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Everything posted by damienw

  1. This is correct, though any pump in # 1 tank or left center tank pump supplies APU with crossfeed closed, with crossfeed open, # 2 tank can be used to feed APU, with fuel in all tanks and all pumps on, center tank will feed APU, using left center pump prevents fuel imbalance if running APU for extended period
  2. Should be able to, no promises but we'll try.
  3. Have a look here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/365650-hot-fix-1-coming-all-read/
  4. Hi Morgan,If you want to have the updated sids/stars etc, yes.You can if you know it, or you can put in whats expected to be the arrivaldelete any discontinuity and check the rnp against the required rnp for departure
  5. Disable FS2Crew from the configuration shortcut on your desktop, you should have a check-mark on both button and voice, then enable voice only (should have an x)
  6. Glad you finally got it fixed ! Follow this procedure to setup the FMC, this is how we do it RWIDENT page:Verify that the MODEL is correct.Verify that the ENG RATING is correct.Verify that the navigation data base ACTIVE date range is current.POS INIT page:Verify that the time is correct.Enter the present position on the SET IRS POS line. Use the most accurate latitude and longitude.ROUTE page:Enter the ORIGIN.Enter the route.Enter the FLIGHT NUMBER.Activate and execute the routeDEPARTURES page:Select the runway and departure routing.Execute the runway and departure routing.LEGS page:Verify or enter the correct RNP for the departure.Verify that the route is correct on the RTE pages. Check the LEGSpages as needed to ensure compliance with the flight plan.PERF INIT page:Do not enter the ZFW into the GW boxes. The FMC will calculate performance data with significant errors.Enter the ZFW.If refueling is not complete, enter the PLAN trip fuel as needed.Verify that the fuel is sufficient for flight.Enter the Transition Altitude (the FO uses this altitude to call “Transition AltitudeN1 LIMIT page:Select an assumed temperature, or a fixed derate takeoff, or both as needed.Select a full or a derated climb thrust as needed.TAKEOFF REF page:Make data entries on page 2/2 before page 1/2. Enter the CG.Verify that a trim value is shown. Select or enter the takeoff V speedsVerify or enter an acceleration height.Verify or enter an engine out acceleration height.Verify or enter a thrust reduction altitude.Lastly verify that the preflight is complete.
  7. Do you have any external hardware installed ?VoXatc/fspax or any other addon software that makes entries to the panel config ?
  8. 1) Fs2Crew will close the cargo doors when the ground crew is done.2) Taxi and takeoff brief is the same as the Departure brief (it's basically a reminder)3) You didnt announce the start sequence, you should say "start sequence is 2 then 1" etc
  9. Hi,If you didn't ask him too i don't think he will, In any case, if you started the engines yourself you just need to skip to the next phase of flight in the main window, run the checklist and you should be fine.
  10. HI Guys,first off have a look at these two topics and they should fix most, it not all of your current issues,..http://forum.avsim.net/topic/365650-hot-fix-1-coming-all-read/http://forum.avsim.net/topic/365698-set-heading/
  11. There's a button labeled "LK" on the main panel for that.
  12. Something like that would be discussed with the cabin crew ahead of to to get them to move a little "quicker" but,..at the end of the day you have to wait until the cabin is secure. We'd usually taxi a little slower to accommodate the gals in the back so everything runs smoothly.
  13. Hi Graeme,The correct command is "LEAVE THE FLAPS UP FOR TAXI" remember to speak clearlyRegarding the auto-throttle,..if autothrottles are not desired, deselect SPD on MCP, autothrottles will remain engaged in ARM and this maintains alpha floor (underspeed) protection and instant and accurate power setting with TOGA selection it will also prevent overboost on go-around and provide flap overspeed protection for low altitude level-off on go-around.
  14. 1) Even if the taxi time is short you shouldn't be trying to takeoff without that call, in the real world we have to wait till it's done2) When you have STD selected, turn the knob to set the altimeters as u usually would, you'll notice the correct altimeter setting will be under STD in white, so when the F/O selects local pressure it will be the correct setting. Use that standby altimeter to set local pressure when ABOVE the transition level. Also, Turn off Sync Captain and Standby Barometer in the NGX SIMULATION Configuration Menu3) Say it twice and he'll set it, we're looking t this for the SP
  15. The trike should be the first thing you see when you click the fsx icon and it opens up.
  16. You must speak the entire frequency. eg 131.30 = set one three one point three zero on com 1
  17. You can use FS2Crews pushback, It'll work fine.
  18. The F/O uses the Captains FMC because at start-up when only the battery switch is on, only the captains FMC is powered,..that's how he connects GPU, AS/AC and the chocks, there's no other way to do it.
  19. SOmething is still wrong, It should stay in the 2D panel and you have to switch to the VC after, check again that in the display menu in fsx the startup state is set to 2d
  20. If that's where you want to start,..then yes, just be sure to announce "before start procedure" and that's what the F/O will do and off you go,..
  21. Have you "cleaned up" and done the after takeoff checklist ?
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