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Everything posted by Paul_Yorks

  1. All I'd say is that I had the same issue in the Yosemite bush flights, took off again and spent an AGE looking till I found the actual strip, less than half a mile away - almost invisible (and I only really spotted it by referencing the overhead picture in the directions). So maybe worth a double-check that you were at the right spot?
  2. I am a GP user but once the price rises I'll bin it. I'll probably then buy MSFS on Steam. Does anyone know: will I be able to keep all my settings, which are stored in the Cloud, if I move from MSGP to Steam? Not the end of the world, if not, but would be nice.
  3. I ended up flying between 2 of the Aleutian islands courtesy of FS Economy's out-of-date database, and loved it. ATU (on ATTU) turns out to have an incredibly scenic approach from the SW. And sad though I am to admit it, I don't think I ever knew this chain existed. Contains both furthest West and furthest East spots in the US, and is in part a good deal closer to Russia than mainland US. Love it when FS gets me onto wikipedia for half an hour to follow up the flying. MSFS20 also has the advantage that abandoned airfields are still there, since of course the runway is still there on the satellite image.
  4. Don't mind the voice, but having had about a dozen rapid-fire instructions to descend to 5 different FLs in about a minute (despite acknowledgment and reasonable descent speed) I am just about fed up with ATC. Easier not to bother than to spend all your time dealing with what feels like spam messages. I think FSX was better.
  5. I'm with Steve. I love my 750 and it's one of the reasons I'm still loving XP11.
  6. A little +1 for FSE here. It's given my flying a purpose although a little imagination helps. And it's 100% free with a friendly and helpful community. Setup for FSX is easy (XP is a bit trickier) but there's a definite learning curve. I'd recommend it.
  7. I'm not convinced R does anything! I use Ctrl + and Ctrl - mapped to inc/dec sim rate and they work fine, with no need for R at all.
  8. It's not visible from space, btw. A quick Google will tell you that it ceases to be visible a few 10's of KMs up; the ISS is at 3 or 400, I think. Standard myth debunked. But in the sim I flew NE from Beijing the other day and just dallied about in the fantastic foothills and mountains there - and am reasonably convinced there was some (albeit flat) GWoC footprints there. Great fun to go find that, and I do hope someone makes some 3d models to support it.
  9. FSDT stuff was practically auto-buy for me when I used to do FSX/P3D. Amazingly good performance, too. Looking forward to this.
  10. Add this line to your hosts file: server.fseconomy.net www.fseconomy.net fseconomy.net And FSE will work again. Had some DNS problem I am told.
  11. I'm really not seeing any issues in actual flight. The odd screenshot might show issues, but flying the sim all looks great to me.
  12. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I have very nice performance with pretty much zero stutters with the GA birds. High-ish settings on a high-ish system. Even simconnect doesn't seem to create stutters. But I am finding that if I run at a higher sim rate for say 20 minutes, I return to standard time with frequent/significant stutters. I just tried to replicate the problem with an exact same flight, at normal rate, and the issue doesn't arise. Might there be a "buffering" issue, so to speak, with higher sim rates? Just wondering. I do of course have an immediate fix: stay at 1/1 rates!
  13. Reinstalled on another PC and to my delight the sim found all my previous 'stick settings and even has a record of the places I'd flown in the Yosemite bush flights. I understand these things are saved online (along with my inside leg measurement, I bet...) - But I've lost all my progress - over halfway. Any ideas if there is a file or folder I can copy over from the old installation to recover that? Thanks.
  14. Random Crashes here too. Not to desktop - the PC shuts down. 8700 with 16gb and a 2060, hardly the oldest setup. I've logged a support ticket. Event Viewer tells me the Error starts with MSFS so that's a relief at least. Enjoying it for the 10 minutes I get before it falls over, though with loading times the equation is turning out more frustrating than fun. At least I got my X52 Pro working. And Mont St Michel is terrific 🙂 Please do keep posting people, the more information the better. Meanwhile, back to Xp11.50!
  15. Aha... I think the answer is here: Goodness, not terribly intuitive. But better, now. Just need to play with sensitivity settings.
  16. Very frustrated here. I managed to map all the axes to the Sim - seems the X52 Pro didn't get the "preset" programs. But now I can't control the sim at all. I move an axis a little, nothing happens. A little more, and it jumps suddenly from point to point. I've installed latest drivers to no avail. Calibration in Win10 shows everything working fine. Likewise if I click on "Sensitivity" in the sim my sticks describe the graph perfectly, with no "jumps". At a loss. Any ideas, please?
  17. Had the same issue with the X52 Pro - try changing the "assigned" option to "all" then choosing your command, click in the top box, move the 'stick and see if that registers it. Worked for me with the X52 but I still can't fly with it! 🙂
  18. Also the gorgeous Aerobask Lancair Legacy RG: https://store.x-plane.org/Lancair-Legacy-RG_p_1251.html
  19. Thanks Frank - that's all I wanted to know, that I wasn't missing something obvious. I've spent a bit of time with the 750 and was pretty sure I was doing it right but I've User-Error'd enough to know to check sometimes 🙂 I'll have a dig around.
  20. X-Plane 11. What I can't replicate is adding the second approach. It seems to overwrite the first.
  21. I've tried to replicate this explanation: https://flightlevelsonline.com/2018/spring-2018/garmin-tips-and-tricks-practice-approaches-with-the-gtn-750/ But it doesn't seem to work, either in the sim or the trainer - is this just a missing feature or is it me, missing something? Thanks.
  22. Let me add, for the benefit of posterity, that after several hours reading half a dozen forum threads like this one and trying everything from recreating folder structures to setting environment variables to Registry tweaks, I finally found the solution to the same problem: I uninstalled the lot, and reinstalled with the default installation paths. Immediate fix. Phew.
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