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Everything posted by MattDavies

  1. This isn't PTA related. This will some sort of scenery conflicting - probably Orbx. I'd post on their support forum.
  2. Were you supposed to attach a screenshot or something? I don't see anything. If you're loading default shaders from "ages ago", they wont be compatible with the latest version of Prepar3D. Just use the client.msi to reinstall the client module (uninstall it first via programs & features).
  3. Yeah, it's a bug - the logic of how it shows the update pop up is a bit weird. Once the rewrite is done, long gone will be the days of problems like this. The best way to check the latest version is here: https://simtweaks.com/release
  4. I can't speak for other products but PTA v3 (we'll call it that for now, no actual name for it yet) is quite far in to a complete rewrite. You'll be able to modify shaders on the fly, no more having to tediously reload stuff after every tweak.
  5. Huh? Everyone's account has exactly the same URLs in them. Also, you can download them using the thread pinned in this forum called "Which version do I need?".
  6. Now I've fixed the original link you posted so both work 🙂
  7. The URL is wrong, it should be https://0310e3e48f9f8fd91f21-c59b2c829b25cbc666933a71e5c2b2ea.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/releases/pta_2.62.zip You can find all the correct URLs here:
  8. I just forgot to re add it to the zip. If you download the previous version, it's still in there.
  9. If you are deleting folders, of course they can't be found. 99.9% of the time, reinstalling the client will fix things - the idea is to restore the original shaders (we cannot distribute them due to legal issues). Once you've done that, running PTA as administrator (right click > run as administrator) will force PTA to create backups of the restored original shaders. Then you can tweak to your hearts content. It's really not as difficult as you're making it out to be. The errors are quite simple. If it's not found, it's because it's not found. If it can't write the the shaders because they're not the original ones, you need the original ones. If you still cannot get it to work, send me an email and I will arrange a teamviewer session to show you how it all works.
  10. I'd imagine it's my preset just dimming the lights. Other presets (such as GSaldens - pinned at the top of the forum) don't have dimming. Each to their own with what they like - I run a huge monitor so having blazing lights doesn't work well for my poor eyes 🙂
  11. If your version number is the right one, ignore the update notification. The logic is a little flawed. The overhaul of PTA wont have this problem anymore 🙂
  12. A long shot, but right click PTA > Properties > Compatibility & change it to "Windows 7" compatibility. Press apply, and restart the app as administrator.
  13. Just to confirm, when you're running it as administrator, you are RIGHT CLICKING > Run as Administrator? Failing that, do you have UAC turned off? If not, turn that off.
  14. So you managed to get the activation to work once. I checked our logs, nothing is wrong. Maybe your firewall or something is blocking it?
  15. This isn't to do with PTA, this is scenery devs as far as I can see. Some devs have patched their dynamic lights to be less bright (for example Aerosoft fixed the Heathrow one).
  16. Yeah just view the actual order as @rgerdes said. You'll find the older versions listed there as well now too.
  17. Hi all, I recently just made v2.66 of PTA available which fixes the urban night lighting tweak error. Please note: v2.66 is ONLY compatible with Prepar3D v4.5, use v2.65 for Prepar3D v4.4 You can find the download (and all previous versions) via your order page on the SimTweaks website. I will have some pretty major news regarding PTA & it's future in the coming weeks. P3D v4.5 brings a wealth of new things for us to utilize, that mixed with hiring a developer from the games industry that understands shader technology, let's just say that the future is very bright for PTA 🙂 Thanks, Matt.
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