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Everything posted by FlyAndFight

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I was on a flight where all was working fine and then all of a sudden the aircraft took a brutal right bank straight into the ground. Controls were uncooperative. This may explain it, as I was using a downloaded skin. (National Geographic skin).
  2. Thanks for sharing this. I was on a flight where all was working fine and then all of a sudden the aircraft took a brutal right bank straight into the ground. Controls were uncooperative. This may explain it, as I was using a downloaded skin. (National Geographic skin).
  3. A big thanks to those of you that recommended "LightScreen". Easy to set up and works like a charm.
  4. Wow! A flash from the past. I remember using the Voodoo 2 card to fly Rowan Software's "Mig Alley" back in the day. I made quite a number of mods for it, under the "AxA" alias. (just checked and still have them saved.)
  5. The 152, 172, SR-22, TBM and the Diamond family have all been fairly good and enjoyable to fly. The 787 provides me with CTDs, mostly as I approach my arrival airport(s). Quite frustrating. The Pitt is an uncontrollable mess for me. Haven't really tried the others much, as of yet.
  6. My flights being logged are inconsistent, exactly like the OP. I've noticed that the issue cropped up with the latest patch, as well. It isn't a major issue but rather a nuisance, as I would like it to be working correctly but it's not affecting the flights themselves.
  7. Patch and Japan-specific update are separate. Cool background pic of Mt. Fuji loaded up as well.
  8. Pretty slick pics. I've got both airports and they are fantastic.
  9. Fantastic!! Thank you for doing this. I truly appreciate it. Looking forward to the update.
  10. Picked it up last night and got to fly out of it this evening. Really nice looking and no frame rate issues that I can sense. Would have been cool if they had included an update for Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. Flew out there and found what appeared to be several houses but no "fort".
  11. We're in the same neck of the woods. i'm further south in Kendall but the swamp/Everglades are West of Chrome Avenue and definitely a hard border. But my FSX was long ago updated with ORBX products which included landclass, textures, autogen, vector information, etc. It improved FSX dramatically and provided much more than graphical improvements. But after flying with MS2020, I've been seriously considering wiping out FSX and 14 years of addons, as I don't think I'll ever be flying it again. I'll keep it for a while but it might not last much longer.
  12. I haven't been able to switch out of "Live Weather" since before the patch. I think it worked fine on initial installation but stopped working (grayed out) soon afterwards. It isn't a big deal for me, as I prefer flying with live weather but would have liked to load different scenarios just to test things out.
  13. I see the "Checking for Updates" message popping up as well. I didn't notice the Legend with the world map but will definitely check when I can load the sim again. (after work...)
  14. This is definitely on top of my "wish list" for updates or 3rd party implementations. It transforms the flight sim for me.
  15. Yep. It is set correctly but no way of changing the setting.
  16. I'm having the same issue. When you say you "Rebooted" FS2020, do you mean you restarted the program? I've tried exiting and restarting and still can't access or change the weather type. It is grayed out with real weather as the setting but it isn't reflecting real weather in the program.
  17. Thanks, Fielder! It worked for me as well.
  18. Thanks for sharing these steps. It's been a major issue with me (not having the hat switch working for free view.)
  19. Thanks for the heads-up! Just downloaded and installing. KEYW will be another definite pick-up, if released.
  20. I'm a big fan of the eventually updated FSX but I remember the years of endlessly tweaking the FSX.cfg file in order to get things to run better. Wasn't it some time before we got the "HIGHMEMFIX=1" tweak that turned things around? Also, wasn't it the "NvidiaProfile/Inspector" tool (for Nvidia users) that also turned things around? MSFS isn't perfect out of the box but its definitely better than FSX was, out of the gate. It took me several years before I could not only upgrade hardware but tweak FSX to the point that it was enjoyable. I don't have that problem with the current MSFS release (thank goodness) and I've got years old hardware.
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