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Don t moderate me this way

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Everything posted by Don t moderate me this way

  1. As I have never been able to find a P3D license that "suits my situation", I am happy to note that the reasonably priced FSX versions of the PMDG planes work just fine in FSX. :wink: I'm a very satisfied customer consumer indeed.
  2. CZST has an equally nice companion called CYBD, not too far away from Stewart. KEGE looks good on top of the MSE ultra-res Rocky Mountains scenery. (Guess you could just combine it with ORBX Global Base as well. )
  3. As noted by Klaus, the AS version is more automated than FS2Crew: For example, in the AS version you hear (your own/Captain's/PF's voice calling for) "gear up", but you can't actually trigger that call yourself - it's part of the AS code. In FS2Crew the timing is all yours. Also, FS2Crew provides voice and button control versions, while the AS code does not allow for voice interaction. (In FS2Crew, for example, you can instruct your F/O to set the autopilot/FCU for you - not exactly SOP, but a cool feature.)
  4. It's FSX-MS without an AI traffic manager. Did another test today with low-res textures and moderate graphics settings in the NGX: The fps killer still is the AI traffic. With AI traffic at 20%/20% frame rates fluctuated below 20 fps. Without AI traffic a steady 30 fps at the internal limit. VAS impact of the AI traffic seems a bit higher than I estimated yesterday: Could be some 220 MB. Was able to land the NGX at KLGA04 with just under 3.6 GB VAS (that was with AI traffic at 20/20). Reduced AI traffic could "buy" me some weather, addon airports, FS2Crew, flight time etc. with still some VAS margin left. So flights in the NGX can be enjoyable in this scenery, even more so with the AS A32x which has a lower VAS footprint. Have I mentioned already that the buildings and their rooftops are stunning, even with low-res textures and reduced graphics settings?
  5. Campaign Headquarters: (702) 992-0585 As per: http://robertrandazzo.com.s52464.gridserver.com/
  6. Can't confirm: A flight from KIAD to KLGA rwy04 in the NGX (no addon airports, no weather) ended up with 4.0 GB VAS usage. The effect of 20%/20% AI traffic may have been around 150 MB included in that figure. A moderate graphics profile and low-res textures for N.Y. No FS2Crew. On a (VAS-)lighter note: A flight in the feelThere ERJ along the River Visual RWY13 ended up with 3.6 GB VAS. Even with those lower graphics settings and the low-res textures the N.Y. buildings looked terrific.
  7. Moderate graphics settings this time, AI traffic 20/20%, NGX placed at rwy 22 at KLGA, first default VC view (CPT's seat/glareshield view) and just a little panning to the right to have the N.Y. skyline in view: Neither liked the VAS usage nor the fps. Just some more panning and/or panel opening and the VAS limit would have been reached. (And this did not even involve a flight into N.Y. yet.) N.Y. City textures were still low-res for all three install options.
  8. My findings in FSX-MS (many sliders way to the right): VAS close to 4 GB in the default trike with high-res textures as per the default installation (unusable with my preferred graphics options) VAS about 3.6 GB with all three low-res options in the installer ticked (OK-ish für default planes or the Dodosim helicopter) excellent frame rates with AI traffic off (both GA and commercial, fps close to my 30 fps limit) AI traffic at 20%/20% (MT6) basically kills my fps - that's the fault of the airspace, not of the DD scenery low buildings - as mentioned here already - are not lit at night, but the skyscrapers look very cool, even with the low-res textures installed So fps-wise this scenery really has become usable and enjoyable. VAS-wise I have to be very careful about the plane I pick and/or my graphics settings. Overall a considerable improvement. I refuse to pay for fixes, but the new buildings, bridges, and night textures come at a very reasonable upgrade price.
  9. Currently I am too busy testing the LVLD 757. Sorry to disappoint.
  10. From Robert's signature block: "*Please note that I am unable to read/respond to forum private messages from non-admins. If you are a user/customer and require my attention, please reach out via http://support.precisionmanuals.com and one of the tech will get back to you, or forward your item along to me as appropriate. Thank you for your understanding!"
  11. That's why PMDG don't release it just now. So we can all save for the undiscounted price a little bit longer.
  12. RealitySimScenery state that their product is daylight/summer season only, which is basically LimeSim's concept from their U.S. cities series. RSS' ground photoscenery has a significantly lower resolution than LimeSim's, but their custom buildings (not the autogen ones) are top-notch as a close look from a helicopter reveals. Overall I like LimeSim's cities more, but with the current dicount on RSS' Atlanta I can't complain.
  13. I agree that a lot of political discussion is required to learn about terrorism and its causes. AVSIM has decided that this site is not the place for that, and they have very good reasons for it. Frankly speaking, I am surprised that we have come so far and up this point in this thread. If you read through it again, you will see that a number of points and issues have been raised and those provide a good starting point for everyone interested to research, read and learn more on this topic. I would kindly ask my fellow forum members to leave it at that as far as the AVSIM site is concerned, and I would also kindly ask the AVSIM staff to lock this thread (if they think this is required), but also to be so kind not to hide it. Thank you very much.
  14. Your computer, including your flightsim, does not require a recovery. They will keep working just fine - except for the ORBX installations, which would have been removed. The OS reinstall is only required in case of a reinstall of the ORBX stuff - as their installers will again check for remaining traces of former illegal ORBX installations ("cracked versions"). ORBX may or may not have a "shortcut" for the reinstall of their products - probably nobody will find out about that before being caught and then legally purchasing the ORBX products in question and then contacting ORBX staff again.
  15. To elaborate on this: 32,658 people were killed by terrorism in 2014 compared to 18,111 in 2013: the largest increase ever recorded Boko Haram and ISIL were jointly responsible for 51% of all claimed global fatalities in 2014 Boko Haram has overtaken ISIL as world's deadliest terrorist group Countries suffering over 500 deaths increased by 120% to 11 countries 78% of all deaths and 57% of all attacks occurred in just five countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria Iraq continues to be the country most impacted by terrorism with 9,929 terrorist fatalities the highest ever recorded in a single country Nigeria experienced the largest increase in terrorist activity with 7,512 deaths in 2014, an increase of over 300% since 2013 From: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/2015-global-terrorism-index-deaths-from-terrorism-increased-80-last-year-to-the-highest-level-ever-global-economic-cost-of-terrorism-reached-all-time-high-at-us529-billion-550766811.html No offence intended, but we really have to show a lot more support and grief than we have done so far. Vive la humanité, vive la paix.
  16. While Pandora's box in fact seems to be open wide, here's some food for thought on the topic of cause and effect: https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/secret-pentagon-report-reveals-west-saw-isis-as-strategic-asset-b99ad7a29092
  17. Both ones are very well done. Orlando has quite a VAS footprint, though, which may need some VAS management. (Disabling unused photoscenery and stuff.)
  18. Chris, I was talking about the recent not-yet-P3D v3.0-ready versions 1.7 of NE, which had piled up at Aerosoft for release. (I don't have even the slightest clue about a v1.8 - care to elaborate, Chris? ). Either way, I was able to spend a ridiculously low amount of money on NE Poland just recently - cheaper, while not yet updated -, and it looks like I am going to make another bargain on NE Israel this month as well. (Prove me wrong if you can, Aerosoft ... :wink:)
  19. Hi Chris, has the release of further v1.70's been withdrawn in favo(u)r of the creation and release of v1.71 editions? (Put differently: Will Aerosoft become a bottleneck for all the updated editions for a 2nd time?) Thanks!
  20. That's rather discouraging as I was hoping to improve some 1x states by their 4x successors. Strangely, the ultra-res city of Boston is 4x as well, covers Massachussets almost completely, but has better watermasking and coastlines, IMO. If they can do better with the 4x cities, why haven't they done so with the 4x states?
  21. No, I haven't, David, but have you glanced through this discussion here already? http://www.avsim.com/topic/475457-new-mse-4x/
  22. How can anyone be negative about MV having a sale??? (So you would rather have none? :tongue:) I very much like their B732.
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