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Everything posted by GrahamBu

  1. When you have that kind of money, just get both! I would...along with an amphib. Twin Otter to visit my private island! =D
  2. Just curious, if I install FSGRW's WX station file to test the program, will this screw up ASE when I use it?
  3. One thing I've never understood is why people will fork out tons of money for various addons--some of which get canned in a matter of weeks--yet refuse to purchase FSUIPC. It pays for itself many times over! I bought my FSUIPC 3 license for FS2004 back in 2005 for 20 euro and I still use it to this day! That's 2.5 euro per year!
  4. Van Nuys, TEB, PDK, DAL, PSP, MRY, FXE, OAK, SJC (with new taxiways and Signature when it's done. Plus the surrounding city and valley. Heck include RHV and PAO and make it a little South Bay regional pack along the lines of TNCM! B) ). Lord please give us some nice secondary/biz-jet and GA primary airports! lol enough with the boring tubeliner mega-airports!
  5. Five hours? I did not last five minutes! :blink:
  6. I guess it depends on the person. I don't even remember my first flight using voice--this was back in the SATCO days! Lol. I do know that flying online made the transition to real aviation radiotelephony extremely easy for me.
  7. After SCHOL intercept the SBY 200* radial and track inbound until intercepting J121 to SWL. Jeppesen has a fix you can use to put this in the FMC if you don't want to do it raw data or use another method with the FMC (I'm not familiar with the UNS) Enter SCHOL SBY28 SWL JIIMS2. If you want to visualize this look at the KISSR1 departure: http://www.fltplan.com/AwDisplayAppChart.exe?CRN10=1&CARRYUNAME=PILOT&DEPTARPT=KORF&ARRARPT=XPTG&TYPECHART=00291KISRR.PDF&END=END&WINDOW=YES
  8. G550, G650 In my dreams :( Hopefully a GLEX or GL5T since Bombardier appears to cooperate with developers.
  9. http://simaddons.com/pages/simaddons_preview_CYTZ.htm
  10. I've never heard a pilot complain on frequency about it, as said, this is normal at major airport. Anyways, the reason I brought this up in the first place is because I've had more problems with the autopilot intercepting approaches when flying slow (sluggish and meandering), versus going faster. I fly most approaches by hand anyways as this plane handles very well for a sim aircraft!
  11. It comes from my home airport where they usually vector you to intercept at 3000 which works out to meeting the glide path at ~9 miles. They will usually have you maintain 200 to the loc and then once they see you established, give 160-170 to a four mile final.
  12. I don't see any reason to be at Vapp in this aircraft when you intercept the glideslope unless you are intercepting really close in. The Citationair guidelines for a precision approach is for 160 (unless ATC directs otherwise) by the FAF, to be stable by 1000' above the TDZ at +/- 10 knots for the chosen landing flaps target airspeed (Vref+10 for flaps land), and be at Vref over the threshold. Now, I'm going to assume a Cessna subsidiary knows how to fly their own aircraft, and it all works quite nicely this way in your bird too, versus piddling away at 120ish 10 miles out. B)
  13. I never said anything about landing with flaps 5, barring them getting stuck there. I meant intercepting the localizer around 8-10 miles. Anything slower will annoy ATC if you're at a major airport where they often want you in the range of 180-160 to the marker. I've never had an unstable approach yet flying it this way and the plane handles much better. This is considering a vectored approach to a busier airport. If flying a full procedure in non-RADAR, or going to Aspen, yeah, slower early of course!
  14. I would also recommend flying faster. This plane handles better at 200-180 knots clean or flaps 5.
  15. I think we're more likely to see ******* come back!
  16. Lol yes, slow here too! Please bring it up to Ryanair taxi speed! :-P
  17. This kind of behavior seems pervasive in any forum I visit these days! Whether it's hockey, news, cars or airplanes...*shakes head*
  18. I remember when I used AS6 I had the problem of the winds aloft starting to reduce where they shouldn't have. I have a registered version of FSUIPC with wind smoothing set very slow, so it never caused any dramatic problems with the aircraft, it just screwed up my flight planning when I was planned with a large tailwind component! If this is the same issue, I can only suggest buying FSUIPC and trying that so you don't get the dramatic shifts. As in your case, the winds aloft would eventually come back only to repeat the cycle. I also found changing levels would initiate the winds to correct as you passed in to a new layer in the FD.
  19. Don's sceneries are very nice and you can't beat the price. Also there is oryxsim Castlegar (I think simaddons has YCG as well). Chilliwack ( mmmm pie) is also done by Oryxsim.
  20. FWIW I have seen this behavior too in FS9. It hasn't happened on my last few flights with SP4, so we will see if it occurs again. It is rather annoying to be on an approach in solid IMC and the next thing you know the airport is visible in front of you for a minute or so!
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