (For example, creating the SDK in such a way that there are versions of the API and add-ons written against the old version of the API could continue to call their respective versions after new versions were released - something Windows has to deal with all the time. Hell, even the free Orbiter Space Flight Simulator does this where new extensions to the Vessel API are instanced as Vessel, Vessel2, Vessel3, Vesel4, so that old add-ons can continue to work on new versions) Nothing will kill this thing quicker than people spending extra for stuff, on an official marketplace that gets broken every 2 weeks.
  8. I'd absolutely love a DC-3. I get that MS has to have all licensed aircraft, but it would have been really nice to have 1 or 2 vintage or interesting in some other way aircraft as part of the default sim.... Even FSX:Steam has some neat things in the default aircraft.
  9. Took this for a spin around Vermont tonight, plenty of power, trims out nice, well behaved during STOL landings & takeoffs (if anything it could probably use a bit more P-factor effects, didn't take much rudder work to keep it under control), love the bright-colored liveries. Well thought out in terms of what an actual custom STOL aircraft might be like. Really fun to cruise around in and land in some farmer's fields, faster than the Savage Cub or the Shock Ultra (~110 kts cruise) and better at STOL than the X-Cub (~1/2 the empty weight).
  10. There is indeed a bit of wing rocking with the latest MSFS update. Not too terrible though. Flew 2 more legs of my around the world trip this past weekend. Took off from Dutch Harbor in a 30 kts crosswind.... very dicey, given that the 'demonstrated crosswind' of the Bonanza is like 15 kts. I had to let it drift away from centerline for a bit to build up speed in order to have enough rudder authority to correct back with so much wind. The waves in the ocean were quite large at that point! After takeoff I turned 90 degrees and flew the rest of that leg with the wind at my tail, I was cruising at 214 kts ground speed at 8,000 ft.
  11. You could go through the bindings for the yoke in MSFS and see if it's bound to anything related to the starter or magnetos (on the same switch in the cockpit) and just un-bind those items.
  12. From the MSFS official forum 'Known Issues' page: (I'd put in the link, but my posts with links seem to be getting held for moderation today, so if I put it in you probably wouldn't get to see it for a while)
  13. Planning to give this a try tonight. I really enjoy the slowwwwwww landings with the Shock Ultra, so I'm looking forward to it.
  14. I have no idea. I created a wislist item on the MSFS forums to have them change how the Legacy mode option is presented. There are over 10 posts per day of people on the official forum who are having their sim experience negatively impacted by this poorly-thought-out option. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/move-legacy-flight-model-option-out-of-ui-and-into-aircraft-xml-or-cfg-or-label-more-clearly-what-it-is-for/309324/11 I wonder if Geforce Experience is mucking with this setting?
  15. I drove all the way across the US in both directions and frequently there are no light poles on freeways. The light comes from cars, not from light poles. A good start would be to use the NASA Black Marble light pollution data to determine if the roads in a given area are illuminated or not. Someone did a demo here of what that might look like, it would at least be more plausible then what they have done now - https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/terrible-night-lighting-after-patch-5/310086/181 They also need to make the lights 'cut off' type, not spherical globes sending light in all directions.
  16. Any chance you hit a button to toggle on the 'AI Copilot' by mistake?
  17. I'm kind of done asking Asobo to fix things at this point. At this point their "fix" might be to just break the Garmins further and then mark it as solved, like they did with night lighting and controller sensitivity pages in the last update.
  18. What we need is a mod that positions a camera in space in the MSFS world based on the location and attitude of an X-Plane instance, captures the camera view, and replaces the exterior camera view of X-Plane with that.
  19. By all means you can go over to the MSFS forum and ask them to do that there. Let's not bug the Working Title team to make changes that will actually make it harder for people who are trying to navigate.
  20. I agree with this (my emphasis in bold). If these are actual waypoints on an approach, hiding them will make things very confusing when flying the approach. Please don't hide them in that case, I'll be pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the aircraft is doing. For the starting point of a direct to...fine.
  21. Do you have Geforce Experience set to "optimize" the game settings? It will change things if you let it.
  22. This is the true consequence of MS releasing this sim 6 months to a year early and is what is very likely to result in it failing. 3DP developers do a bunch of work to test and release aircraft. Microsobo makes changes to base things inside the sim/SDK that break the aircraft, every two weeks. This isn't a once-a-year or once-every-other-year upgrade to a new SDK revision, where developers can plan ahead and migrate their items beforehand. They are reaching down into things every two weeks. This breaks the 3DP aircraft, which were sold on the official 'Microsoft Flight Simulator Marketplace', which means that users have every legitimate expectation that they will continue to work for new updates to the sim. Now the 3DP developers have a bunch of angry customers, and they have to spend time every two weeks to deal with all these customer service complaints and fix things. Add to that that the time for MS to release updates to 3DP content can be 2-3 weeks. So by the time they approve your update to fix whatever the broke, there may be a NEW update to the sim that breaks more things! And then we wonder why the big name aircraft developers are saying it's a year or so before they will have products....
  23. Their new sensitivity curves aren't even symmetric. You get one response on the - axis side and another response on the + axis side of the curve. At the high negative sensitivity values greater than say -50% (which at least made a smooth curve in the prior implementation) you can actually create curves where the response goes DOWN with greater joystick deflection. How they could be so inept to implement something this poorly is beyond me. It's like someone implemented some 3rd order polynominal smoothing and never bothered to look at it and see what it actually did. I'm getting the feeling that it's not helpful for us to give Asobo feedback because they are mucking things up worse and worse and then marking the tickets as 'solved'. Night lighting being the other example in this update. This whole thing is absolutely idiotic and makes me seriously consider deleting the entire thing and buying a copy of X-Plane. As far as I can tell the only settings that make sense in the controller sensitivity is a straight linear curve now, and it's up to the people doing aircraft to make their aircraft work with the linear curve.
  24. The best advice I can give (and I believe I gave it in another thread) is to make a ZenDesk ticket documenting what you think should be happening and what is actually happening. In the last developer Q&A they mentioned that they will be adding a new 3rd section to the Feedback Summary to address accessibility concerns that might prevent all users from enjoying the sim. I would expect the AI Copilot would fall into that type of a category, so maybe your concern will get some more attention that way.
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