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Do we Cancel Everything? You still Travelling??

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8 hours ago, TuFun said:

This one is really effecting the economy!



Not really, but it is affecting it... 😁

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As with all other topics, when a crisis comes up the number of experts rises exponentially. The problem I have is to find someone I can believe. Example: One expert in Germany tells us that 60-70% of the population will eventually carry the virus, the next one estimates 40.000 people. In the first scenario, we are talking about 1.5 million deaths, in the second about 1.200 which would be less than 10% of the number of people that die each year through multi resistant hospital bugs. Not very helpful, these experts. 


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I made plans to volunteer at the 2020 Dayton Hamvention again this year from May 15th through the 17th. Several months ago, in an attempt to save money, I booked a room at a local motel for four nights with a no refund option.

While they have not cancelled the event at this time, it is by no means certain that they will not ultimately be forced to do so. Meaning that I'll be out the $580 motel charges... :unsure:

Last year attendance was 32,472. Over half of the attendees were non-US residents. Both visitors and exhibiters came from all over the world; Japan, Taiwan, South America, Africa, England, Italy, and - well - every European country!

Since 1952 the event has never been cancelled. I hope the 2020 event will still be held, but I have no doubt whatsoever that attendance will be adversely affected no matter what...

Fr. Bill    

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4 hours ago, G-RFRY said:

I Know but under EU rules you will loose landing slots if you do not use them so we have empty planes flying across the EU.


Maybe fill the empty planes with the infected to keep them out if the way. I bet some pilots and crew have been infected already, get them to fly the planes. Only joking.

My wife is working from home later this week as a test session, in case a ban on travel to work arises.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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5 hours ago, G-RFRY said:

I Know but under EU rules you will loose landing slots if you do not use them so we have empty planes flying across the EU.

Just in: EU frees airlines to halt ‘ghost flights’ in coronavirus fightback
Brussels relaxes airport landing rules to allow carriers to stop flying empty planes.

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2 minutes ago, G-RFRY said:


Ferrari are there but how long before other country's start to cancel F1. 

me as an F1 Fan since the '80 i doubt we will see a full F1 season this years, no problem for me, because what's raging outside our doors.

just google for an Italian doctor Daniele Macchini, he works at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak in italy has painted a grim picture of the deadly illness — likening it to a “tsunami that has swept us all."


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I have followed F1 since the late 50s born 6mls from Brands Hatch worked there in the late 70s for the F1 security marshal for few years, moved north in the late 80s, was standing in the main grandstand when Mansell won his first GP and collapsed on the winners rostrum from dehydration.    


Raymond Fry.


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I don't want to overload this thread the way I overloaded the other one, so I'll just offer links to a couple of posts - this one and this one - for anybody who wants to try to keep track of this thing as it develops.

Really short version - the restrictions on travel and mass gatherings are the smartest and most effective things we can do at the moment.

I thought the Flight Chops video was great - a very good, balanced presentation.

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Guest nazethc
3 hours ago, Rob_Ainscough said:

 "The Captain" takes credit when DJIA is doing good, blames others when it's doing bad ... sounds familiar ....  Anyway, not going to go there as it will turn political.

Meh...but you did.

OMB syndrome?

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17 minutes ago, Greggy_D said:

I'm not modifying my life for a media-driven hoax.

Thanks for sharing.

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1 hour ago, Alan_A said:

I don't want to overload this thread the way I overloaded the other one, so I'll just offer links to a couple of posts - this one and this one - for anybody who wants to try to keep track of this thing as it develops.

Really short version - the restrictions on travel and mass gatherings are the smartest and most effective things we can do at the moment.

I thought the Flight Chops video was great - a very good, balanced presentation.

russia, closed border in Jan  -  hardly any cases

singapore - closed the borders in Jan - hardly any cases

mongolia - closed the borders in Jan - hardly any cases...

Italy... free movement of people of course sanctioned by the EU..... ...


See where is this going, not hard is it.....  still ill probably be made redundant in  6 months time from it,  and Ill especially remember not to call it Wuhan Flu, Chinese Flu , Bat Flu,  because I wouldnt want to offend anyone while I cant pay my mortgage.


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@fluffyflops - Well, the aggressive border closings were the best early move, when the idea was to keep it outside the borders.

In most places we're past that right now because we blew that chance, and the idea is to keep it from spreading inside the borders.  Which is what the travel- and mass-gathering bans are about.  Problem is, we've got abysmal information to work with.  Friend told me a story a couple of hours ago about a friend of hers who has a 14 year-old daughter who just got back from Italy.  Daughter is running a 104 fever.  Might be COVID-19, might not be.  No one can tell because THERE'S NOT ONE EXPLETIVE TEST TO BE FOUND IN ANY LOCAL HOSPITAL. This is in Washington, DC and environs, mind you.  It's [unprintable] catastrophic incompetence.

These things are never easy to contain but we sure screwed this one up.

I'm not going to blame ethnicities but I'll sure blame governments - because that's where the action (or in this case lack of action) is.

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