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Everything posted by TheFamilyMan

  1. Here's a possible and realistic look into the future of super sonic commercial flight: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/news/features/2016/webt-supersonic-flight-hush-sonic-boom.html Here's my take. By the time this tech reaches fruition in the commercial market, the future fuel costs associated with such SS commercial flight may possibly render it impractical for that market.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. I finally got that drive installed. It was literally plug'n'play to get it to work in my mobo once the Win7 NVMe hotfixes were installed. CrystalDiskMark claims it's seeing the drive's spec performance in my rig, which is nearly 6x the speed of my fastest sata3 SSD: reads at 3200MB/sec (vs. sata3@512). Turns out the process to make it bootable with Win7 is considerably more than I initially surmised (may require a new Win7 install to get that smooookin' fast boot time), but ultimately it is (seemingly) doable. Have yet to see any RL noticeable effects of running my 1070 gtx at PCIe x8, driving a 2k monitor.
  3. I've started down the road on this SSD upgrade project: https://www.overclock.net/forum/355-ssd/1718404-nvme-pcie-x4-drive-z87-running-win7.html I'm going into this with my eyes wide open: trading a really tiny bit of graphics performance for blistering fast SSD performance (worth it!). The drive is taking seeming forever to arrive. I got the Win7 hotfixes installed and a modded bios ready to flash my mobo. I won't flash until I see that Win7 works with the drive in my mobo; the flash is only needed to make the drive bootable. I'll post an update when it all comes together.
  4. Give me good daytime weather and I'm off for a 30+ mile ride on my road bicycle, or riding up the canyon trail to the top of Black Mt. on my mt. bike. Give me a good UHD BR movie in the evening and I'm watching it on my 4K OLED tv, backed by my audio system. Give me a clean vinyl LP or a delectable CD and I'm listening to a 'virtual concert' in my living on my audiophile grade stereo. About half of my sizeable collection is classical. Oh the joys of adult toys. Of course, this include my computer and its flight sim controllers which together get a fair share of my attention too. And finally, give me some international flight tickets and my wife and I are off on yet another travel adventure. Or fill the truck with gas, hitch the travel trailer, and away we go.
  5. The only advantage I've really found with disabling HT is that for overclocking I've been able to reach a reasonably higher clock (4770k). IMO using either HT or no HT makes no noticeable difference. I've found that FSX at default (no affinity mask) will "do the right thing" if it senses HT. Some will strongly disagree with these statements (which is valid for them), and really what it comes down to is how one configures all the extra stuff that is layered with FSX, such as AS16 (weather), track IR, traffic apps, ATC apps, etc. As mentioned, try it and see what works best for you. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to HT and FSX.
  6. Read all about it: https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/05/14/aviation-experts-theory-mh370-crash-was-a-murder-suicide/ Last thing you'd want to think about ever happening...
  7. I was responding to the blame assigned by the quoted rant in the OP. I should have been more clear about that. Though IMO that statement holds for any product that fails in the marketplace: it's never the customers' fault. BTW, I really was hoping that DTG would kick serious bootie with FSW. My want was: give us a full featured FS with P3D (or better) quality. I thought that FSW was on its way, but apparently not nearly quick enough for its viability. Also, I'm not P3D user (yet).
  8. No business/product is immune to bad management. FSW fate was ultimately a result of this, and this alone. Blaming the consumer is plain silliness at best...hey, it's a free market...bring us what we want...don't blame us if you don't.
  9. Froogle needs a good stiff kick for throwing something so ludicrous out on the web. That being said, there is always a possibility that LM will eventually ask for proof of academic involvement to purchase such a P3D license, which BTW is the norm for such licenses elsewhere. As for LM retroactively asking all such existing license holders to do so just isn't going to happen. Considering that LM forces you to pony up for a whole new license every few years, such a change in licensing enforcement would have its "desired" effect eventually.
  10. What more needs to be said? But hey, aren't there three? What about good ol' (and I mean old) FSX/FSX:SE? There is still lots of 3PD software being developed and sold for it, and I'd guess that it's current volume is as much (or more so) than sold for P3D/XP11 combined (though I could be wrong ). Sure, it's not in active development, but that's not an issue for its substantial user base.
  11. I just hate it when someone decides to stir the P3D "letters that shan't be uttered" pot, (a Mod no less at that). Sorry I brought that stuff up earlier...nuff said! Edit: Now back to our FSW regularly scheduled program...
  12. So much potential lost. I feel for those at DTG that put their heart into reviving FSX. At least they still can sell FSX on steam (10+ years old, imagine that). All of a sudden that $200 flight sim investment I've yet to make seems a lot easier to swallow. BTW, I never could get into FSW, too many loose ends, though I was really hoping that it would succeed. Edit: Ummm, let's move on from the never ending single core use P3D discussion...OK? This is a FSW topic!
  13. ^^^^ THIS ^^^^ All that matters now is to get that CC number deactivated. This happens all too frequently and the banks know exactly how to deal with it. Heck, my BoA CC get reissued at least once a year because it gets compromised; half the time they do it proactively base on a perceived threat.
  14. I work at a major aerospace company (that does put stuff into space), and had the pleasure to watch the live feed at work with a few authentic rocket scientists. We all experienced elation and blown minds watching the successful landing of the booster motors at the launch pad. The consensus in the room was two fold: work hard enough, accept the risks and it will be accomplished, and dang...why am I stuck working here?
  15. Exactly my experience with my 4770K Z87 build. This situation almost feels as if it's a backhanded attempt by Intel to force hardware updates upon us while they've provided us with so little performance-wise incentive to do so over the last few years. If anything, since it's solely their fault, Intel should fully compensate vendors and insist that they generate bios updates going all the way back to at least Sandy Bridge, or offer update rebates for "unsupported" CPUs.
  16. My two cents on all this mess: A huge hardware design paradigm shift is about to take place that was just aching to happen. Welcome to the new computing world of security first, and performance relegated to second consideration.
  17. Interesting optical illusion. A bit mind blowing (for most), but is no hoax. Perhaps something we experience all the time but don't realize it. https://www.zmescience.com/science/optical-llusion-curvature-blindness-432/ All of the below lines are the same consistent smooth sine wave:
  18. Those body shaker transducers need to be powered from an amp just like any other sort of passive (i.e. non-powered) speaker element. Seems that the sub output from your home theater amp outputs a line level output for its sub channel, which is probably meant to drive a powered sub. If you are lucky maybe your amp can be configured to drive that sub out at speaker level (i.e. to drive a passive sub). Otherwise you'll need to get a sub amp to drive that body shaker, or cannibalize the amp from the sub that goes with your amp.
  19. Ah, 2006 with my AMD 4200+ X2 running FSX at 15 fps, and how wonderful it all seemed. NickN has announced that all CPUs since skylake are nothing more than clock bumps, so he's going to show the world on his simforums site that his upcoming delidded 6700k / 1070 gtx build, using a backdoor Win7 install, will be as "current" performance wise for FSX as anything a 8700k could accomplish with the same. He's hellbent that Win10 is pure doom and gloom for the serious FS enthusiast, hence his justification for this build.
  20. I find the 6 cores more enticing than the IPC. 8700K at stock clocks 6 cores at 4.3Ghz with HT and turbo enabled, IMO that kicks serious butt for out of box. My 4 years old 4770k @4.5 OC finally seems to be looking its age, though I won't pull the trigger on a new build just for FSX. Sure it's some performance improvement, but considering that alone, for my needs, it's not worth the build cost.
  21. Wow...lots of time/effort spent over this thread. My "useless for anyone else" opinion is that the OP video is spot on. DTG is playing out the perfect "Field of Dreams" scenario: Build it and they will come. You all just wait and see. As for me, 95% FSX: still working at depreciating (read: getting tired of) that huge investment. If it wasn't for the DX10 Fixer cloud shadows mod things would be different.
  22. Same thoughts here. Dropping $1.5k or more for a 15% or so FS performance increase over my 4 years old current system isn't reasonable IMO. It will take either a 6Ghz clock, a compelling FS that really can push 8 or more cores to their utmost advantage, or a dead computer before I'll be looking at an upgrade. Before this build, it was about every 3-4 years (the good ol' days).
  23. Direct competitor for the most hardcore simmers only. FSW will always lose the "this is a professional sim" round, but when FSW begins to look like one and act like one, costs 5x less, and doesn't carry the "is not for entertainment" stigma, will that even matter?
  24. I've been getting pretty much that same FSX temp spread with my 4.5Ghz 4770k run under a SilverArrow SB-E air cooler (which is very quiet even with its fans maxed). Usually in the mid 60s. Been running this way for nearly 4 years now; still runs rock solid stable as if it were brand new. Never had to bump voltages since I first dialed that OC in, though it is close to being a 'golden chip', needing only 1.20v for that 4.5 oc with HT off. Until intel or amd makes significantly faster CPUs, or a new and compelling FS comes out which fully exploits multiple cores, I'll be running this rig until it fails.
  25. VeryBumpy is spot on. Trilinear is a hold-over from about 15 year ago. I use nvidia inspector to apply 16x aniso filtering for FSX, which enhances the quality over the FSX in-game aniso setting with no appreciable performance loss. This setting can also be enabled for FSX in the standard nvidia control panel. BTW, this is not professional advice....
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