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Everything posted by Sartanius

  1. Nice shots, Max. They could be real.
  2. Your steps are right. And yes... if you have other stuff on the former P3D drive (the one that used to be "D"), those shortcuts on the desktop would no longer work. But the shortcut properties can be easily edited to point to the new drive letter. Should be simple. Just right-click on the broken shortcut and edit the path.
  3. Deleted... cross posted what Buffy said 🙂
  4. Excellent point, Buffy... thanks for clarifying.
  5. Competition is good, especially for us simmers. Although I am an avid NVIDIA fan, I'd love to see reasonable, and perhaps less expensive, choices down the road.
  6. Seems reasonable that you could: Image the drive where P3D is currently located, Change the drive letter of the old P3D drive, Change the drive letter of the new drive to the former P3D drive letter, Restore the P3D drive image onto the new drive. Although I don't see an issue with doing this, I am far from an expert. Certainly others will chime in. Good luck!
  7. That's a nice set of add-ons to compliment P3D. We have so many options in this hobby that there's sure to be a setup everyone can enjoy.
  8. Good choice, Helmut. Remember the "core voltage offset" tweak I mentioned above using the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (free download). Once you have a stable O/C, I am confident you can get substantially lower CPU Package temps with that little tweak and still maintain a stable O/C/ As for RAM, I'd recommend you go with a minimum of 16GB... and G-Skill has some excellent selections out there. Aim for a matched set at 3000MHz or higher.
  9. Love the airplane. Hard to tell those pics from real life. Thanks for posting!
  10. Ok, you've talked me into it. My arm hasn't been twisted like that in a very long time... *smile* I'll let you know my thoughts in the next day or do.
  11. Hey Jim. I can certainly "feel" your enthusiasm! And I agree, your posted picture sure does look nice. To be honest, I'm tentative on the whole PS phenomenon since I can't stand how flat and blurry it looks when down close, like on approach for landing. It is a real immersion killer for me. Granted, I have probably not used any quality PS yet, so don't have a current-day frame of reference. A lot of the more recent offerings from Orbx (like the Netherlands) where time is taken to add a plethora of accurate 3d objects on top of the flat scenery starts to get my attention... so I'm wavering (lol). Your excitement has weakened me, so I'll probably get one of the MSE products and give it a look.
  12. I wasn't happy with averaging the high 70s with peaks into the high 80s with my stable 5.0GHz O/C (1.34 Vcore), so I tried the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (IETU) to test a "core voltage offset" of -0.100. It worked very well and lowered my average temps to the mid 60s with spikes no higher than 75C, all the while maintaining the stable 5.0GHz O/C. Testing -0.105 right now and all is stable with an additional 1-2C lower. Since this is working so well, I need to find the exact same BIOS setting for applying this voltage offset so I can quit the IETU.
  13. Looks great, Jim. May have to give that scenery a try.
  14. Saw this today and thought of the many simmers out there who fly the friendly skies while on-the-go. This soon-to-be-released ASUS Mothership GZ700 seems quite the porttable powerhouse, but the price will likely be a barrier for many. Enjoy!
  15. I, too, have used ASUS ROG almost exclusively. Never really had a bad board, so no reason to switch. Currently on their Maximus X Hero board and am very pleased with it. Very detailed BIOS with all the O/C goodies one could need. Not saying ASUS is the absolute best, but they are definitely on par with all the other MB manufacturers out there. I believe you'll have to go with the Z390 to get the most out of the 9000 series processors... but I could be mistaken about that. Here's a link to the Z390 version of the MB I currently use.
  16. Greg - I know 28R was spot on last evening. Beautiful approach.
  17. Although you do have to create individual lights for each aircraft, the process is very simple. This is certainly an excellent interim solution until something universal comes along.
  18. Enjoy the ride, my friend. A beautiful plane.
  19. The 3.00.9194 update did the trick. RainMaker working just fine in the -400 now. Great job, and thanks for all your hard work!
  20. I agree. Performed a 737-NGX flight into PDX from Phoenix and a flight out to Minneapolis-St Paul in the FSL A320. Performance was just fine on all counts.
  21. Nope. Here's a link to FlightBeam's instructions on how to preserve the use of the their manager utility when moving their scenery out of the main LM P3D folder. My point was that FlightBeam was indeed using the new .XML method for loading their scenery into P3D.
  22. Hey Rick. Yes, the FlightBeam installer places the scenery files inside the Prepar3D Main folder, but they are added to the simulator via the new XML method. If you were to completely uninstall Prepar3D, the FlightBeam folders and all their scenery files would remain intact and not be deleted. I certainly understand what you are saying, but not sure it's a major issue. Check the add-on.cfg file in the "ProgramData\LockheedMartin\Prepar3dv4" folder that points to the .XML file in the "Documents\Prepar3d v4 Add-ons\FlightBeam - KPDX" folder. You can move the KPDX folder out of the main LM folder and put it wherever you'd like, then remember to change the paths in the .XML file.
  23. It really is a beautiful piece of work. It won't disappoint.
  24. That scenery is gorgeous, Gottfried. Nice flight.
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