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Everything posted by killkenny1

  1. If those deflections are small, like you've said, it's okay.And yes it happened to me a few times.
  2. It's okay. Probably some wind heading adjustments.
  3. Adam, the topic name is "Takeoff performance calculation without Topcat".
  4. Isn't it *100ft? Because when planes land on the runway and I'm next to it I see numbers like 4; 3; etc.
  5. What Fabo said or run FSX as administrator. It works. When I load previous save it loads my plane just like I left it before saving, except airstars, they go back to closed position. Everything else stays though.
  6. Nope. No problemo.But it taxis kinda funny now. On the ground I need to add more throttle as before after SP1c. Probably just me...
  7. Write PMDG support. They will provide a DL link for you.
  8. And just in time my printer decided to screw with me... I had a free day today, so I fired the printer up to print this baby, but never ended. It all began OK, but halfway to the goal it began to chew paper. After trying for 3h to print out I never finished printing it and I gave up... Oh well, will have to do this one after the exams...
  9. Well, I think someone could upload it somewhere, like Skydrive or something. Dunno if it's gonna be OK with Ryan though...
  10. Wow, the whole 700MB!!! That's like a lot.*sarcasm mode off*There are a lot of online services which sell digital media, like games, i.e. Steam, GamersGate, GOG, etc., which provide you with unlimited time to download your purchases. And those DLs are way larger than measly 700MB.Yes your revenue is way lesser than Steam or whatever has, but also you have less users, meaning less downloads.Still, thanks at least for customer support thingy, there you can receive a new DL for limited time. But 48h wait time... I imagine how I would be freaked out if I would be about to install a NGX on freshly installed FSX just to find out that I have to wait at least 48h to DL it again (I didn't knew about that 7 day thingy when I bought NGX, it's great that I thought to DL it after the purchase :D). Hello Pirate Bay :D!And yes, a lot of people will say that 5$ isn't much, but hey, that's how money are get :D.If you can't afford server cost, when you should think about P2P or something.
  11. I imagine how your F5 key looks after all this time :D.
  12. Could I by any chance watch a full version somewhere? Or it was all?
  13. You can see the predicted time when you're gonna reach each waypoint. That should solve your alarm problem :D.
  14. Nah, I finally got a hang of it. That yoke mod had me stressed a bit, but I finally got used to it :D. Thanks for advice though.
  15. I always sit sit in captains sit and rarely change the view to something else. After take off I usually hand fly to 5-10k feet, sometimes even higher, and then turn on the A/P. After that I usually keep a steady eye on for a plane climbs and when it enters cruise mode I would solve some Sudoku puzzles, read a book, listen to some music (rarely) and that's pretty much it. When it reaches the point where the plane should begin to descent, I again keep a steady eye on it and regain full control before final approach.My captains camera is positioned so that I could see all PFD+ND are visible.
  16. Sorry, got it confused with Ground X Traffic.
  17. Do you mean open/close windows in cockpit? iFly 737 has that function :D. It's a cool lil' gimmick, but useless :D.BTW is that GTX?
  18. What I've learned from flight simming forums is that the local public is by far the worst there is. Knob looks weird, window is too small, the plane doesn't perform as it should, blah, blah, blah. You do a great job here, as a customer I personally really appreciate what you do. So does a bunch of other people. Carry on the good work. And as usual, thanks for the heads up :( .
  19. Is there a way to add a brake sound? That's actually the only thing that is missing for me :D.
  20. EFHK. Today gonna be flying it back to EVRA.
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