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Everything posted by KriVa

  1. Since the model is rendered exactly the same for everybody... Yes
  2. Since the rest of the model isn't actually rendered when you're in the VC.... No, this isn't possible.
  3. The P-8 was released as a freebie because PMDG had the model laying around. They made it for Boeing some years ago, and decided to throw it in as a little gift with SP1d. In short, there's no TACAN in the NGX, and I don't think there ever will be. PMDG has stated quite a few times that the military path is not one they're pursuing.
  4. Guys, as per the forum rules, you need to sign your posts (every post) with your full name. If you don't do this, I doubt many people will help you, and you even risk deletion of the post/topic.
  5. As far as I know, the base package needs to be updated before updating the expansions.
  6. Why would it NOT be a separate category? After all, it's not exactly a standard 737...
  7. Right, I forgot about that
  8. It's been confirmed quite a few times... Yes, they will make the -200ER. However, due to the busy schedule the past few weeks/months (thanks to the unannounced release of FSX:SE and some difficulties with P3D), it has not been a priority until at least now. I'm rather sure there is no more officially announced "secret project". The first one was the 747V2, the second one the DC-6B. Of course, they'll be working at some stuff behind the scenes, but no more secret projects were confirmed as far as I remember.
  9. Once again... No. Read the posts a few posts above yours, and specifically the opening post by Robert Randazzo. Also, very nice of you to try and start a troll, but the limited download policy has actually been lifted quite some time ago.
  10. Right here, in the PMDG General subforum. When Robert has news to share, it's in a stickied post at the top.
  11. Have a look in the AVSIM library, lots of good (and very good) painters upload their liveries there. One example would be Alex Farmer, who produces liveries at an astonishing rate, and an amazing level of detail. No, I'm not a shareholder of Goldstar Textures....
  12. Your loss... Trust me, I'm not saying that to be rude, at all! I have both ASN and Opus, and apart from checking out the updates from time to time, Opus doesn't even run on my sim anymore. ASN is just that much more immersive.
  13. The fact that they don't rattle once the engine spools up is not due to them heating up, but due to the centrifugal forces exhibited on them. They actually need to be rather loose, even when rotating. This comes from the fact that they pass through the resonant frequency when spooling up. If they were fixed to the engine, the engine would vibrate severely. A second reason why they are loose in the fitting, is because the rotor can balance itself out this way. (We're talking about tiny amounts of mass here). However, due them them being (somewhat) loose, they can vibrate in their fittings, causing the engine no harm. If the fan blades heat up enough to fill the gaps between blade and and disk, you've got bigger problems than them rattling. (Talking about fan blades here, not compressor or turbine blades, those do actually heat up and expand quite a bit, relatively speaking.) Oh, and also: Full names are required on the PMDG subforums, as per the forum rules.
  14. They actually are... If only slightly. The dovetail on the fanblade is ever so slightly smaller than the mounting it's fitted in. That's what produces the very characteristic rattling sound.
  15. Well, if they can sell a copy to every 757-moaner on the airliners.net forum, the should make a pretty penny. That's, if it ever comes out....
  16. That's not actually true. The standard detent for the gain knob is (or should be, it differs from aircraft to aircraft, even within the same model) a calibrated setting. Hence, with a little experience, a pilot can guesstimate the severity of the weather in front of him, not only by the colour of the returns, but also by the amount/spread/coverage/... You don't get "better" coverage when turning the gain knob up, you get amplified coverage. Those two are not the same.
  17. Hahahaha! *wipes tears away* quite the funny guy, you!
  18. Not sure about the 777, but as far as I know, there's no relation in terms of timing between the strobes and the beacon on the 737. I may be wrong, but I highly doubt it.
  19. Do the engines stop working completely (as in, now power at all, no more fuel injected into the combustor), or do they just spool down to idle? If it's the second... What is the "hardware A/T override" set to in your NGX?
  20. I may be wrong, since I don't use it, but isn't P3D DX11 compatible?
  21. The raked wingtip is in fact the most efficient of the lot. The only problem with putting them on civil aircraft, is that it would widen the wingspan to such a degree, that certain gates ( a lot of them, actually) and taxiways would no longer be able to accept those 737-800s. The average flight for a 737 is also short enough that the added benefit the raked wingtip gives, wouldn't offset the costs of extra gates and longer taxi routes. For the military, this doesn't matter, since they won't have their P-8s pull up into a gate at Heathrow, for instance.
  22. Reread the quoted post two posts above yours, and who actually made that quote....
  23. You don't need to take my word for it, though... http://forum.avsim.net/topic/463714-03mar15-pmdgs-first-product-for-xplane/?p=3192197 Also, I have never claimed the DC-6 wouldn't be a good add-on. It is, however, still a "light" product. This means that the actions you would take on a normal flight are all included in glorious amounts of detail. However, things like an extended failure model are indeed absent. Please, don't just assume things, read up on them before drawing conclusions.
  24. Don't forget... The DC-6 is not intended to be PMDG's best selling add-on ever. It's a sandbox, a test bench. If it sells in huge numbers, that'd be great. That's the reason it's not being developed with the same timeline as a high end add-on. For now, they're just testing the waters in XPX. I wouldn't be surprised if the GPS, and other modern stuff, was switchable, like a lot of customer options in the NGX and 777.
  25. Since the first announcement of the DC-6, they have been very upfront about it being a back burner. The add-on wouldn't get worked on, unless programmers had the time free (due to them not having duties for other, main, add-ons) to do so. With the DC-6 being the first release for XPX, my guess is they slightly changed the priority for the add-on. Apparently, a separate team was/is working on the XPX add-ons, that would of course explain quite a lot about why it's released for XPX first. As said, the DC-6 will be used in XPX to test the waters, functionality-wise. In principle, it's the same concept as they did with the JS41 when it was released. The JS41 was used as the stepping stone for the NGX and 777. In essence, this is not an add-on for which they expect a lot of sales, it's more like a test-bench.
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