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PMDG 737 NGX: The View Forward

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I hate to be a a really excited user...but I am afraid I got to say it.PMDG ..what a Joy!Till today, PMDG 747 remains my amazing pet aircraft. Manny


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Ryan, It's safe to say (in general) that i should get the same or worse FPS in the NGX compared to the J41. Since the 73 has way more systems and will be visually better the then the J41, right? Reason I ask, is because tonight i took off out of Aerosofts Dortmund (German Aiports 2) with the J41 in the VC wirgt UTX GEX and ASA and I was getting oonly about 19 or so FPS. I just want to make sure I can run the 73's out of those airports wit decent performance before I buy more Aerosoft stuff. I'm not asking for a direct answer, just a generalization, if you dont mind that is. Thanks.
There's really no way to speculate on performance - our goal is not to produce something that runs worse than previous products though obviously.

Ryan Maziarz

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There's really no way to speculate on performance - our goal is not to produce something that runs worse than previous products though obviously.

WoW It's Finally Coming...For Real!!

PMDG has been steadily pushing the envelope with new improvements. The 744 is great, but I was (and still am) very impressed with the MD11...Extremely impressed with the J41 which is really a new experience all together in a flight sim (and is every time I get in it) and now I'm really looking forward to see what surprises you have in store for us with your 737NGX.I love very accurate systems simulation, but I also love the artistic quality of "eye-candy" and the J41 has both with the animated passengers and real-time loading with that handy load sheet and very easy to use VC knob and switch handling. You guys are detail freaks.I am really looking forward this NGX release. Thank you so much, for your commitment to high quality. Your products are never a disappointment and news of a new release by PMDG is always a highpoint for the year.Bob

Guest realatp

Ryan, Will the 73's Dash 8 and T7 Include actual performance charts like the 744 did? The 744 had the best documentation ever. Fuel Burns and everything, nothing else has including the J41 which I think lacks alot of Performance charts.

  • Commercial Member

Jordan-Only if they can be legally licensed.A number of folks have mentioned their desire for perf tables on the MD-11, but as we have said a number (maybe a few hundred!) times: The owner of the performance data would not authorize their publication.I will not offer my thoughts as to why this might be... Ours is simply to adhere to the wishes of the owner of the information.The same will hold true for all future products. If we can get a license to publish that data, then we will...

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

Jordan-Only if they can be legally licensed.A number of folks have mentioned their desire for perf tables on the MD-11, but as we have said a number (maybe a few hundred!) times: The owner of the performance data would not authorize their publication.I will not offer my thoughts as to why this might be... Ours is simply to adhere to the wishes of the owner of the information.The same will hold true for all future products. If we can get a license to publish that data, then we will...
Well, in that case, you guys (add-on devs in general and PMDG specifically) know that your simulation is too real for not having those performance numbers....so i was wondering how do you expect us to fly those acft without performance data to calculate V1, V2 etc... not to mention fuel burn, optimum cruise etc... ?Or otherwise put: the realism of your products require these numbers. So, if you say now we can't have them due to licenses (which I completely understand...) how do you expect us to simulate realisticly with your product ?-so as a buyer of your product, where you sell realism as part of your product I expect those numbers to be delivered in the package...or is my expectation set to high here ?
  • Commercial Member

Dieter-The information required to fly the airplane is contained in the FMS... This is what we use on the line... I imagine it will suffice for you in the simulator too.I hope you will not be disappointed if I decline to get PMDG sued by Boeing in order to meet your demands. :( As I said (you appear to have missed?): If they allow it- you'll get it. If not, then you won't.

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

Dieter-The information required to fly the airplane is contained in the FMS... This is what we use on the line... I imagine it will suffice for you in the simulator too.I hope you will not be disappointed if I decline to get PMDG sued by Boeing in order to meet your demands. :( As I said (you appear to have missed?): If they allow it- you'll get it. If not, then you won't.
I do not understand why you must make me look ridiculous since - also according to your post - it seems a valid question as people do ask for performance tables...then they are of use maybe also out of the FMS box no ?Anyway, I apologize for asking.
  • Commercial Member

Dieter,Performance data for all PMDG aircraft are easily available on the net (including the upcoming aircraft except 747-800) But since the -800 is just a visual model then no big deal. The only problem so far has been with the MD11, my hunch is that when the Boeing and McDonald Douglas lawyers where having a field day hashing out clauses and contract's for the merger somewhere along the line some bright spark came up with the idea to prevent Boeing from releasing any data, that's the only thing I can think of since the only Boeing heavy with this ban is not even designed by Boeing. Anyway if you search hard enough even MD11 data can be found in the depths of the internet.Regards

Rob Prest


Guest realatp
Dieter,Performance data for all PMDG aircraft are easily available on the net (including the upcoming aircraft except 747-800) But since the -800 is just a visual model then no big deal. The only problem so far has been with the MD11, my hunch is that when the Boeing and McDonald Douglas lawyers where having a field day hashing out clauses and contract's for the merger somewhere along the line some bright spark came up with the idea to prevent Boeing from releasing any data, that's the only thing I can think of since the only Boeing heavy with this ban is not even designed by Boeing. Anyway if you search hard enough even MD11 data can be found in the depths of the internet.Regards
J41? NOPE! Find me. Find me Time. Fuel to Climb then. I understand your your post Ryan thanks.
  • Commercial Member
J41? NOPE! Find me. Find me Time. Fuel to Climb then. I understand your your post Ryan thanks.
Like I said if you really want the data it's out there. I have never used the J41 so was not aware data was being held back. I think it's pretty simple, the data you need is in the FMC, if PMDG are legally unable to distribute this data that doesn't mean you can't go find it yourself. Just don't post your findings on the Avsim forums.

Rob Prest


J41? NOPE! Find me. Find me Time. Fuel to Climb then. I understand your your post Ryan thanks.
Vroute have done it, Flightplan2 have done it, FSBuild have done it. Perhaps if you consider it that important, you should consider improving your google skills?
Vroute have done it, Flightplan2 have done it, FSBuild have done it. Perhaps if you consider it that important, you should consider improving your google skills?
Paul's right...the J41 data is available and is being used by many of us.

Wayne Klockner
United Virtual



Guest realatp

Ok j41 PERFORMANCE CHARTS. Like Time, Fuel, Distance to Climb/Descend. T/O-LND Distances. ECON/CRUISE Settings. I have look for these so many times and I can never find them. If you have could you PM me, thanks. Right, I dont care if PMDG publishes them, I just want them u know. I just thought the 744 had the best doc's ever.

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