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Everything posted by SAS443

  1. Horrible panel quality of the A310. I have compared it to my XP A310. Especially the push buttons. I am running 4K... XP11 ---> MSFS
  2. To be honest, I feel the area between the more advanced avionics and stand alone EFB's is getting more blurred for each year? Especially in smaller segment GA/bizjets. I mean in one of the planes I fly. It has brand new Garmin G3X-suite. So from the touch screen menus you have access to Airplane Flight manual Weight and balance /Performance Checklists (incl Emergency checklists) Jeppesen charts VFR+IFR+Aerodrome ground Flightplan uplink from external device/wifi And obviously a moving map with terrain/obstacle monitoring + weather.
  3. Typical Rotax behaviour due to high compression. The prop is very stiff to rotate in preflight as well when performing the oil check/gurgle. It wont windmill when flying best glide, at least not the Rotax 912 100hp engine I am familiar with.
  4. Any horisontal gust will exert a force on the airplane empennage. Gusts tends to veer clockwise in N. hemipshere so you can expect both a change in speed and direction of the wind acting on the rudder. Hence yawing motion is to be expected since the acft wants to weather vane. But not as violent as in MSFS in my opinion.
  5. While you may be correct, the issue is persistent throughout the flight regions, not just due to variation in surface winds (which can be extremely local phenomenon btw). Just take a glance at the slip/skid indicator in any G1000 equipped plane in MSFS. It's going literally bananas whenever wind direction or speed is changing by just 2 degrees/kts or so. I have never seen that behavior on any G1000 plane I have flown IRL. Just my 2cents.
  6. You make your own notes, overlaying the charts. So could draw a taxiway clearance on the ground map, or mark if some taxiways are closed , or if minimums on an approach are temporarily changed (from NOTAM). Imagination is endless. I use the feature alot in Garmin Pilot IRL, it will def. come in handy in Navigraph/FS aswell
  7. Any word on the actual CFD model quality/resolution? I mean a fine vs coarse model is night & day regarding computational complexity. It's not like we have an abundance of CPU overhead as it is. edit: or is the heavy lifting done on Azure side?😁
  8. Looking so much forward to the A310. It gave me plenty of good memories in XP11. 👍
  9. LAND 3 announced for CATIIB / Fail-operational "Rollout" as armed mode underneath active VOR/LOC, then subsequently as an active mode and AFAIK need some kind of rudder servo-magic aswell ISFD as third attitude source, complimenting the dual Inertial systems.
  10. @Murmur, this community isn't really helping themselves with patronizing a whole userbase such as below. Wouldn't you agree? Nobody likes that kind of attitude, regardless walk of life.
  11. During autoland: throttles retard at 27ft RA AutoThrottle disconnect 2 seconds after touchdown.
  12. It's correct if you fly a C172. With a completely iced Pitot the ram pressure (dynamic+ static) is trapped in the piping. C172S static system are separate ports on side of the fuselage. Meaning VSI and Alt will continue to work. If we are in level flight and change power setting, ASI needle wont move from position where it froze. The ASI needle will however indicate a change should we climb or descend since now, the membrane in the air tight canister is only reacting to change in static pressure from the working static port. Pressure from Pitot is what it is, due to being sealed shut.
  13. METAR indicates the snow is dry and light, it's drifting (DRSN), only dry snow has that ability. And it's rather cold aswell. In general, dry, light and cold snowflakes on a cold airframe wont contribute to icing. Just stay out of the actual clouds (which has supercooled droplets just waiting to stick to your cold wings) A big hazard in your scenario is if you taxi/takeoff with a plane that has been stored in a warm hangar. Now that's much more problematic.
  14. I asked my CFII when logging IR time in clouds last winter in a C172S about static port clogging. (The C172S NAV III has dual static ports, one for G1000 and one for KAP140 AP, alt static is drawn from inside cabin). Anyway, He never experienced it. Icing on windshield, wings and pitot happened, but never the static ports. They are flush on the sides of fuselage, not facing the precipitation head on, like the pitot does. Not saying it cant happen ofc, but you'd basicly have to be an icicle for it to occur in the Cessna, at least.
  15. Pitot tube usually has an opening for ram air, and a drainage hole. If ram air intake is frozen and drain is not = you'd just have static pressure and ASI will read ZERO. Like when insects decides to build a nest in the tube. This type of freezing pitot error has happened in flightsims for more than 20 years now. If both intake and drain are blocked, you'd trap the pressure which will freeze the ASI read-out to whatever it was when blockage occured. So if you climb, your ASI would actually start to indicate a higher airspeed since pressure is decreasing.
  16. Different generations of A300 though. JF is modelling the 3-crew A300B4 analogue flightdeck w. Dual INS installations, while ini is the more advanced 2-crew A300B6 w. Semi glass-cockpit and FMS, plus a plethora of other upgrades such as more powerful engines, increased range, increased MTOW etc. The last B6 was delivered as late as 2008(?). I can actually see a successful market for both, since they are very different to operate, especially in flightsim because you are a one-man crew.
  17. Which color was the D? FMGS enters approach phase automatically only if it's in magenta. A white D requires manual activation afaik.
  18. Nexrad works both via ads-b (ground) or SiriusXM (satellite feed from nexrad ground stations). The drawback of Nexrad up linking is that your "radar returns" can be several minutes old. Which in itself can pose a real threat if you try to escape cells through a gap which may no longer be there.
  19. Too dark and dull. Looks like a photo from a underwhelming camera. In fact my cheap chinese smartphone produces nearly identical results when I fly RW. If that effect is something you want, then by all means you should be satisfied.
  20. Perhaps. But that's how we do it on all of our planes on the flying schools/clubs. Circular motions are frowned upon. And I dont intend to upset management too much 🙂
  21. I always wipe my windshields in straight strokes after a flight (Front to rear). But every plane I have flown has those circular scratches. 😅 100hr canopy-airframe above, 8000hr piper airframe below.
  22. I was not trying to be ironic. Just trying to say you seem to not understand the concept of warm fronts from a pilot's POV and how they can be distinguished from random cloud layers.
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