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Everything posted by ckeddf

  1. Hi, please clarify: do you want to switch the ND from displaying heading up to track up? That can be changed in the display options section of the MCDU.If you mean HDG/TRK modes for the autopilot, that button is located on the flight-deck of the nearest Airbus. Not an option on the 737 as far as I'm aware - only heading select.
  2. Did you take a look at this thread:http://forum.avsim.n...ghts-on-flight/
  3. No, the number shows the altitude of the highest peak currently displayed anywhere on the ND. The shading metholodgy is explained in the FCOM.
  4. (1) The numbers are the highest and lowest terrain currently displayed by the TERR display - so in your case the highest peak currently displayed is at 10900 ft whereas the lowest height displayed is sea level. If you change the ND range, the numbers might change as well.(2) Yes, terrain data is shown, I am not aware of an option to turn it on or off...at cruise FL you don't see terrain features on the VSD because of the scale of the display, during approach you should be able to see terrain.
  5. ...always worth a visit, both in real life and fs! BTW, did you fly the published approach for rwy 05 - the fourth picture from the bottom looks like you're doing a straigth-in approach.
  6. I can only add to the discussion that I don't experience any problems with that version of AES and the -800. Have you checked your setting in the AES config tool?
  7. Yes, all the brightness controls should work. Maybe you are turning the wrong dial - the lower part of the knob sets the brightness of the display, the upper part changes the brightness of WXR/TERR display returns (or the other way around, 50% chance that I got it wrong, put you get the point).
  8. Had this happen once, too. I think it happens when you make sharp turns at high speeds too often. I try to slow down to about 10 kn before making those kind of turns, never had it happen since.Quote from the Intro PDF:"Nose tire imbalance can be caused by excessive wear on the nose gear tires, or by touching down nose wheel first. If you hear a very loud (and annoying!) rattle as the nose lifts off during takeoff, you likely need to service the nose tires!)"
  9. I'm sorry to hear that. Glad you got a backup, whoever I would expect removing the Linda stuff from the modules folder should have taken care of the problems (maybe rebuilding the FSUIPC config on top). Anyway, you still could try doing it trough FSUIPC directly (as I understand LINDA is only an interface for FSUIPC).
  10. You need to have LINDA istalled (just put a copy into the modules folder). Then you have to copy the files of the NGX modules to the /modules/linda/ folder, wherever they are supposed to go (can't be more specific, I'm not sitting at my FSX machine). Then you should be all set. When you open Linda, it has a "select aircraft" list at the top, the NGX entry should appear and be selectable. In the tab for your throttle, you should be able to assign the NGX/transponder/XPND MODE CYCLE function to just a single button without affecting anything else.
  11. Did you download the module for the NGX? (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/341971-pmdg-737-ngx-module-version-13/)I don't remember if that comes with the base package of LINDA. Once you have that module installed you can use the predefined functions, no need to go looking for LUA offsets. The function you are looking for is NGX XPND MODE CYCLE, which steps through the modes which each button push.Anyway, I agree it takes some time to set everything up properly - plus, never change an running system comes into mind...
  12. sorry, my answer wasn't well written: yes, I use LINDA for all button mappings, it is a very powerful solution. I even managed to do some programming myself, I wanted to have the chrono start button on the glareshield and the probe heat switches mapped, both of which the current NGX module doesn't include out of the box, but it wasn't too difficult to implement.The NGX module contains some settings for the transponder which you can map to your throttle. Let me know if you run into any problems.
  13. In that case I would really recommend taking a look at LINDA (www.fs-linda.com), it works like a treat. I think it has an option to cycle the transponder through its modes, which you would need if you only want to use one button.
  14. The NGX module for LINDA has some LUA variables for that knob, so I must be possible to control via FSUIPC. How to technically do that - I can't help you with that, but it might be worth investigating. I have a hat on my throttle mapped to the transponder, so I just click forward a couple of times when entering the runway. Until FS2Crew comes along of course...
  15. Mine does that as well, even when using 4x - my recommendation would be to use time acceleration only when straight and level. 8x is pretty steep IMO. Developers can certainly only expected to tune the AP for 1x. That should be possible - uncheck the boxes in FSX native controls setup and assign them through FSUIPCs 'Assign Axis' tab - for example the x axis of the stick should be mapped to "axis ailerons set"Hope this helps.
  16. Interesting, I never used time acceleration as a beginner, started only recently with it. But then I try to simulate flying a Boeing with an A10-C stick and throttle, good heavens...I agree it is not acceptable when flying online however.
  17. Everything is a matter of personal taste. I use time acceleration on long cruise segments or if I don't have much time to spare. That way I get to see some other airports that wouldn't be within reach when only doing short hops. I assume people who fly "without cheating" have ATC and service based failures turned off while they are away letting the plane fly itself?
  18. For one you can open up the map view and drag the plane symbol around to move to a new location quickly.The shortcut for slewing is y - have a look at a shortcut list for what else is possible in slew mode.
  19. I sometimes use 4x, but only in straight and level flight. Before overflying a waypoint I reduce to 1x and speed up when the aircraft is stable again - I get oscillating turns otherwise.
  20. Well, the way I understand it, if the prompt reads "select QRH on" the QRH speed display is currently off and will then be turned on by the button push, thus showing the numbers. When the QRH numbers are displayed, the prompt reads "select QRH off" which will blank the display. So technically QRH must be on, right?In any case: If Maurizio wants to see the FMC calculated V-speeds, the prompt must read: select QRH off
  21. "Select QRH on" should bring up the numbers (LSK 6R). Edit - Plus: see above, never been to that page without a departure rwy set, so I wouldn't know. Ryan's tutorial is a great place to start indeed, by the way.
  22. Use speed intervention (SPD INTV button to the right of the IAS knob).
  23. I would suggest: open up the QRH PDF that came with the NGX - you see what will be printed in color. I'd expect it is the same version as the printed one?I for one do not miss the color in the printed version (and the additional cost that would have come with it).
  24. Move your point of view closer to the combiner if the projection is cut off by the glass-edges. The relevant tutorial pages for HGS landing setup are 71p.
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