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I really do hope that P3D v4....

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If you want your flight to finish, go with X-plane :)

If you want to support alternative LM projects then just donate $60 or so, and then buy X-plane.

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Jim Shield

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3 hours ago, tonywob said:

Actually both sims. Posting the same post in the P3D forum would have probably degraded very quickly, and vice versa. Some people are very defensive (and passionate) about their sim choice.

We are part of a volatile evolution right now.  With the emergence of some spectacular advancements of X-Plane 11, it is hitting some sore spots with those who favor the other simulator. As far as defensive and passionate (dangerous to put both in the same sentence), it could be looked at that way, but the disrespect that gets thrown around at the forums is out of control.  If I see someone who has been a diehard FSX or P3D user who gives XP a try and has questions, i will gladly answer them because for them to at least try it out, tells me they are open to new things, but for those who creep in to the forum, just to stir up drama and trouble, I won't bother to give them the time of day.  The same would hold true at the other forums, so if I had a question about P3D (which I still use) or found a new person needing help, I would reciprocate, not bash or stir the pot to get a rise out of people.  It's unproductive, and senseless.

I'm seeing that attitude right now, as I type this, at another forum thread and it's sad and hateful.  It's a shame that even the veteran members here cannot come together and act as a community, sharing productive opinion and knowledge to new members as well as collaborating with the more seasoned members to hash out issues and come up with solutions.  If anything, the word bitter comes to mind, as if they take personal offense and feel that their collective noses are being rubbed in the dirt because one sim has advanced beyond a certain threshold while their favored sim is lagging behind. 

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I would not be without either simulator. They may be both flight sims, but they are very different in looks, feel and add-ons available, although there is some crossover. For me XP is the perfect platform for building photoscenery and exploring relatively small areas in very high (and highly accurate) detail, and this can all be done for free, which is great. P3D is the perfect platform for building a great looking landclass based sim, with multi seasons and more opportunity for making detailed weather, but the best stuff is generally payware. This is how I split mine anyway, with the addictive building of ortho tiles on XP and full Orbx covered world in P3D, and I enjoy both equally (and find they are both equally annoying at times)

I'm looking forward to XP11 reaching final, and ironing out the remaining wrinkles. Likewise I'm very interested to see what P3Dv4 will bring, and hope its more than just bringing the engine in to the 64bit world, which I'm sure it will be.

For what is considered a niche market we a remarkably well served and are very lucky IMHO.

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Until or unless XP can conjure up good ATC and AI traffic, its a no go for me.





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"Broken record:

One who continually repeats the same statement with little variation, if any.

Derives directly from the (slightly inaccurate) term involving polyvinyl record albums, where such a "broken" record would repeatedly skip back a moment in what being played. (The term was inaccurate - usually such skippage was caused by debris on the disc.)"

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"They're pissing on our heads and they tell us they're pissing on our heads, but we say it's raining because we don't want to be labeled 'conspiracy theorists' ".

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7 hours ago, YBAF said:


Thank you very much for your advice! 

Based on the frailty of the rumour on P3D 64 bit, I'm probably going to purchase x-plane this weekend. 

I don't think you will regret buying it. I first flew MS Flight Simulator I think in 1985, (Bruce Artwick days), and have loved it since then, but I have been with X-Plane for I forget how many years now, and have never regretted a single minute in either one. I never bought P3RD even though I am a real world pilot, when MS quite the franchise, I did too. LOL

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On 3/22/2017 at 4:26 AM, mjrhealth said:

Had nearly $3000 AU in addons for FSX, all deleted and removed, xplane only, waiting for 11 final. Have too many payware planes to fly already going to be really picky this time.

+1 Same here, I'm looking at XP 11.



Lamar Wright

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7 hours ago, Murmur said:

"Broken record:

One who continually repeats the same statement with little variation, if any.

Derives directly from the (slightly inaccurate) term involving polyvinyl record albums, where such a "broken" record would repeatedly skip back a moment in what being played. (The term was inaccurate - usually such skippage was caused by debris on the disc.)"

Perhaps the reason by you have to listen to the same Vinyl again is because the record company refuses to do anything about it?  Some of us would like to move up to CD's or MP3 players and have the best audio fidelity possible instead of having to listen to the same broken record again and again.   It's all they'll give us.

Captain K-Man FlightBlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCulqmz0zmIMuAzJvDAZPkWQ  //  Streaming on YouTube most Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6pm CST

Brian Navy

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1 hour ago, hychewright said:

+1 Same here, I'm looking at XP 11.


Rich Sennett


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On 3/24/2017 at 5:50 PM, jcomm said:

If you're interested in flying the only worth investing Airbus presently available for the game market, go P3D v3.4 and FSLabs A320.

If you want to experience the best weather effects, visuals and aerodynamic, flying real time weather or historic weather, go P3Dv3.4 and AS16.

Not to mention if you miss snow where there's snow, daylight where there's daylight, and... of course, Moon where iit can be found IRL too :-), go P3D v3.4...

But! If you want the best Boeing 737 experience available for any sim of the same type, go XP11 and iXEG 737.... or if you want the closest to real Saab 340 simulation, go XP 11 and LES Saab 340...

Or.. if you want to get the closet to real life experience of flying a rotary wing, and don't want to spend your money in DCS World and it's Mi-8 or Uh-1H modules, then, again, go XP 11...

If you want to have the most gorgeous scenery for various areas of the World ( and have a good rig to run it ) and have that for the price of just some huge downloads ( which can be costly to some - not my case btw... ) then, again, go XP 11...

So... IMO, get both, support both...

P3D will eventually go 64 bit

X-Plane will eventually get better weather and seasonal textures

Both will eventually get more realistic flight dynamics, with X-Plane still having, IMO, a better chance to excel in that area...


Thanks for your suggestions.  The only thing I need to do is adjust the sensitivity of the controls as I find it way too sensitive compared to what I'm used to on FSX.

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1 hour ago, YBAF said:

Thanks for your suggestions.  The only thing I need to do is adjust the sensitivity of the controls as I find it way too sensitive compared to what I'm used to on FSX.

Yes, that's an important step in configuring X-Plane for a better experience. I usually set the Stability Augmentation sliders all the way left ( none ) unless specifically told to do otherwise by the developer. I set my pitch axis curve to 30% or even 50 %, rudder to that or even more.

On some aircraft the developers suggest their own settings, which should then be followed.

A pitty that X-Plane doesn't allow for aircraft-specific settings, like DCS, Rise or Flight and even FSX or P3D where you can save individual configurations and start the sim using the one you want for the vlight you're going to perform.

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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On 3/21/2017 at 2:37 PM, J.L.Seagull said:

... can recreate the epiphany moment that I have recently experienced with XP11.

Why?  Well.... As an avowed FSX'er since the year dot - and latterly a D'er (but not according to SWMBO), I have resolutely avoided XP after we had a very brief collision a couple of years ago. No-one died, there were no witnesses and we both dusted ourselves off and went our seperate ways.

Several weeks ago, in a moment of grape-induced curiosity, I bought the dreaded foe in order to lay to rest all of my lingering doubts and to finally affirm to myself that this 'alternative' Sim really was the imposter that I had always known it to be.


Bad move.


To fly, rooftop-level, over Innsbruck in XP11 is an absolute revelation in scenic graphics (try it in P3D and you will immediately understand). To have an aircraft illuminate its own way to a hangar or gate at night (and any object that falls in its path), is simply astonishing. Scenery to die for and most of it Freeware or DonationWare!!

I could go on and on about this Sim ... but there simply isn't enough space or time in my Life to talk.... I am back flying.


I really do hope that P3d v4 can recreate the epiphany moment that I have recently experienced with XP11...

...because then - WE, as a flight sim community will have the very best of both Worlds!!



This is a great and timely post you've started, Mr. Seagull.

As someone who also picked up the XP11 beta a few months ago after trying the demo, I must say I share your sentiments exactly of hoping that P3D v4 blows me away the way XP11 has.

I love Orbx and FSDT scenery - a lot - but have been so horribly frustrated by "the blurries" and texture loading issues and low FPS and OOM and you name it.  I thought XP11 would be just a fun diversion, but I quickly found that MisterX sceneries and smooth performance and Alabeo add ons that I tried were quite nice.  But now after PB16/PB17 and much higher FPS and WHITE clouds, I must say I'm quickly losing interest in P3D altogether.   The mountains!  They are gorgeously textured and stay that way vs. approaching a blurry mess that "might" sharpen as I approach.  I can fly above a great freeware enchanced downtown Seattle scenery with a gorgeous American/TWA freeware repaint at 30FPS?!  Smoothly!?  Hmmm...what's this...FS2XP?  One can convert (some) sceneries over?  Indeed you can!  Hello Oshkoshsim Appleton and Dreamware (or whatever it is) Milwaukee that never worked on P3D after purchase! (With tweaking in that swell scenery tweaking tool whose name escapes me).   Enough 737, lets try the Aerocommander Shrike from Alabeo....it works!   And this Freeware Bellingham is lovely...just need to switch out some statics (easy and quick and fun).

And it goes on and on...

I've not tried creating ortho tiles myself but am very eager to try that - I need to watch some instructional videos and hopefully I can master that, hopefully its not too hard?

And I look forward to further commercial development for XP11.  I bought my first payware scenery, "Glitter Gulch", and was quite impressed (I couldn't bear not to have the Vegas strip and a 3D airport terminal).

So yes, I definitely have a new love that has stoked the fires of simming excitement the way the FS98 did when I saw the preorder boxes on the shelf on our honeymoon 20 years ago.

That all said, I am going to fly P3D today, between Darrington and Concrete (I can't fly the reverse or the airport disappears) so I can enjoy my existing investments a bit more and perhaps take some screenshots that will let me create some "lego brick" versions of these airports.

Interesting discussion, would be eager to hear more of others' stories as I'm sure there are more than a few of us in this boat ("Torn between two lovers" is how I stated it over at one scenery forum I frequent).





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10 hours ago, jcomm said:

A pitty that X-Plane doesn't allow for aircraft-specific settings, like DCS, Rise or Flight and even FSX or P3D where you can save individual configurations and start the sim using the one you want for the vlight you're going to perform.


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On 3/21/2017 at 4:16 PM, Kuragiman said:

I have 100% of the USA covered in Ortho scenery now

May I ask what tool did you use for this? Thx

Vu Pham

i7-10700K 5.2 GHz OC, 64 GB RAM, GTX4070Ti, SSD for Sim, SSD for system. MSFS2020

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2 hours ago, Denco said:

Very good!  Thx for sharing the link!

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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