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The Dungeon
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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=24428
  2. IWillBeBack is an externally run utility that communicates with FS through FSUIPC. You tell it how many miles you want to fly before the pause and that is what it will do. It works with FS9 and FSX and as long as FSUIPC is installed I would predict with P3D.
  3. Sorry then, use Win 10 and lose all your privacy like the rest of us.
  4. Yes, you can. You just need to go to a brick and mortar store and buy a program on a 3.5 inch floppy, come home, throw that disk into your floppy drive and then punch card away. Your god given rights to privacy will still be protected.
  5. But with Windows 3.1 I can't pull up everyone's property tax history like I can with XP to the OSs of today. Where's all the outrage about that?
  6. I don't see a single flight sim program at that dvcsim web site. I do see image generators though.
  7. No, it is not possible to even cover the 2 objects.
  8. FSUIPC installed? If, yes are weather settings off and using default settings?
  9. AA checked On in FSX? NV Control panel being used to increase AA for FSX?
  10. 27% may be any photoscenery but I would need to check.
  11. Make sure the displays are set in Extend mode and not Duplicate mode.
  12. It's a mission object and cannot be made flyable. You would need to design an aircraft from scratch.
  13. Reinstall everything fresh so no garbage gets moved, all registry entries get made, all .cfgs have the current data, and you clean out all the stuff you don't need/use anymore.
  14. Make sure you are using Win 10 video drivers from AMD/ATI.
  15. It's installed wherever you installed MT6 to. The MT6 base program is never installed into FSX. Mine is E:\MyTrafficProfessional
  16. I do know for ASN, but because some big eyes are watching this thread I will not post that information publicly. Let's just say that it is the most up to date weather data available.
  17. FYI All, Damian is a real world pilot also, and flies often. And readership, please do not base anything from weather cams.
  18. There are multiple versions of that file that you need to try for your system. No need to go back to Win 7.
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