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About mfrantz

  • Birthday 03/24/1961

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  1. This problem has been fixed but you have to wait for the next update of the 747-8.
  2. Currently enroute charts are not included in the EFB Terminal Charts application (as the name implies). An Enroute Charts EFB application that will overlay the aircraft position is in our plans, but it will take some time.
  3. I think that the bluriness you refer to is related to the "Mipmap VC Panels" setting on the display options. If you turn off VC mipmapping the bluriness will go away, but then lines & text on the displays will show somehow "broken" Personally, I prefer it with mipmapping on.
  4. This is an issue we have identified and is fixed for the next update. See this post for details: forum.avsim.net/topic/446916-pref-init-uplink-fsgrwcrash/
  5. Are you using any weather add-on application?
  6. The flight number uplink is automatically performed when you do a ROUTE REQUEST. If the flight plan you request includes a specific flight number (this will happen if you save a route from the FMC while the flight number field is set in the ROUTE page) you will automatically get the "FLT NUMBER UPLINK" message and the flight number field will be set. There is no action required, other than clearing the message with the CLR key.
  7. BTW, while troubleshooting this with an evaluation version of FSGRW I noticed that FSGRW has an option to create a .WX file for the PMDG 777. However, the format of this file is incorrect and loading the data will result in an INVALID UPLINK message. If any FSGRW user wants to pass this to their forum, the problem is that the 777 requires 10 wind/speed/altitude fileds at predefined altitudes placed in two lines of 5 entries each. The FSGRW creates 11 entries instead placed in two lines of 6 and 5 entries. This is not accepted by the 777.
  8. Clive, This is not the cause. I can't recall now if there is a reason for omitting the destination airport in the PLN file. I'll look into it and if there was no particular reason we will add it in the next update. Found and fixed. Had to do with length of METAR forecasts that FSGRW and other addons are injecting in FSX. When these are unusually long you may get CTDs when using a weather addon that does not create a WX file and therefore the 777 will have to grab forecasts directly from FSX METARs. Can happen after accepting PERF INIT when the automatic preflight uplink option is set, or when requesting wind data, descent forecasts and alternate wx (especially with alternate wx requests it may happen even if you are using ASN). Will have this fully fixed in the next update.
  9. Looking at it. Will let you know when we have news.
  10. Check this post: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/446888-taxi-cam-problem/ "For those with this problem try changing the fsx.cfg line wideviewaspect=false to wideviewaspect=true. Hope it helps"
  11. If you turn it off, then you have to manually load the flight plan into ASN (from the ASN flight plan tab) to be able to get weather forecast data.
  12. Not sure if this is your problem, but be aware that the WX.PLN file is created whenever you move to a CDU page that contains a weather related REQUEST prompt. This is done to make sure that an updated flight plan file is already created before you request any weather related forecast. This means that setting the "FSX PLN FILE FOR WXR" option and creating or loading a flight plan in the FMC is not enough. You should go to the LEGS DATA or the DES FORECAST or the ALTN CDU page and then the WX.PLN will be created.
  13. The Auto Alternates option does not update the alternates weather forecast. It updates the list of the closest company preferred alternates (displayed in ALTN page 2/2). You can update the weather forecast for the 4 alternates displayed in ALTN page 1/2 anytime from the WXR REQUEST prompt at L6
  14. This is not true. This option does not control the creation of the XXXXYYYY.wx file that contains the wind forecasts. It controls the creation of an FSX format flight plan file, named WX.PLN. The 777 will use FSX weather only if no XXXXYYYY.WX file is found for the XXXX-YYYY route. If a .WX file exists it will always be used to provide forecasts. The difference between the "Create WX.PLN file and load to FSX" and "Create WX.PLN FILE" is that in the first case the wx.pln file is created and automatically loaded to FSX in order to trigger an automatic loading to ASN, while in the second case the file is not loaded to FSX, therefore you should manually load it yourself into ASN from the ASN flight plan tab. This is all explained in detail in the provided supplement document.
  15. Yes you are right, I only noticed the screenshot itself.
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