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Everything posted by damienw

  1. Did you by change change the panel state after opening the fs2crew main window ? what panel state are you using ?
  2. Hi Chuck,I'll try to reproduce, by any chance did you change the panel state after opening the fs2crew main panel ? Also which panel state are you using ?
  3. I've added it to the list for sp1.
  4. Hi Bob,In the manual there's an entire section under flows that outline everything you're supposed to do step by step after clicking the RUN PF" button. There's even one detailing everything the F/O does.Check the flows section and it'll tell you everything you should be doing after clicking "RUN PF"
  5. Hi,To close the PA panel simply select another MIC selector switch. Yes it's correct.
  6. I think that's a reminder, the departure brief and the taxi and takeoff brief arre the same thing.
  7. Hi George,On the FS2Crew main panel there's a button labeled "BR", click it and the briefing panel will open. Select the settings you want to use and click "play brief"Please read the manual and get aquainted with the huge amount of procedures etc available, you won't regret it, it'll enhance youre experience 10fold.
  8. Hi Dan,Unfortunately not, the soundfiles are part of a gauge i think so they are kinda hard coded, before release byran had asked if anyone wanted custon announcements so he can code them in.
  9. Did you click "RUN PF" or did you do the preflight by yourself an then call for the checklist ?
  10. This version of FS2Crew doen't model failures like that, there is a version that will in the works though.
  11. You may be on to something there,
  12. Did you select another display before he set it ?
  13. Did you initiate the checklist before or after you set the speedbrakes to armed ?Did you change anything on the briefing panel after clicking play the brief ? I tried to reprodure the autobrake issue but couldn'tRegarding the V1 etc speeds, the FO doesnt set those for you, you have to input those yourself, possible that you forgot to put them in ? 100knts is what the mcp defaults toWhen you want to start the engines you must first speak "before start procedure"Please you are going through all the procedures
  14. THis might sound stupid,..but maybe try saying "its"Just a thought,..
  15. Trust me, you'll look back at this and have a good laugh and wonder "well why didnt i just do that,..it isnt that hard" :(
  16. Ya we change 1 or 2 things, made it a little more realistic I think that's where there's a little divide between having a realistic environment (hearing all the talking going on around you and it's almost like you're on the outside looking in/watching the the captain and f/o doing flows) and realistic procedureral environment (when you're the one doing the talking and seeing through the captains eyes) if you know what i mean.Simpler explanation,..the difference between watching something real, and then doing something real
  17. You aren't really supposed to get a response from the F/O when you say ok to clean up,..he just waits till you say that or move the speedbrake lever to the down detent and starts his flow.The correct phraseology is "I'm ready for shutdown",..after all he isn't ready for the checklist because the engines are still running, can't do the shutdown checklist with the engines running.
  18. Hi Adam,In the real world whoever is calling for pushback does that,..if you dont want to use the svc interphone switch use the flt interphone,..the flt interphone does not require you to have the svc interphone switch on.
  19. Try it through the headset alone, you could be getting interferance from the noise coming through the speakers.
  20. Did FSX ask you if you trust the fs2crew gauges ? If not, start a flight in a default aircraft, switch to the ngx and say yes when the trusted popups appear, they clickspots should work fine after that
  21. If youstart the apu at the gate the engines are started during pushback, when the ground crew clears you to start the engines you have to announce the start sequence. "start sequence is 2 then one" or "start sequence is 1 then 2".after pushback is completed, when the ground crew instructs you to set the brakes "brakes set " is your reply then you say "you are cleared to disconnect and go to hand signals" you have to wait for the F/O to complete the first part of his flow then say "Flaps_____" and he sets the flaps and does the other stuff in his flow.
  22. Are you using a headset and speakers or just a headset ?
  23. I think this would be a great idea.
  24. Glad you got it fixed ! Enjoy,..
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