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iFly 737 Has Been Released

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Lol now I cant make up my mind Ifly or PMDG. Please don't start a war over this post. Just was stuck on PMDG and now see the Ifly and it looks really good! Ugggg must resist haha!

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Sadly I have to return iFly for FSX, because frames drop to much compared to other a/c.2D panel gives me 15-20 fps, VC only 12 and in outside view only 15-18 fps.With PMDG's MD11 and McPhat's 4096 HD textures I get 30 fps (in FSX locked at 30) in all situations as above. Same here for LevelD and Captainsim's 757.I reinstalled iFly without success. :unsure:Don't know where could be the problem here.

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Sadly I have to return iFly for FSX, because frames drop to much compared to other a/c.2D panel gives me 15-20 fps, VC only 12 and in outside view only 15-18 fps.With PMDG's MD11 and McPhat's 4096 HD textures I get 30 fps (in FSX locked at 30) in all situations as above. Same here for LevelD and Captainsim's 757.I reinstalled iFly without success. :unsure:Don't know where could be the problem here.
That's crazy looking at your rigLook at my spec below. I get over 30% better fps than you quote.Do have a shed load of services running in the background?

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MrSpeaker,Are those custom views cameras that you added to the model? If so, can you post the script? :Whistle:Very nice!
I made those views with EZDOK camera, it also adds camera shakes when you take off and land, aswell as many other features, but if you are ever interested in purchasing it they will be coming out with a version 2 soon, it supposed to be more user friendly.



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Lol now I cant make up my mind Ifly or PMDG. Please don't start a war over this post. Just was stuck on PMDG and now see the Ifly and it looks really good! Ugggg must resist haha!
I fully intend to buy the pmdg aswell. IMHO I don't think PMDG are going to be releasing the ngx anytime soon, it always seems like they are close but then weeks and months go by, they still have to release it to a wider beta audience, then they have to resolve any issues that appear, then probably tie up any lose ends with the docs and the installers etc etc. It could be a couple months away. For $54 Im getting some solid training on an NG, I use to visit the pmdg forums constantly looking for an update now Im to busy flying to care, it will be ready when its readybiggrin.gif



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I use to visit the pmdg forums constantly looking for an update now Im to busy flying to care, it will be ready when its readybiggrin.gif
I feel the same way. Since buying the iFLY, i feel less anxious about the long wait for the NGX. I am getting plenty of practice in the iFLY, and I'm very impressed with the level of systems fidelity and flight model handling. I've been dying for a 737NG for FSX for ages (man, FSX was released in 2006, and only now do we finally have one (two soon). And no, Ariane does not count Bring%20It%20On.gifAs frustrating as the yoke sensitivity and autopilot disconnects with the iFLY may seem at first, once I learned that I needed to add a null zone to my yoke, all is fine now. I still get occasional disconnects, I will need to further fine tune my ch yoke's sensitivity and dead zone, but that being said, kudos to iFLY for modeling the CWS/yoke interaction with the autopilot faithfully to the real bird. I wasn't expecting this level of realism, and I'm glad they modeled it. Given their adherence to "real as it gets", I would imagine the PMDG NGX will also exhibit this yoke behavior, but by then iFLY's has already been the "guinea pig" of sorts and taught people to calibrate their yokes accordingly. I have learned so much about the NG real life ops, things that were not seen in previous flight sim NGs, because iFLY took the care to model it's quirks accurately. PMDG will of course model even more of these nuances in NG behavior, but it's still nice to have this product tide me over, I was really getting tired of my long haul routine with the PMDG heavies. I look forward to completing flights in one sitting, and visiting smaller cities and locations I had ignored until now!

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As frustrating as the yoke sensitivity and autopilot disconnects with the iFLY may seem at first, once I learned that I needed to add a null zone to my yoke, all is fine now. I still get occasional disconnects
I had that at first too until I set the joystick sensitivity to Min in the My Fleet options, since doing so it has behaved perfectly, the only problem I'm having is the click spots in the VC, there hard to find. Other then that I'm amazed with what these guys have done with version 1.0 its only going to get better, I feel sorry for the guys waiting it out, its going to be a long summerbiggrin.gif, oh well Im at FL 320 right now and the TOD is coming up better start prepping.biggrin.gif



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Yup, once you suss out the stick settings to prevent the AP disconnects it is a very nice thing. Currently over France at 36,000 feet with FS Passengers at +3 percent happy, and I'm just as happy as they are.Al

Alan Bradbury

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Think Ill pull the trigger on the IFly then! Whats the deal with the A/P disconnects then? Is there something unique to the 737NG in this respect?

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Basically it does what a real aeroplane does, but a bit too well by default, i.e. if you move the stick, it disconnects the autopilot, so you can have some FS sticks put out a bit of spurious noise and make that disconnect too sensitive, because a joystick or yoke for a PC invariably has a smaller linear range of movement when compared to a real aircraft's controls, so you have to tweak matters a bit to prevent that from happening all the time.Pretty much all airliners do that in real life, so it is realistic, but you might need to tweak your stick's sensitivity to offset it happening all the time.There is a config utility which comes with the iFly that you can use to alleviate that, or you can do it in FSX control input options by playing around with the null zones and sensitivities for the aileron and elevator. Do that and it sorts the issue out. I dropped the settings on both my stick (Saitek) and the keyboard and it solved the problem easily enough.Part of my issue was that I removed some of the coils from the spring that centres my Saitek stick so that it was a bit more like a real aircraft stick, i.e. with no actual centering other than aerodynamic loads on the control surfaces, since as it comes, that Saitek stick was ridiculously over-strong on centering force. Not really related to the 737 but interesting to note: Most real aircraft joysticks flop about all over the place until the airflow keeps them centered, that's why you have to put gust locks on the control surfaces when they are parked up, and also why you have to do a walk around so you don't take off with them still on there, which is something that actually happened to the very first B-17 Flying Fortress prototype right after Boeing had built it, and that caused it to crash right after taking off, completely destroying it and killing the pilot, and that was right in front of the US Army Brass when it was being demonstrated to them. Ooops.Al

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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I'm one lucky SOB. I have never had this AP disconnect problem once and I use th CH Yoke and throttle.

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I have to ask before I use my CC. Do all the switches in the cockpit work? Add ons drive me crazy when certain things do nothing!

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I have to ask before I use my CC. Do all the switches in the cockpit work? Add ons drive me crazy when certain things do nothing!
No not every switch is functional (I was a little disappointed as well with that). For example while the individual gauges have dimmers, the Main panel light is non functional. That being said, there are only a few, and no flight critical functions are affected. It seems for most developers, lights seem to be a big problem for them to do it right. Only a couple of addon developers have been able to do them justice. This addon comes in between them. It is better than most.
I'm one lucky SOB. I have never had this AP disconnect problem once and I use th CH Yoke and throttle.
Me either, but I think the problem may be caused by the use of FSUIPC to calibrate flight control AXIS (Which I don't use). Other addons have had similar issues.



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Can you give me an idea what is nonfunctional? I have been paging through the manual and didn't know what is functional and whats not in it.

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