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About ErnieAlston

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  1. It will come with the product.
  2. And there's the rub. People want more realism, for developers to provide more realism it takes more development time. If project takes more development time, they need a to get a good return on their investment for the larger risk.
  3. It would have to be designed into the product to accomodate the default GPS. Its not something that could be added after the fact with most of the payware products with very custom autopilots. So this would likely not be possible with the feelthere EMB product.
  4. I wonder if this would include Train Simulator (2) ? , as it as developed based on the FS X earth model and was pretty far along before ACES was shutdown. Hmmm.
  5. The ND may not have been in Map mode. Makes sense if they were on a Visual approach IMO, .
  6. Doubtfull there will ever be a commercial version. MD considered it in the past but it never got past the drawing board. Foreign military sales (Saudi Arabia, Japan, India) could keep it going a few more years, but that's a big maybe. With no other successor planned for the US military this may or may not be the end for the C-17.
  7. We had some similar issues with the Aerosoft Navdata at QualityWings. They did get it mostly right. But when you don't work with the developers at all, there's always going to be the risk of some unanticipated issue arising.
  8. You probably just need to adjust one of the Axis on your joystick. Go into slew mode then adjust your Axis's and you'll see how the slew is affected by it, and be able to adjust it so it is stable in slew mode.
  9. I made this same decision a few years ago myself. VA's, Vatsim, Ivao etc, they have their merits, no doubt, and I enjoyed my time with these organizations. But for me I just got tired of being told how I should enjoy my hobby. So now I do what I want to do , when I want to do it , and how I want to do it. I have not regretted my decision.
  10. Do we ask Kenmore why they price their refrigerators at the price they do ? If we did, we'd probably get an answer along similar lines. They'd probably tell us about their manufacturing , shipping and marketing costs. The reason this is being currently discussed here is because someone asked why. Not because people actually factor why it costs what it does into their buying decisions.
  11. I hear ya, it seems to take longer and longer for these releases, its difficult to wait for them. I worked on the FMC/EFIS update for Simcheck, and my role is effectively completed. So it does exist. I'm not privy to the Simcheck teams schedule, or plans so I'm not in a position to provide any additional details. But I would think they will release it sometime in the near future. Regards. Ernie.
  12. The radio height in FSX is based on the height of the cockpit. So if the GPWS is based on the FSX radio height you will get different values from different aircraft.
  13. I do use the default 737 from time to time. Sometimes I just want to get in and go, the default 737 allows me to do that.
  14. I wouldn't say never. They said the same about Dassault, and now they've given wilco the green light to produce their Falcon 7X. It may just take the right group to show the right people at Gulfstream how well it can be done in FSX to make it happen.
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