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  1. Hi folks! I'm Vasco from MSFSAddons.com. That bit of information about the possibility of buying individual "premium" aircraft was shared by Jörg during an interview at the Global Preview Event. Somehow I missed it during the interview as my thoughts drifted somewhere else in that particular moment, but listening to the recording back at home, it's clearly there. Should have been paying more attention to get further details on that, sorry!
  2. You may also have supporting apps to MSFS that are preventing the sim from shutting down properly. Make sure to also shut down every app that connects to MSFS after closing the sim, like Navigraph, BeyondATC/SayIntentions, FSRealistic, and whatnot.
  3. I think this is related with the "realistic haze layer" in REX configuration
  4. Funny indeed! It happens in the Longview Ranch scenery from ORBX.
  5. I find plenty of animals in Orbx scenery, from birds to cows... I once had to go-around because there were a bunch of cows in a runway.
  6. I would say the default Maule is payware quality. Very, very good.
  7. They are located in Portugal. UTC+0
  8. I agree that maybe the conditions you are simulating are too much for the Otter. Still, in a heavy crosswind with a small plane like that, you should touch down first with the upwind wheel. In this case, the left. It should help in preventing the wind from blowing you out of the centerline.
  9. Many good suggestions. Now notice how many cool things you can while your NGX cruises at FL350. Now think about what the real world pilots do... Yeah, pretty much nothing. Absolute, complete boredom. That's why I prefer general aviation.
  10. Just install it and you're ready to go. It's a superb product that works perfectly without any additional tweaks. Get the 2012 edition. I guess they are working on a 2013 version, but so far there's nothing. We'll see...
  11. I use OpusFSX and it gives me an overcast that looks pretty much the same. I've seen both REX and Active Sky doing the same. So yes, FSX can give you clouds like that.
  12. My god that is a pretty picture. Look at those engines smoking a pipe!
  13. I have the Flight Replicas Super Cub and, while still being a Cub, it's obviously very different from the A2A J-3. There are several different versions with different engines, I think one of them has a 210hp engine that can climb at 4000 ft/m or something. They fly well, but I dislike the excessive life the plane seems to get when flaps are lowered. I don't know if this is realistic compared to the real word super cub, but I don't like it either way. Other than that, it seems good to me and it's my first choice for bush flying.
  14. Could you give a link? I tried several versions and all led to crashes. A proper one would be fantastic!
  15. >Content deleted by Admin SF due to profanity in content. Don't do this again.<
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