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QW787 P3Dv4 - first impressions?

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Very important to read the manual and the flight tutorial, they are both very well done. It does a great job explaining all the ins and outs of this aircraft. So far I'm 1.5 hours into KSFO-KDEN and loving it. So many things to explore in the cockpit. So many configurations and pages you can set up, the situational awarness in this 787 is incredible. My performance has been smooth as can be.

One bug I did have was doing a cold and dark startup, after pressing the OVHT TEST, the alarm will not shut off but a quick search in QW's forum and others are having this happen as well and they are working on a fix. Not a big deal at all.... nothing so far that keeps me grounded. Very enjoyable aircraft.

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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I'm a Fsl a320, majestic dash 8, Maddog and PMDG 737 & 747 flyer. 

When somebody who is flying a real 787 states that the Qw 787 simulation is quite enjoyable, and Flight1 offers a 30 days money back, I saw no reason not to purchase and looking forward to my first flight. 


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Buying this B787, and seriously, I'm  very happy with (first impression).

the 787 cockpit is very functional and easy to use. First flight done and the plane worked as I wanted. 

Have a positive approach when trying a just released addon. If is not perfect as the Tdfi 717 was... I can be patient. If when flying, I meet a technical problem with the addon, I reacted as pilots... rapidly trying others solutions, always instructive for your personal experience as pilot or as simmer.

Only sim-crashes are boring me, is not the case with this B787.

Mark, be positive, mine half bottle is never empty.


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9 hours ago, BlackJackBaron said:

What a strange statement, why would you need to sit on the fence? Flight1 offer a 30 day return policy:


1. I wasnt aware of Flight1's full refund policy and the TOS leave room for refund denial

2. You wouldnt believe but some people actually have a real world life outside of flightsimming. Family, work and other hobbies may lead to very limited sim time, especially for long hauls. I've seen too many bottled add on releases recently, so I'd rather not waste my leisure time dealing with bugs and issues that shouldn't be in a full release product. This bird however, has apparently been released in a good and stable state, given how many seem to be happy with it. 

3. Its a bloody flight sim forum...whats wrong with asking fellow, experienced simmers to share their impressions and opinions?


9 hours ago, BlackJackBaron said:

11 pages for people with product anxiety?

Flight1 offer a full 30 day return policy, buy it, try it, if you don't like it, return it within 30 days for a full refund.

What a Kindergarten AVSIM has become, geez!

Thats actually the only childish post in here


7 hours ago, honanhal said:

Yeah, how weird that people want to see reviews of a product before spending $70. What’s wrong with people, amirite?

Especially since there has never been a highly anticipated product released for FS that turned out to be a total disaster.

This ^

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I use the refund policy yesterday 

I really unhappy to do it because i like the plane, i don t like drive it


Frédéric Giraud

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23 minutes ago, grandfred29 said:

I use the refund policy yesterday 

I really unhappy to do it because i like the plane, i don t like drive it


I am missing the reason here. 

I really enjoy the 787. only one full flight and some minor stuff like the VNAV bug (which I could solve by inserting the target altitude for the next waypoint). 

Overall a very nice addon. And 60€ won’t kill anyone...

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10 hours ago, BlackJackBaron said:

11 pages for people with product anxiety?

Flight1 offer a full 30 day return policy, buy it, try it, if you don't like it, return it within 30 days for a full refund.

What a Kindergarten AVSIM has become, geez!


How is that a childish post?! 

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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@Anders Bermann

So all those who dont instabuy on day one have product anxiety? Thats pretty childish to me

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1 hour ago, Woozie said:

@Anders Bermann

So all those who dont instabuy on day one have product anxiety? Thats pretty childish to me

How did you come to that conclusion?
Nowhere did the OP specify, that one should 'instabuy it on day one'!

He simply stated, that Flight1 offered a 30-day refund policy - no questions asked. 

You're deriving made up facts from the post, to support your own conclusions.

Best regards,
--Anders Bermann--
Scandinavian VA

Pilot-ID: SAS2471

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@Anders Bermann

You do get triggered quite quickly, dont you?

Lets act like adults and agree to disagree, so we can get back to topic...

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In case some dont have facebook or have not seen this statement elsewhere, this little announcement may explain some things for some, or clarify misunderstandings and expectations. 



Dear Ultimate 787 Pilots,

the first 48 hours of our dual 787 release (FSX SP1 and P3Dv4) are over, so let me give you a quick update on the current status.

We are happy to see so many of you are enjoying the plane and sharing their excitement via social media. Releasing a complex plane like this is always a thrill because there are so many unknowns in the world of software development.

For the last 48 hours we have been working our way through the customer support forums, reading initial impressions and watching streams to get a good understanding of how the plane performs in your hands. We have meanwhile identified some main issues that seem to be appearing.

For those who are experiencing the famous ntdll.dll crash in P3Dv4: As a temporary fix you should leave the weather radar off. This will not isolate each and every occurence of the ntdll.dll crash, but it seems to be the reason for the majority of stability issues.

We are also troubleshooting flight control and VNAV issues that happen on selected setups and routes. A hotfix for the most important items will most likely be released within the next two weeks.

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to reach out to us and give us constructive feedback in order to further improve.

On that note, let me say something that I’ve been meaning to say for a long time.

We are QualityWings Simulations. We are proud to be QualityWings Simulations. -We are not FlightSimLabs -We are not Aerosoft -We are not Precision Manuals Development Group -We are OK with that. We love that. As developers here at QualityWings, we are fans of other groups, if nothing else...we understand the process and respect the heck out of that. It is groups like Dreamfleet, Level-D Simulations, and Precision Manuals that inspired us to know what is possible in Computer Flight Simulation. But we are our own group and we have our own ways of developing these aircraft and putting our own spin on it. Not for the sake of being different...but because we like things a certain way.

Most people that have been with us for a while understand this, but there are also many of you that don’t. So let me explain a few things: We absolutely love the comments for the most part. When something is wrong with our product, we will take all necessary steps to fix it. When something can be improved in our product (within reason and our pricepoint), we certainly strive to do so. But we have noticed a few things from many of the public that we will not accommodate. QualityWings Simualtions will not make changes to the Boeing 787 to make it behave like a Boeing 777. Please take the time to learn the features of the 787 as described in our Flight Manual. The Boeing 787 and the Boeing 777 have different characteristics that we tried to capture. If you want to tell us that something is not programmed correctly for the real-life 787, we may entertain it (within reason based on our price-point). But please make sure that you know what you’re talking about first. We are not by any means always right with our programming. But we did alot of research. In a few cases, something may be simplified that needs explanation, but we already do that in the Users Manual that was included in your purchase. QualityWings Simulations WILL NOT accommodate all requests to make this Boeing 787 behave like a Precision Manuals Development Group 777 or 747 or any other developers product. And we say that with the deepest respect for other developer’s creations. As an example, we decided to put our Fuel Load Manager into the Electronic Flight Bag because we thought if a fictional feature like this would actually be in a cockpit, it would be in an EFB instead of a CDU. That’s not knock on any other developer...but a precedent set for group A will NOT become our standard because you are used to that. When something makes sense, we may explore it. But again, within our price-point.

One final thing. I am so proud of the development team, but especially our Beta testing Team. We have a great core group of beta testers. There have been many that have come and gone, but the core group of guys is an enthusiastic combination of experienced simmers with no real world experience, seasoned pilots with some or no computer simulation experience, and the “kids” (as some of you like to refer in derogatory ways). These guys did a TREMENDOUS job. Any bugs you see doesn’t mean they didn’t try to find it or were lazy. It means the combination of procedures that they used might be different than what you do. As I previously said, we will make all efforts to fix legitimate errors. But as always, the more information you can provide us, the better.

Thank you for your time and always happy landings!




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11 hours ago, B777ER said:

I assume there is a setting then in this menu to adjust the screen? This is based on your reply to my post below that allows HDR to stay on? 

Yes.  Display Units Brighness.  I turned mine down to 60%.

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1 hour ago, HighTowers said:


For the last 48 hours we have been working our way through the customer support forums, reading initial impressions and watching streams to get a good understanding of how the plane performs in your hands. We have meanwhile identified some main issues that seem to be appearing.

For those who are experiencing the famous ntdll.dll crash in P3Dv4: As a temporary fix you should leave the weather radar off. This will not isolate each and every occurence of the ntdll.dll crash, but it seems to be the reason for the majority of stability issues.

We are also troubleshooting flight control and VNAV issues that happen on selected setups and routes. A hotfix for the most important items will most likely be released within the next two weeks.

Well, based on QW's FB post above plus the helpful pros and cons comments earlier in this thread, I will buy this in two weeks' time. Looking forward to adding this to my hangar.

AMD Ryzen 5800X3D; MSI RTX 3080 Ti VENTUS 3X; 32GB Corsair 3200 MHz; ASUS VG35VQ 35" (3440 x 1440)
Fulcrum One yoke; Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus edition; MFG Crosswind rudder pedals; CPFlight MCP 737; Logitech FIP x3; TrackIR

MSFS; Fenix A320; A2A PA-24; HPG H145; PMDG 737-600; AIG; RealTraffic; PSXTraffic; FSiPanel; REX AccuSeason Adv; FSDT GSX Pro; FS2Crew RAAS Pro; FS-ATC Chatter

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Great to see the developers communicating in such a candid, direct and responsive way. I also plan to buy after the first hotfix.


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1 hour ago, F737NG said:

Well, based on QW's FB post above plus the helpful pros and cons comments earlier in this thread, I will buy this in two weeks' time. Looking forward to adding this to my hangar.

Ditto. Once that hotfix is out I'll buy as well. 




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