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Everything posted by Sartanius

  1. Go to Tools --> Options --> Map Display --> Airports Section (near top) and un-check "Diagram Boundary". Hope this helps.
  2. Romano - This +1... I have tried most of the benchmark tools, but in the end, doing numerous long flights with advanced aircraft into-out of complex sceneries with AI and variable weather is the ultimate proof of the pudding. If your sim is stable, you've succeeded in my book.
  3. I might be wrong, but I believe the only way to damage a processor is with high temperatures, which are directly related to voltage (and cooling). Maintaining a stable O/C with the lowest voltage (and temperature) possible is a win-win. I am currently stable at 5.0GHz with 1.240 volts and temps averaging low to mid 60s in P3Dv4.4 with all the whistles and bells (see specs in sig below). There are others with much more experience here... looking forward to more educated insights.
  4. Very nice pics, Matthias! Beautiful aircraft.
  5. Thanks for that @vortex681. I learned something... and for that I'm grateful. Apologies to @mikeymike for peddling bad information.
  6. You are trading 12GB (2x6GB) of VRAM for 11GB in the 1080Ti configuration. Other than eliminating SLI, I don't think this would be a significant upgrade. If instead you were to consider the 2080Ti (pricey!), then you would likely have a more significant upgrade over your current configuration. Of course, this is just my opinion. Others will chime in for sure.
  7. Ok, I understand now. Flightradar24 let’s you track flights by tail number. Find a B752, get its tail number, then track its past and scheduled flights. I believe you can go a couple days into the future. Maybe this will help a little.
  8. Hi Clement - As Rick said above, you absolutely can search for flights by aircraft type, and you don't have to be logged in to FlightAware. Just go to the site and hover your mouse over the "Live Flight Tracking" menu in the upper LH side of the site and a sub-menu appears. Then, select "Browse by Aircraft Type" and select the type you'd like to search for. When you have a registered account, they allow you to see many more flights than the free access. Registering is free, so nothing to be concerned with. I use the site all the time.
  9. Checking the two sources linked below, I don't see any. DCTRY (link) Google Maps for Prepar3Dv4 (link) Is there something you don't like about the FSDT version?
  10. Welcome, Andy. Great first post here. Yes, this hobby offers all the complexity one needs to give the sense of actually being there. After all, isn't that what simulation is all about? Even those who don't care for the complexity can still enjoy this hobby, but the PMDG products do require study and focus. Great stuff!
  11. Not sure what to say, George... it works just fine doing it that way here. Sounds like you might have a "permissions" issue when saving your modified panel state. Do you run Prepar3D in "Administrator" mode? Did you install P3D outside the default Program Files (x86) directory? I'm no authority here, but those thoughts come to mind. Hopefully PMDG will weigh-in with their thoughts.
  12. We're an eclectic collection of folks here in this community with wide and diverse opinions on just about every topic... and this one is sure to bring out some emotional comments. I dropped Win7 about 6 months before Win10 RTM and never looked back. Not that I thought Win7 wasn't an excellent OS (it certainly was), but because I've been that way with all OS releases since Win98. I think Win10 is excellent as well, but certainly not perfect. There's never been a perfect OS, to my knowledge. I just love new software, and Win10 hasn't let me down in any significant way yet. We all have opinions...
  13. I believe you can set it in inches, then save that panel state. Then make that panel state your default startup state, and it should do that every time. Default startup state can be set under the CDU PMDG Setup menu.
  14. I did not get that dialogue popup when I clicked the picture the first time. It just immediately started downloading and opened right away in my desktop photo app. I'm not saying I don't already have a profile that does this automatically, I just don't recall ever setting something like that up. It also might be a "feature" of Firefox. I'm using Chrome. Yep 🙂 we sure can get tied up in knots with all this technology. But I must confess, part of me really does love the complexity!
  15. I must admit, Jim... that does look very nice. Also, when I click the photo, it downloads via my browser and opens in my desktop photo app. Not an issue at all for me, but I'm used to seeing photos open in another browser window. Just checking to see if that was the behavior you expected.
  16. The scenery looks superb, Nice pics!
  17. Scroll down to your closest point over a gate you're interested in, then simply place your cursor over the gate label and let it sit there over the label for a second and the info will pop up. Be sure the map is the foremost window first (by clicking anywhere on it). HTH
  18. Hi Ed. So, now we have a developer contradicting Lockheed Martin regarding what components are required to see PBR. I have difficulty believing LM don't understand what's required for PBR in their product. Since I'm neither LM or the Maddog developer, I will step aside... but I'm leaning towards LM 🙂
  19. Hi Jay. Just one minor clarification. According to LM (link) you only need to update the v4.4 Client to "see" PBR textures. All you get with updating v4.4 Content is the new F-16 with PBR textures. Any aircraft you add that have PBR textures will show up just fine for those who only updated the Client.
  20. Hey Nathan. That's quite a comprehensive response from Benjamin... very thorough and helpful. Here are two additional sites showing payware airports around the world. DCTRY (link) Google Maps for Prepar3Dv4 (link)
  21. Those pics really do look excellent! Looking forward to some of the other high-end aircraft developers making the change to PBR as well. Great times!
  22. Try this. Go to Tools --> Options --> Map Display --> Airports Section (near top) and un-check "Diagram Boundary". Hope this helps.
  23. Hi Luis - There's a terrific logbook utility right here in the Avsim Library named LogEdit3. It was created by Dan Downs, who is a frequent poster in the PMDG Forums. I use it exclusively.
  24. What airport are you looking at?
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