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Everything posted by Sartanius

  1. Hey there, T45. Before anyone can assess this, it would be good to add your PC specs in your Avsim signature. You can use the format in my sig as a guide... but in the end, folks will be asking about this in order to help solve your problem.
  2. T Thanks a ton, Martin. I certainly understand HT requires more voltage, but wasn't sure which ASUS BIOS setting to change to apply the same -0.100 voltage offset I was doing in IETU. I'll check out the video... again, thanks.
  3. Great to hear this! It is a truly nice feeling when you make a hardware change that gives you much better performance. Happy New Year!
  4. AMD don't support Intel's Hyperhreading, but they do use something called “Simultaneous Multi-Threading”. See if you have a BIOS setting for that.
  5. And yet I have the same FPS regardless at 5.0GHz. If you give me a choice of stable, high FPS with high temperatures vs. stable, high FPS with lower temperatures, I'll take the lower temps... every time. There is no downside for me in P3D with HT off, just upside.
  6. +1 here as well. "HT Off" lowers my average temps between 5-9C.
  7. My home-built PC (see sig) has been humming along without a problem for a year now and I couldn't be happier with P3D performance, especially now that I've added the 2080Ti. However, although I knew better, I stopped thinking and went ahead and updated my BIOS since I was still running the out-of-the-box version, which was current when I purchased the MB. Of course I hadn't saved my current O/C profile in the BIOS, so when the BIOS update finished I discovered my O/C profile had been restored back to default. I knew how I'd originally reached that O/C profile (using ASUS Ai Suite), so I went back to try that again, and did achieve very stable performance at 5.0GHz, but my CPU temps in P3D were significantly higher than before the BIOS update. Clearly I hadn't arrived at my earlier O/C settings and now had higher core voltage than before, and my fans were letting me know. I found out quickly that much of my higher temp problem was due to the BIOS reverting back to HT On. When I turned HT back off I saw a significant drop (5-9C) under peak loads, but temps were still higher than what I'd had previously. After some research I discovered the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility and used it to apply a 0.100v Core Voltage Offset, and voila... my temps are back inline (avg 71C) when in a heavily loaded P3D session with the FSL A320 and 3rd party sceneries. I completed a 7 hour flight with zero problems. I am searching now to see how to apply that same voltage offset within the ASUS BIOS so I don't need to use Intel's utility. Thought I'd share since maybe someone can benefit from my mistake. Absolutely my own fault, so hold the snark if you can. Fortunately, all is now well again with stable performance, but I would still like to get all the tweaks done in the ASUS BIOS.
  8. Hi Zimmerbz. Check this link.
  9. Nice work, Steve! Exciting times for our sim hobby.
  10. Hi Bill - Only comment on the linked system - yes, it will give you great (likely quiet) performance, but you might consider aiming at a much higher OC, to the 5.0GHz plus range, to give yourself the best possible P3D performance. Many of the folks here that are going for new systems are shooting for the highest CPU OC they can get. My system (spec in sig) is super quiet with even the most demanding P3D scenarios and I'm running an OC of 5.0GHz with a heavy duty AIO cooler. My temps average at 70C throughout all P3D scenarios with the CPU loaded at an average 85%. I couldn't be happier. You'll get lot of opinions, but you can never go wrong shooting for the highest CPU OC you can afford, all things considered.
  11. Sure is a great way to get free advertising for your flight sim tool.
  12. Agreed. All their stuff is excellent, but there’s just something about KMSP. Superb workmanship and a joy to fly in to and out of.
  13. Hi Simon. Because you indicated you wanted the 747-8 expansion, I would recommend KIAD since Lufthansa operates daily round trip flights (DLH419/418) to/from Frankfurt (EDDF). Based on some cursory research, I could not find any 747-8 service into KDEN. I also use Aerosoft's EDDF to make the round trips more enjoyable. They did a very nice job with the Frankfurt airport.
  14. Hopping onboard this issue as I have the same problem, particularly with GSX pushback audio. Probably something very simple I'm just overlooking...
  15. Your MSI Z370 M/B comes with a suite of tools that you download separately. I believe there are a couple tools in that suite, like Game Boost, or even X-Boost that assist you with overclocking. Read through the manual to familiarize yourself with the features, then run the tools and see if you can get a stable OC. Of course, always watch your CPU temperature during this process. Edit: I use HWiNFO64 (free utility) to monitor all my CPU/GPU particulars.
  16. I must agree. I OC'd my 8700K to 5.0GHz and she hums along nicely, averaging 70C for the average flight with FSL/PMDG aircraft into/out of 3rd party airports with ASP4 weather and UTL traffic (40%). Other than adding the 2080Ti, the OC was the next most impactful change.
  17. I made the jump from a 1060 to the 2080Ti... and it is significant, to say the least. I created a scenario with my 1060 at a favorite 3rd party airport with settings that I really wanted to run with (but knew I couldn't with the 1060), let it sit for 5 minutes and had an avg of 4.7 FPS. I saved the scenario, uninstalled the 1060, installed the 2080Ti, flushed the cache, etc, loaded the saved scenario and got 40 FPS. Needless to say, i'm a very happy camper!
  18. At the end of the day, all that really matters is that we're happy with our sim. Sometimes turning the FPS counter off makes all the difference in the world. Happy New Year, my friend.
  19. Congratz on your 1000th post, Matt! You very well may be right, but I haven't read anything here or elsewhere that shows a substantial performance increase when moving from a single 1080Ti to a single 2080Ti, all else remaining the same. Do you have some test data you can share that shows a significant performance boost between a single 1080Ti and a single 2080Ti? If so, I'd love to see it. The other post I linked to here at Avsim (see above) would seem to indicate rather modest improvements. BTW, no disrespect all all. I completely respect your comments. Just interested in real data if you have some to share. Seems many simmers are interested in this topic. Edit: We cross-posted our comments, Matt. I see your performance results. Would like to have seen apples to apples (same scenario with 1080Ti and 2080Ti) to see relative performance increase.
  20. Going from a 1080Ti to a 2080Ti won't be a huge jump in performance, but it should indeed be better... maybe 10%. The price-to-performance curve doesn't really support the move, but money may not be an issue. I went from a 1060 to a 2080Ti and my performance jumped 8.5 times, but the 1060 is way down in the minor leagues compared with a 1080Ti. Of course, YMMV. Here's another thread here at Avsim discussing this issue.
  21. Here's a cut & paste from the v4.4 Release Notes on Scenery changes: - Fixed trench running through large areas in Iran. - Added several representative military jets to AI traffic. These require military cargo/combat parking spaces to appear. - Fix for specular value of bare desert that caused background globe to be brighter than generated textures. - Golf courses can be layered on top of airport backgrounds. - Added several new scenery objects including warehouses, wooden pallets, wooden shipping crates, and military tents. Here's a link to the full release notes.
  22. Just to clarify, Dave... the Client is the only component you need to update to bring your sim up to v4.4. The other two components, Scenery and Content are optional, although recommended. You can safely run your sim with the Client at v4.4 and the others at 4.1, or 4.2, or 4.3, or any combination. By not updating Content or Scenery you will miss out on new or updated features they each contain, but again, they are optional.
  23. I also enjoy these cargo routes Dan has been doing, plus I add a pax routing now and then with Lufthansa DLH418/419 between KIAD and EDDF. All very nice flights in the -8.
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