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Juliett Alfa Romeo

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Everything posted by Juliett Alfa Romeo

  1. @roadrabbit149 Are you using the Experimental Channel in Control Center?
  2. [JobScheduler] AffinityMask=4095 P3DCoreAffinityMask=4095 MainThreadScheduler=0 RenderThreadScheduler=2 FrameWorkerThreadScheduler=4 Is this ok for i5 12400?
  3. Temps go up to 90 degrees... Obviously, CPU and GPU slows down. Both of them... Which cooling system do you use?
  4. @Flyfox Isn't the flightdeck too dark in v5?
  5. Yes @Christopher Low, but it seems that the 787 has been abandoned still during v5.x
  6. Release such a good product and then abandon it like this....
  7. "We are not forgetting our customers". I liked it, and I emphasise that!
  8. SODE VDGS shouldn't it be updated too?
  9. Putting 1/3 or 1/4 of Vertical Sync in NPI does not limit Frames, apparently.... Wouldn't the idea be to put, for example, 90 in v3 and then force 1/3 in vertical sync to have 30 FPS in Prepar3D? If you're buying a monitor, go for one that's "G-Sync Compatible" so that it also uses AMD Freesync.
  10. @Rogen thank you! The 1070 is in "urgent" need of replacement. Should be soon... I did everything you suggested but for some reason NPI is not limiting the FPSs . It always goes over 30s.... But if I choose "30" in "Frame Rate Limiter v3" it actually gets blocked/locked. In this case I set vsync to ON.
  11. Only you can answer that question because it depends on your opinion and your preferences (and also on the addons you have, the budget you have, the hardware you have, etc). Any alternative is valid and has its pros and cons.
  12. @Rogen Hello! I have a 3440x1440 G-Sync monitor and usually use P3D in window mode. It does 100FPS but can go up to 120 by """overclocking"""... Are these the right settings to get a smooth flight? Thank you for your help.
  13. When I see FSLabs and PMDG products in v6 I will buy this new Chaseplane. For me it's always the same problem: support of my addons on one platform (right now it only happens in P3D 5.4).
  14. Will it be available on OrbX (where I have a CP licence) or do I need to register on the //42 website (I had an account on the old OldProp website and now on this new site I don't.)? Will my existing cameras and settings work in the new version? PS: No/Yes and Yes. Both questions answered on their website.
  15. I agree with BB when he says it doesn't worth switching to v6 when what you need to do delivers so few results plus it is missing an essential tool for me such as Chaseplane. It's a shame because it's a major upgrade on the platform, but as it stands right now for me it's not worth it. I just reinstalled 5.4 and it's all so simple and easy... and it works! Shame LM blew up v5 with TrueSky.
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