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Everything posted by Petraeus

  1. Same for me. Turning off Advanced Features works as a workaround for both the Tfdi 717 and PMDG 747 (all other planes are OK) but obviously I'm losing smooth zooming.
  2. Can't make it now - industrial action on the railways. 😠
  3. I'll be there with my grandson (13), who thinks the whole event is 'cool', and the VR headsets 'awsome'.
  4. Then they ought to change the "...currently unavailable. Please check back later" message. It's misleading and promises something that will not be delivered.
  5. But the advantage of the historical traffic feature was that you could go to other countries and still get a lot of traffic. I'm in the UK and like to fly in afternoons and evenings in Australia / New Zealand, but the only way to get good traffic volumes is to get up at 3 am and fly then. The Real Traffic application suggests that this feature will return, but that's been some weeks now - any idea if there's a planned return?
  6. A bit OT, but when I learnt radio in the UK I was taught to say 'tree', 'fower', 'niner' etc for the sake of clarity.
  7. I'm sure a few of us will have copies on C drives from way back when.
  8. Possibly a useful comparison, but this is my 3-year-old system: Overclocked Intel® Six Core i7-5820K (3.3GHz @ MAX 4.4GHz) MotherboardASUS® X99-S: ATX, HSW-E CPU, USB 3.0, SATA 6 GB/s Memory (RAM)8GB KINGSTON HYPER-X PREDATOR QUAD-DDR4 3000MHz X.M.P (2 x 4GB) Graphics Card 4GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 980 - 1 DVI, 1 HDMI, 3 DP - 3D Vision Ready With most sliders to the right (I love autogen), and 28 AI aircraft on the ground, I'm getting around 30 fps at UK2000 EGKK in the PMDG 747 on a 3440x1440 screen.. It strikes me that you should be getting more, but I don't have the expertise to tell you why you're not. I was planning an upgrade next month, particularly for a better graphics card, and hopefully so I could base myself at EGLL, but maybe I'll not bother...
  9. ...and, from someone who lived in Riyadh (similar climate) for a number of years, it's good practice to lick the ends of your fingers at intervals. If they begin to taste salty, you need water.
  10. Petraeus

    Eric Ernst

    Although the news has featured on the AVSIM main page, many of us may not have known that Eric Ernst died in April at the tragically early age of 51. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/northjersey/obituary.aspx?n=eric-william-ernst&pid=188725403&fhid=17155 As the developer of the 767 Pilot in Command, his work was the forerunner of the 'study level' aircraft that we see today with PMDG and FSLabs, amongst others. A sad loss for our community.
  11. Depending where you live (for example, the other side of the world from Australia), are you running Real Traffic with the historic time set appropriately?
  12. Flying 4,573 nm to be there. Wrapping a few extra days holiday on either side, so my wife has decided to join me and keep me away from temptation. It's our Golden Wedding anniversary this year, so we might renew our wedding vows in some tasteful chapel with a drag queen or a Shrek impersonator.
  13. Of course, this being Boston, it's the famous (but foul-mouthed and libidinous) film star 'Ted'! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_(film)
  14. Yes and yes. Thanks, understood.
  15. I have indeed now, and can I congratulate you on yet another masterpiece. I especially like the clever use of one knob to set both arrival altitude and QNH on the overhead. Just one question, what does the function for the left-hand TOGA button do?
  16. Lights work, as do engine controls and a few other things, but autopilot controls are variable. It's better than nothing, but I will be more than happy to wait a few days!
  17. I made the assumption that the new Leonardo Maddog would use, if not the same code, at least the same variable names as their earlier version. On this basis, I tested out the old module. Obviously it needs the 'ident' entry changing to 'simfolder="Maddogx"', so that the binding will occur. It works, although to what extent I'm not sure yet, because I'm in the middle of testing as I write, but I've got it working on some AP buttons, rotaries, and external lights. I'd be interested in the experience of others.
  18. Cycling is even better. Possibly the most cycle-friendly country in the world. A full network of cycle routes - and no hills!
  19. British Airways send their 747s and 777s EGLL-EGFF and EGKK-EGFF for maintenance at Cardiff. You can usually find current details here. http://thebasource.com/
  20. ...to which I would add, as per my earlier post, 'bad ships' in the otherwise superb AI Ships and AI Ship traffic. Definite cause of two NTDLL.dll crashes for me.
  21. Anyone using the big AI ships package should reduce their ship AI to 0% and see what happens. If that gets rid of the CTD, look through the Scenery folder and remove the .bgl for that particular geographic locality. I've stopped a couple of CTD's (off Marseilles and American Samoa) in that way.
  22. Many thanks. I just bought the CRJ yesterday, and look what Santa then brought! A small contribution for your reindeer is en route via PayPal.
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