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Everything posted by twharrell

  1. Richard, I hope you can get this sorted. I tried to recreate your issue on my end but the lights work fine at both KDEN and KIAD on my machine. If there is a Lockheed Martin P3D problem, I don't see it. I tried changing time of day, location, etc and my lights never change. It's a head - scratcher for sure. One extreme measure you can take is to do a fresh install of P3D in case there might be something else that is causing your issue. Cheers, Todd Calvin, Thanks for selflishly hijacking this thread. Your accusations and attacks are immature and quite pathetic and offered nothing of substance to this thread. Next time, start your own thread or better yet, say nothing, instead of injecting your slanderous garbage. I don't doubt your frustration but you need to grow up and better learn to deal with it. Todd
  2. RealNav is a sister company of Mindstar. So they did get back to you. Cheers, Todd
  3. Screenshots of the WIP VC renders and additional shots of the external model were posted on the ESDG forums a few weeks ago, just FYI. Now, back to our topic at hand...
  4. While this has me intrigued, I'm skeptical. Hopefully the correct FMC will be fully, or at least mostly, modelled.
  5. Unforunately, everything has tradeoffs. I personally use FTX Global + Vector + OpenLC (only EU is available now but North America will be next). FSGlobal mesh rounds it out nicely, but I only use mesh in the EU because I think P3D default mesh us actually pretty good in the U.S. The downside is there us no way to make it look 100% like the real thing. It's close. Megascenery PR looks pretty darn good in the pictures, as I am sure it does in sim. I just can't get past the fact you have no real autogen and everything is just flat and featureless the lower you fly. Also, you don't get seasons and often no night textures with PR. Once again, there are tradeoffs. What I would do is try a freeware photoreal like Tileproxy or Bluesky scenery and see if you like it. If not, then get FTX Global and build from there. Todd
  6. I'm using P3Dv2.2 and also use GSX. Do the lights stop working if you change location on the airport (e.g. reload at a different gate without changing time of day) or change aircraft? Todd
  7. I still can't believe his addons are freeware. Can't wait to take this bird out for some traps.
  8. Richard, I haven't seen any issues with the lights. Are you talking about the light splash on the aprons or the light burst effect around the light itself? Do you gave the problem with HDR, without HDR, or both settings? Also, did you download the separate P3D "patch" from the Flightbeam downloads section? Without that patch, you get some weird scenery issues. Todd
  9. I believe LM has discovered the issue and fixed it because in my test of v2.3, AI lights were quite noticeable compared to v2.2.
  10. Richard, I use P3D exclusively and have not had any issues with KDEN. This may be of no help but maybe try disabling your antivirus and redownload the installer. Todd
  11. I upgraded my GPU from a 660Ti to a 770 and there was noticeable improvement. Do that, then OC your 2500k to 4.5 and then you should be set (get a decent CPU cooler, though). Todd
  12. Corsair cases are nice. I love my mid-tower. Plenty of space. I will second the ASRock mobo. I have the Z77 Extreme4 (which I know is not the right socket for your needs), and it's a nice board for what you pay. The BIOS is also very user friendly. My only recommendation is to strongly consider P3Dv2 - you don't need a setup guide and 2 free days to install FSX. Todd
  13. While not exactly West Coast, Flightbeam's KDEN raises the bar on just about everything. Flightbeam is also working on KSFO v3, which will bring it up to KDEN standard. I second Latin VFR KSAN, and they are currently working on KSNA. Todd
  14. Looks like the new panels are now available for a $10 upgrade.
  15. I'd love to see a RealAir Cirrus Vision VLJ or a Cessna P210 Turbine (I believe it's called a Silver Eagle, if I'm not mistaken). Todd
  16. I know the Seneca was just released, but I'll be curious to know if anyone has successfully integrated the Mindstar units. If past history is any indicator, it'll be a no go, but I am hoping Carenado will finally see the light. I'm holding off on purchasing the Seneca until I know for sure. Todd
  17. The turbo sounds nice indeed. How well do the Mindstar GNS units interface with the Avidyne displays?
  18. It's not quiet in the Eaglesoft forums. Early VC renders of the XLS+ are posted. Cheers, Todd
  19. I would be interested if they did a C172 with G1000, and made it compatible with the Mindstar G1000. Todd
  20. I can get the units working in the A2A C172 VC but not in the VC of Real Air products. Unless Ed has found a way....
  21. Bill, you are the man! When will the panels be available? And when will the B55 be P3Dv2 compatible? Todd
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