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Why Does Everyone Love AVSIM?

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Guest minimums retard

lol... sometimes, our sim crashes, & sometime we crash, & there is always someone (even our moderators) out there to help or wag a finger!


Very well said!




d) A free file library that does not restrict bandwidth.




Definitely agree with these. I thought upvotes/votes on posts would be a good thing though? Why is it bad? (I don't use reddit so I wouldn't know)

And especially the unrestricted bandwidth = awesome x1000000000


I've tried downloading stuff from other libraries before - usually the download just drops out because of the low speed. Avsim is the only flight sim forum that I've participated in a more than negligible amount, and definitely the forum I've participated in the most even outside of simming forums. I think a big part of that is because they encourage people to sign up and actually use the forum instead of just read it and also that members are very helpful and and friendly overall (there's going to be exceptions no matter where you go, might as well keep the expectations realistic). It's an absolutely huge forum and it's taken a long time for me to realise it's true value (I probably still don't fully comprehend it), it was only when I really started to contribute to and follow some topics that I realised and built up a respect for the full scope of it and massive amount of effort and time people have put into this place and making it what it is. I think maybe that's where some others may have gone astray, but we won't go into that, I'll just finish by extending a huge thank you to all those involved in that process.

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Great way to stay current. Help and inform others when I can. Great to share positive and negative experiences. Also a great tool for developpers to get some feedback.

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This a good contrast to the "why do people hate..." thread. From both the view of a customer and devleloper, Avsim is by far the most useful resource for anything to do with flight simulations, and people seem to forget sometimes that it has been free for over a decade and a half, while a rival website, once the statistical equal of Avsim, charge a fee for access and then blew its independence by attracting adverts in return for "good reviews".


Avsim has never compromised its editorial independence in this way. For that reason, subscribers can reasonably rely on what they read here. I've contributed to Avsim modestly, as a customer, not a developer and as far as I know Avsim has never ever so much as hinted that contributions buy some kind of advantage, nor is there any evidence for it.


I have not agreed with every moderator decision but I am convinced that they are made sincerely and with a view to keeping things civilised and courteous. That's a huge gain over many forums that stand back and watch the most appalling rudeness and personal baiting.


As a customer I come here first for the latest news and developments. We sometimes forget too that the file library is excellently run and has thousands of high quality content that doesn't require a premium membership to access. The library keepers don't get enough thanks so I would like to thank them for their amazingly hard work over the years.

Robert Young - retired full time developer - see my Nexus Mod Page and my GitHub Mod page

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I have accounts on several sites, but AVSIM is the only place I post.  There's a ton of people around here with a wealth of information and I just enjoy reading what everyone else is up to.  The library is fantastic as well adding countless hours to my flightsimming fun.  Rarely a day goes by when I don't check the forums.

Chris Sunseri




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It's honestly embarrassing how little information I contribute to Avsim compared to how much I get from it from people far more knowledgable than I am, and who so generously take the time to answer questions, provide advice, or donate free add-ons. I'm in court frequently, with a lot of dead time - during the course of the day I probably check the forums via my phone more than a dozen times.

Brian Johnson

i9-9900K (OC 5.0), ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390, Nvidia 2080Ti, 32 GB Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz, OS on Samsung 860 EVO 1TB M.2, P3D on SanDisk Ultra 3D NAND 2TB SSD

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I went to Reddit to check the original post out,I expected to see a site busting full of knowledge /information and goodwill to everyone and maybe join in the site song,i believed that as the members were slagging off good old Avsim the people involved must be pretty good well above reproach and at the cutting edge of the fight sim community,so armed with a note pad to ensure i didn't miss/forget a thing I started reading,I picked a thread and at about post 5 some one took um-bridge at a comment made by another member and promptly told him to F--k off! this prompted a Stella and i should say intelligent  response from the other guy who in reply told him to F--k off ,well I didn't know weather to laugh or cry,is this the standards that those posters or we want to see on Avsim? well I for one do not! every where in life we need rules,and in my experience criticism is only really valid and worth taking note of if it comes from a well respected and reliable  source and in this case that criteria does not seem to be met,I personally quite like Avsim,there is an amazing amount of good/reliable knowledge being shared around in generally a pleasant way if you obey the rules


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Plus 1

Forever indebted to the late Michael Greenblatt of FSGS.




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My answer is logical :-


Here's the chain of logic:-   :smile:


1). I don't pay for AVSIM, it's provided free to me.

2). I get a lot of answers and help with problems I have in the FS world from it.

3). I also enjoy helping others with answers, where I have the experience and can.

4). [see below*].

5). I therefore really like AVSIM and value it highly as a resource for the hobby.



*so.... point 4 above would be "sometimes I don't agree with every action or attitude I see from the AVSIM team"  but that point is not logical as it is absolutely irrelevent how I feel about attitutes and decisions, whilst I am using and benefiting from a resource that is provided to me for free.


hence,    AVSIM = good thing.


Jay EKlund

UVA/GCVA Pile-it

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Everyone needs a final phrase to really let off steam. What is amusing is that on so many websites and "social" media (a less appropriate description could not be conjured) is that the F---k offs are routinely used by default, even over a mild disagreement. So there is nothing left when you really need to insult someone. These social/antisocial sites will have to invent a new vocabulary, or maybe reverse the meanings so a really horrible rebuke would be "I am a tad discomforted by your recent post".


Further examples welcome.

Robert Young - retired full time developer - see my Nexus Mod Page and my GitHub Mod page

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I have been able to solve every problem I've encountered with FSX and P3D by searching and participating in these forums. Sincere thanks to everyone who contributes, especially the masochistic early-adopters that willingly break their sims so that others can make wise, informed decisions about addons, tweaks, and updates.


The Library is awesome too!

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If we had the perfect turn-key bug-free simulator then we would all be bored. Flight Sim is the continual pursuit of not just flying but adding on to the sim to meet your individual needs and that comes loaded with bugs and issues....hence the need for AVSIM, a great resource for the latest third party offerings and solutions to making things work.


Also like minded individuals having a morning coffee where ever you are in the world and joining in on the banter.  :Cuppa:

Matthew Kane


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I know no serious simmers personally so I come here for a since of community as well as an information source. When I tell someone what my hobby passion is I can see them thinking so you're a 62 year old video game addict. At least there are other people in the world like me who know this is so much more then a game to pass time. I appreciate all who ask questions as well those who answer, and never saw a post I thought was not interesting even if it was just someone's perspective on something. No one should be berated for seeking knowledge. I also think it is cool that there are members from other countries with this same interest. Odd that there is no one in my daily life that has much understanding of my hobby, but I can reach across oceans to share.     

Vic green

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It's honestly embarrassing how little information I contribute to Avsim compared to how much I get from it from people far more knowledgable than I am, and who so generously take the time to answer questions, provide advice, or donate free add-ons.


I have been able to solve every problem I've encountered with FSX and P3D by searching and participating in these forums. Sincere thanks to everyone who contributes,


This sums me up as well,   when i know more about this hobby i will be glad to give a little back but for now i will use this fantastic source of information and maybe entertain a few folks along the way  :rolleyes:




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It's an addiction, really. I need my daily fix of Avsim.

A daily log-on to see what's the latest and greatest in the flight sim world does the trick.


Gotta have my Av.


James D. Edwards

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