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About CrownCityMisfits

  • Birthday 01/05/1973

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  • Location
    Pasadena, CA
  • Interests
    design, animation, cheese

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    Visual Effects Supervisor at a tv post production studio

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  1. Indeed. Although VC interaction needs a better solution.
  2. Thanks for the review Jim. I know what I'm doing tonight....
  3. Ahhh, well that is good and bad in my view. ASN+REX was stunning in FSX. Since switching to P3D, I have never regained that sense of "wow." Was hoping for a new weather engine designed to work specifically with REX textures. Based on my experience I would expect this to look amazing in FSX and decent on P3D. I've still never really wrapped my head around why cloud formations look so different in P3D (vs FSX) despite using the same plugins. The clouds render smaller and tile more often in my opinion.
  4. Looks nice. I hope everything is scaled and placed as beautifully in P3D. If so, I will buy without hesitation and drop ASN.
  5. Certainly yes. I bought Early Access the day it was released. And yes it is fantastic. I was more referring to the frustrating Dirt years. Credit where credit is due... Codies restored my faith in their ability to produce a rally game. However I do sense that I will be similarly frustrated with DTG offerings to flight simulation. Hope they prove me wrong.
  6. That's all you had to say. I've been down this road too may times with F1, TOCA and CMR. [turns and runs]
  7. I love everything about EZDOK and am trying really hard to see it any other way. But I can't. It's versatile and 100% customizable. It does take patience to understand. Personally, I have a ton of fun setting up all of my custom camera views for every aircraft, each mapped to hat switches. One hat controls basic views, like front, back, right, left and forward. The other hat gets me close to panels, gps, etc. Couple that with TrackIR, and it's the next best thing to Oculus. It may be useless for flying tubes for all I know. I only fly prop GA aircraft.
  8. Honestly, I am considering purchasing this game just for the flight instruction alone. I have been simming for years but still lack some of the basic procedural knowledge. I don't really care much about the graphics because my P3Dv3 works perfectly with 99% of my addon library. I am not looking to replace that any time soon. So... question. Forget graphics. How are the lessons? Deep enough? Would it be worth 15 bucks as a mission addon for FSX/P3d?
  9. I haven't purchased a Carenado since the C207 was released, but this may bring me back.
  10. I'd consider this a good day. Good luck!
  11. Real Life: KEMT, San Gabriel Valley Airport (formerly El Monte Airport.) Amazing breakfast and pie at http://www.anniaskitchen.com/ about 100 yards off the runway. My kid's love watching the planes. Me too. Easy, fun morning activity. Sim: KTNP, 29 Palms Airport, GET IT HERE Combined with Blue Sky freeware photoreal scenery of the desert is Socal flying bliss. Plus I can easily travel to some of Orbx's latest and greatest. This is my default airport in P3d.
  12. Thanks for sharing. Inspiring video. [immediately goes to http://www.ontheglideslope.net/]
  13. I finally upgraded to 10 last week with a clean install. Navigating the OS is very laggy compared to 7. I am getting terrible performance in After Effects and Cinema 4D. I am currently looking for solutions. P3Dv3 with Orbx/BlueSky/ASN/REX/A2A is running splendidly, however. That's all that matters, right?
  14. I've been focused elsewhere for a while so I wasn't aware this release was happening. Fair price indeed. I'll pay the premium for RealAir and A2A any day of the week. Looks great guys, thanks. Will get this (and an updated installer for the Duke) once I get my P3D v3 installed this weekend. Cheers.
  15. X-Plane is certainly delivering at night time. Great video.
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