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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. I did this and it doesn't work. Well, it doesn't work on your balance. You can't change it. However, after reading your reply I decided to try to change the loan amount and that does indeed work. It seems that some things can be editied and some things cannot. I have no idea why this is the case. Give it a try and see if it's just me being thick. It's entirely possible that's the case. Maybe I'm trying to edit the wrong balance field. I'm editing the "Balance" figure one on the "Finances" table. I find that if I change the current balance to a new one it has no effect at all in the UI. However, it saves because if I open the database again the figure I inputed does indeed show and has not reverted to the original unedited balance that still shows in the UI. Anyway, after trying to change the loan amount and succeeding I have reverted back because there is no longer a need for me to do it since I worked around it as I mentioned earlier. This was just an experiment for me to see if I was doing it correctly.
  2. Nothing they say is correct anymore. Nothing.
  3. If you can only buy one of those the A2A Comanche is the one in a league of its own.
  4. Well, I'd love to know what your secret is. That said, it doesn't really matter now. I sold the Warrior and rented a Comanche. In Neofly, is there a way to find or generate a route back to base after having flown a leg? In OnAir you could generate a return leg once a day but I can't see anyway to get a leg back to base, well, ever really, without just flying back empty or ferrying the thing back.
  5. I just looked at selling the warrior and it's worth only 40,400. The cheapest comanche to buy is 222,000 and it's a shed. 176,000 more than I'll have after I sell so that is not an option either. The deposit to rent is a snip under 40,000 so if I sell and then rent and don't make any mistakes it may be my route out.
  6. I looked at renting one yesterday but didn't have the funds for the deposit without earning enough flying something I didn't want to fly. It wasn't the answer. I'll be curious if the sale of the plane I have will cover the cost of the comanche. I'll find out now.
  7. Yes, thank you, Tom. The thought crossed my mind when I shut the PC down earlier after giving the program a quick look but I wasn't sure if I owned the starting plane or not. I will give this a look tomorrow. I hope you're right. I'm sure you are.
  8. Hmm, I just tried this and I can't get it to work. Neofly wants me to start with a Just Flight Warrior and I can't fly that anymore since the A2A Comanche released. I have no idea why it's insisting that I fly something I don't want to fly. So, I want to change my starting aircraft to the Comanche but I can't quite figure out how so I thought I would change my balance to buy a Comanche in the UI but things are different now to what is in that video. I found the "finances" part where the default figure is 5000 and changed that and wrote the changes it but it changed nothing in the UI. It's still 5000. Looking at the comments to that video he writes that the DB can't be changed in Neofly 4. So now I'm confused. Can I or can't I? And if I can, how? I really want to give this program a go but I'm not prepared to grind out however many hours in a plane I'm not remotely interested in flying. Why on earth frustrate the user at the first hurdle like this? I mean, of course I get the progression thing, It's a large part of the point but at least let me choose my first single engine piston rather than forcing me to suffer some dreadful default of some other plane I have long since moved on from. Bizarre design decision. This is what I suspected. Thanks for clarifying. I'll be giving this a look. Thank you. I will, cheers.
  9. Ahh, yes. I did read or hear that the failures would be missing and added as a separate purchase. This did raise and eyebrow at first but when I thought about it it's actually as customer friendly as it gets. Those that don't want them don't have to pay for what they won't use and those that do can just buy the functionality. However, I agree that it is something of a frustration that the option will not be there at the time of release and rather makes me think I will wait until I can have the complete product. No hot starts seems a bit unacceptable to me, though. What's the reasoning behind that? It will be coming I assume? And is the state saving saving thing confirmed? I find it a real immersion killer not having things the way I left them. It really helps me keep my discipline if you know what I mean.
  10. He did, that's what the markers in the video are for. You can just jump to the clearly marked point on the video and see the results. This is done so you are not forced to watch the video and can easily reference what you're looking for. I think it was a very direct and to the point little production of use to many I'm sure. It's good to have an up-to-date set like this.
  11. I really rather enjoy the view of that. Much as a like long bonnets (hoods for you curious American fellows) on the real cars of the past such as an e-type Jaguar, Jenson Interceptor or Aston Martin. Not like these horrid noseless modern machines that look and feel more like appliances than cars. Oh really? What will it be missing. This aircraft is on my purchase list but I do like a fully functioning aircraft and am unfamillier with what it will be lacking. As for the TBM, that is also on my list but the lack of sounds is a real put-off for me.
  12. When I bought the FSR500 I decided it need a purpose so I opted to try the 7 day trial of OnAir. At first I felt it clumsy and a bit awkward and I don't care for having to Alt-Tab to start tracking. I dislike having to unfocus MSFS for reasons I shan't go into. Anyway, despite the things that irritated me I really enjoyed it and I have found that since the trial expired I have lost the will to want to fly without it and consequently, I find myself exploring my options. I would be grateful for your opinions and experiences of these programs. Espescially those of people that have used 2 or more of them. Obviously, I have used OnAir and have some idea of what it does but I don't care for the subscription model and it does feel overpriced. That said, I would be willing to buy 6 months and see how I go. Having just looked on the Neofly website it seems that the foundation is actually free. This I didn't expect. I can't see a buy option for it at all but I do see options to buy the extras which I would do as I want all the functions. It also seems that it uses Sky4Sim as its in-sim interface, which, I assume, would negate my issue of Alt-Tabing out to start OnAir, would it not? It also looks much cleaner and slicker than OnAir so I suppose my question is what does it add or lack in comparison? And, can I choose what I want to fly? I'm not prepared to fly a default cessna when I have an A2A Commanche and FSR500 in my hanger. I'm also curous about The Skypark. This doesn't look as deep as the other two but looks rather fun. And what of Air Hauler 2? I should add that I do own A Pilots Life 2 which I have been using for airline stuff and I enjoy it but that serves a different purpose and I really rather fancy a change. I don't care for the UI of that product either, to be honest. Perfectly serviceable but it's nearly 2024 and, well, my presentation expectations have rather changed from those of the 90's. I hope that doesn't seem terribly unkind. It's just the way it is. Now, let loose with those views. And please, be honest. I want to hear about what you dislike as much as what you do like about them and if you have any other suggestions for me to look into let loose with those too.
  13. I'd bet my pipe collection on it. At this point I'd be surprised if it was even fixed in MSFS 2024.
  14. Agreed and it annoyed me to the point where I bought a Razer Basilisk V3 so I had a button on the mouse that switched the wheel into "freewheeling" mode. I just hit the button and flick the wheel and the wheel keeps spinning so I don't have to keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling until tea time.
  15. This. It's worth the price just for the pushback feature as far as I'm concerned.
  16. When I saw that "half" of us were experiencing CTD's I rolled my eyes. Then I read that part about a map CTD being a thing and thought, "I have not experienced this"...... and then I launch my sim to try my new rudder pedals and went to the map and moved it and ......CTD. Not sure if you all are just a gaggle of jinx's or I have just been lucky....... until now.
  17. Correct. I despise this kind of nonsense censorship. It serves the opposite purpose to what it pretends to prevent. Given some of the abhorrent and despicable behaviour I have seen in the last month and a half and the fact that such ignorance seems to be on the rise it seems there are many that could use an education. Having these things as a reminder in the correct historical context is important in my opinion.
  18. There are 3 ways for me to get a hideous and unrealistic grainy looking world in MSFS and it's all to do with the "sharpening" settings. Sharpening causes this grainy look. 1, is to use the AMD sharpening slider in the sim. So I don't use it. I sometimes see people say they have this set to 200. I simply cannot imagine what is wrong with their eyes. 2, is to have sharpening enabled in the .cfg so I have it disabled. 3, is to have image sharpening enabled and set too high in my graphics card driver itself. Having messed around with sharpening a lot I now only have sharpening enabled on my AMD driver itself and I only have it set to the lowest setting possible which is 10. I never have the AMD sharpening effect on in MSFS itself and I have disabled sharpeining in the .cfg This means my panel and gauges looks nice and sharp and the world looks natural and without that grainy effect that makes everything look terrible. Especially the trees. I suspect you have sharpening on in one or many places and you have far too much of it. Turn it off everywhere and see if it goes away. Then try adding a tiny amount in the driver if you can do that with nvidia.
  19. Easily done. So many acronyms and abbreviations in this hobby it's a wonder any of us ever get anything right.
  20. The Cessna 414 was Flysimware rather than SimWorksStudios. Unless they did one that went under my radar.
  21. I have 16GB. It never gets anywhere near it and it happens everywhere within seconds. It has nothing at all to do with VRAM.
  22. Correct. Feel free to express your disappointment and frustration to Asobo. Perhaps you will have more joy with it than the rest of us over the last couple years. Or maybe you will just find the experience akin to paddling a canoe up a waterfall or peeing into the wind.
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